Old School Runescape by AColdOne in 29:35 - Summer Games Done Quick 2024

Published 2024-07-03
Runner introduction starts at 0:00
Run starts at 1:52
Commentary is provided by 1davidj, keizaron and shenanagans_
Argick is host

This speedrun was recorded during Summer Games Done Quick 2024, a week long charity speedrun marathon raising money for Doctors Without Borders. Summer Games Done Quick 2024 is just one of the many charity marathons organized by Games Done Quick. For more information on Summer Games Done Quick 2024, find us at: gamesdonequick.com/

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All Comments (21)
  • @VtheVictim
    Awesome to see OSRS included in a GDQ, and a great job by A Cold One on the run and everyone involved on the commentary!
  • @xPhireLight
    the community crashing the couch at crabs and doing a watch party shows a lot about the osrs community, what an awesome segment, and well done cold!
  • @cynosure516
    AFKing combats even while live on the GDQ couch to ensure there is no exp waste is a certified osrs gamer moment
  • @milddivine146
    Acoldone passes the vibe check. Very professional and good vibes boys, made the community look GOOD!
  • That’s so nice of will. Coldone has helped coached him many times, good of him to give back to big bro
  • 21:57 is peak osrs trolling lmao ColdOne is next level. Tick perfect music manipulation to play Amascut's Promise at Olm 😂😂
  • Pretty much everything you could hope for in a marathon setting, loved it. Though maybe with the exception of crab room. It really do happen to the best of us.
  • @Draenal
    Could definitely see OSRS becoming a GDQ staple. An incredibly talented community of players and basically infinite content to showcase.
  • @thisnotdog
    i couldn't imagine clicking this well on a stage while also providing top-tier commentary
  • @SockLove
    Beautifully done, thanks for showcasing Runescape to the masses and the potencial the game as in terms of speedrunning
  • @DiscipleGames
    Since they didn’t have time to cover it, if anyone is curious about the context of this speedrun: Oldschool RuneScape is an MMORPG, which doesn’t really make for a speedrun, but this is a specific raid within the game. The runner is using a pre-made character (these take hundreds/thousands of hours to level) and optimized gear (except for the donation incentive, mole slippers). The raid is designed for multiple players to complete it, but RuneScape players would never pass up an opportunity to make something harder in order to play alone. Soloing the raid is hard, but learnable by pretty much any player who dedicates time to it. He’s doing a special “Challenge Mode” version of the raid that is harder than standard raids and includes every single room in a set order (standard CoX raids are usually randomly generated using a few of the possible rooms) Since players have to complete these raids thousands of times to achieve end game goals, they optimize for speed for more kills/hr. Some players go beyond just trying to efficiently clear raids and speedrun for a PB or WR, which means optimizing for speed (not necessarily efficiency or repeatability) and resetting attempts, like other speedruns. Just wanted to explain a bit for people who aren’t as familiar with the game and don’t know how an MMORPG could be speedrun! If you want to see someone speedrun the entire game (leveling to max), check out He Box Jonge here on youtube
  • @EwokPanda
    If OSRS gets the pleasure of getting featured again in a GDQ, it would be great to spend a bit more of the prep/downtime explaining things like the tick system and common game systems that make OSRS such a unique game.
  • @Haveaclue
    Never heard of these events. Awesome job by a cold one. Based on the views on this video compared to others it looks like this osrs is clearly thriving! Lets goooooooo
  • @DJmetro1994
    What OSRS has managed to become while RuneScape 3 is slowly dying is quite amazing.
  • @Hieb
    Cold is the perfect runner for this, look how clean the game and his client looks. Near zero plugins. This is how the game needs to present itself to look appealing to the outside.
  • @AlonescapeRS
    Was so hyped to hear this was going down , you're a legend Acoldone!