I'm Tired | Spider-Man Short

Published 2022-11-02
During Spider-Man's first run in with Morlun - he got TRASHED.

I'm talking teeth knocked out, nose broken, costume torn to shreds.

And this is the culmination of his desperation during that fight, wondering if he could just... Run away and let it be some other hero's responsibility.

I loved voicing Peter's tired pleading with himself and his own morals during this scene, and once again it's another JMS moment that will always stick with me as one of spidey's defining scenes.

You NEED to read the JMS Amazing Spider-Man run. It's that good.

Now in short form!

All Comments (21)
  • @chriss.249
    U know what makes this a dick move? Morlun can literally track peter after hitting him. Morlun killing ppl to lure Pete out is just peak asshole-ery☠
  • @MetroXLR99
    Spidey's inner monologue reminds me of something similar from Batman Beyond: Terry: "Can't I take ONE night off?! One night isn't going to matter." Bruce: "One night ALWAYS matters." Spider-Man is similar. He would want nothing more than to just stop, and take a day off. But he can't stop. He can't ignore danger and walk away from it. ...not after what happened the last time he did that.
  • @TheUnMaka
    Ghost Rider pulling up: Yo, looking a little tired. Need me to handle this?
  • @Friv-ob8qg
    Pete's one of those rare characters with an unbreakable spirit that's believable. Like, he's so close to buckling under the weight of it all but by God, he refuses to go down. Genuinely inspiring.
  • @ShineDark
    The fact that Peter was able to keep up this fight for as long as he could is just another example of his amazing superhuman physiology.
  • This first morlun battle haunted me as a kid. This was the first time I saw Spidey being essentially a horror movie victim. And as he got more and more battered, the more scary things got. This was almost spidey's doomsday event.
  • @cszabo666
    They always ask: Who is Spider-Man? But never ask: How is Spider-Man?
  • This is what true stregnth is about. When you truly have worthy stregnth you will constantly be pushed through tests. Youre worthy of passing the tests, yes you will have the powerr to overcome. Its just your willpower and confidence thatll get in the way. Basic human needs will become mere strategy instead of comfort.
  • @m.mulder8864
    Dude, Pete, my guy. Doctor Strange lives two blocks over. Matt is down the street. Heroes for hire is right next to you. You've got Johnny Storm, Deadpool, and Wolverine on speed dial.
  • One of the many reasons that Spidey is my favorite. He is well beyond exhaustion, and he refuses to give up.
  • @MrOnepiece14
    JMS made Morlun a natural event of a threat to Peter. The equivalent of a vicious tornado. Then Slott came along and made Morlun one-of-several, a shallow vampire themed circus joke.
  • @AzureRadio
    Pretty sure this is when Spidey nearly kills civilians because he is in such a terrible mental state. It might be the same issue that Deadpool helps him and swaps suits with him. He then takes out Chameleon and takes on the burden for Spidey. Deadpool also talks him down and reminds him of his morals, it really showed how close Spidey and Deadpool were. Deadpool might be an anithero, but he was a wonderful person and understood how important morals were, even if he didn't have them.
  • God, the acting is so good. You can hear the exhaustion, the desperation to just go home and sleep. This is professional level voice acting.
  • The embodiment of “with great power, comes great responsibility”
  • Every super heroes from marvel when spiderman is getting beaten "I am out of this world."