Homeowners Associations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2023-04-09
John Oliver discusses homeowners associations, the surprising power they have, and how to tell if a tree is “tree-shaped.”

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All Comments (21)
  • @someguy4911
    I remember reading a story a few years ago where a guy had a house out in the country. Soon a developer came in and built a HOA community around his house. His house was legally excluded from the HOA as it was not part of the development, but still in the neighborhood. On the back of his house, he had a huge deck. The HOA started harassing him about the deck saying it did not meet the rules and needed to be removed. He kept telling the them his house was not part of the HOA. Then one day he came home and his deck was gone. The HOA sent in contractors to remove it. He sued them and won. The court made the HOA rebuild his huge deck. That ended up bankrupting the HOA. Man, I wish I could buy that guy a beer!
  • Seeing this from the Netherlands, where HOAs only exist for apartments, and have nowhere near these powers, it's obvious that 'freedom' in the US is primarily for corporations, not individuals.
  • Our HOA hated us cause we were a mixed family. One time, they kept sending people to steal the number off of our house and then fine us for our house number not being clearly marked. Every time we replaced it, it went missing again the next night. So my dad superglued it to the house. We then received a fine for superglueing our house number to which my dad said 'How did you know it was superglued if you weren't the ones removing it?' they stopped and dropped the fines.
  • @emeraldaly7646
    I was born in 1986 and John's assessment of my ability to own a home is very flattering.
  • @KeegoTheWise
    i’m an incredibly non-violent person, but if an HOA secretly bought my house a year before evicting me for less than a Happy Meal i’d be catching multiple life sentences
  • My grandfather lived in a neighborhood with an HOA. After a lengthy battle over a flagpole that was 1 ft too tall he went around to each of the board members houses at night and burned their lawns with fertilizer. He then reported them to their own boary that they weren't following HOA rules to keep grass at acceptable length. They didn't have any grass at all as the fertilizer burned it to death 😂 Gramps was a legend.
  • @patriciahitt1445
    My friend owned a condo. The HOA sent a paper to go in and redo her patio on the second floor while she was on vacation. They put the planters up on the railing. She was gone for a month. The papers didn't take down the planters and she started being get fines for the planters. It was the HOA people that put the planters up there.
  • @Zenc0meseasy
    HOAs sound like the neighborhood equivalent of the Stanford prison experiment.
  • @laalaa99stl
    The fact that HOAs can perfectly, legally bypass even SCOTUS rulings on desegregation is some truly dystopian BS.
  • @jadeykg123
    A few home owners in my dads neighborhood tried to start an HOA a few years ago. They had a meeting to vote if it should be put in place and only two people voted for it. Those people were then ostracized to the point they sold their homes and moved. Truly the best outcome imo
  • @pineapples8503
    if i got evicted like that you better believe i'd be pouring concrete down all the drains
  • @MusicJokeHere
    I used to live in a condo building where the new HOA tried to bribe us into reporting people who got new pets. I was renting but a lot of my neighbors owned their condos. Four of them got dogs and no one said a word. We all hated the HOA. And yes it was run by a management company and no one in the building was involved.
  • @TheRevies
    HOAs are basically an answer to the question “what if Karens formed a union?”
  • What confuses the hell out of me is that the people who are so damn adamant about not being told what to do by a government aren't doing a damn thing about this.
  • @patflynn2379
    I bought a condo when I was 25 in 2007. I thought I was doing the responsible thing. I had a good career, making good money. 6 months later, the housing market collapsed and I was $100k underwater. At the same time, the HOA did a special assessment for renovations on the whole complex and said my share was $26k. When I said I couldn't pay, the HOA asked if I could get a home equity loan which I, of course, could not. So the HOA put a lien on my property and threatened to foreclose. I couldn't refinance because of the lien and I couldn't pay the lien because I couldn't refinance. The HOA eventually did foreclose and I had to declare bankruptcy. The HOA ruined my life. I was seriously contemplating ending my life. Things are much better now but I had to start my whole life over from scratch. Buying a house was the worst decision I ever made in my life.
  • @Deathshack
    I own a condo and my HOA failed to keep up with maintenance and inspection of the building and now they took out a loan so our payments went from 500 to 1,250 and we are all selling our condos because why should we have to pay for a loan we never took out lol. Never buy a property with a HOA its a nightmare!
  • @souleaterX296
    As someone who is indeed under 35, I can confirm the chuck e cheese site does not disappoint. This right here is why I enjoy this show
  • @TheOneWhoMightBe
    If a HOA foreclosed on my house for $4, I think the HOA Presidents house would mysteriously burn to the ground shortly afterwards.
  • @carlablair9898
    My son lived in an HOA when he lived in Texas. He built a nice little storage shed in his fenced back yard and was made to move it because it was too tall. By a few inches. He eventually came to his senses and moved back to South Carolina and he is nowhere near an HOA. Some people, when they get a little authority, just go completely nuts. Crazy.
  • @-erm2918
    My first experience with HOAs was in the 80s, in ARIZONA. They had a rule that you couldn't hang your laundry out to dry, in ARIZONA, SO FOR FIVE MINUTES. They had others that were also ridiculous, I told my husband there is no way I would ever live somewhere with an HOA, and I haven't. Such horror stories.