Harry Wass on Hurdy Gurdy

Published 2014-04-26
I've fallen in love with some of these instruments, they have so many interesting properties, it was amazing to see one in real-life!

(more details about Harry Wass and about the Hurdy Gurdy below (press "Show more").

Harry Wass makes his own medieval instruments!
[email protected]
I took this video of him at Salamanca Marked, in Hobart, which is in Tasmania, Australia. I'm posting it with his kind permission - he even sent me some details:
"The two short tunes are original pieces written by me the first being called Gumbo the second tune is the faster part that I go into it's called Crossover."

The Hurdy Gurdy is even more amazing than it looks. Keep reading, srsly:

The rhythmic buzzing you hear is part of the music, controlled by the speed of turning, you can see him adjusting the tension on it at the 18-second mark.

Many people associate it with bagpipes because it has a drone (the constant base noise). Many instruments have had a drone, but the bagpipes are the only common instrument left with one. It's sometimes used as a stand-in for bagpipes!
He lifts one of the drone strings, checks the tuning of the other, and returns the first drone again at the 25-second mark.

The keys even have a little bit of travel, so you can not-only hit a note, but you can also pitch-bend it a little, giving the hurdy gurdy extra expressiveness.
It's an amazing invention
and it has a history dating back to around the start of the 11th century. It's somewhere around 900 years old! Srsly!!

All Comments (21)
  • @pinkyman5155
    The little boy is going to be a Gurdy man when he grows up .
  • @stephenduffy562
    That kid in the background is clearly transfixed and has more appreciation and patience  than the adult looking after him !
  • @thomasarezzo558
    That kid in the background just got in touch with something extraordinary.
  • @Lousidity
    I know what my next Bard's instrument is...
  • @-whiskey-4134
    I need this guy to just follow me around all day playing. Mundane tasks and errands would feel like some epic journey haha
  • @XyphileousLF
    God damn the tempo, makes the drone sound so good. This makes me think of a cavalry battle.
  • It´s like a violin and a bagpipe at the same time!!! god!! It´s fucking awesome!!!
  • @BoarLord
    This instrument kind of feels like the stringed equivalent of a DJ’s table with the variety of sounds it can produce and weave into the music
  • @jaredflynn3750
    Looks like he's about to go take care of the vampire problem lmao I don't know why but he gives me mad Helsing vibes
  • @chopin65
    He is like a traveling magician. He possessed my soul with that box!
  • @TabletopShane
    I saw this video over 2 years ago and it was my first experience with a hurdy gurdy. I'm now 7 months into lessons and my 2nd gurdy is being built 😝. I love coming back to this video and hearing what sparked my interest
  • I think the kid in the background made his decision to become a pirate in the future.
  • @madsli
    The kid is somewhere at least around 4 and this was in 2014, that would mean he would be 10 at 2020, lets hope he grew up to become a hurdy gurdy man.
  • @DBoone123
    This makes me feel like I’m about to go on a secret mission during the revolutionary war with a musket
  • @Hellscream420
    the little boy with the lifevest never took his eyes away, i dont even think he blinked
  • @richardrose7382
    I got a kick out of the kid in the yellow vest in the background....another convert is made! Welcome to the Dark Side, kid. LOL
  • @carcasses5131
    All the while I'm hearing the clink coins against each other, likely a mark of success for a minstrel