I’ll Knit If I Want To: Episode 145

Published 2023-12-15
Welcome to I’ll Knit (& Spin!) If I want To! I asked y’all to send in some of your questions (from everything from fiber arts, to designing and on!) so I could put together a little video for y’all every Friday doing my best to answer your questions!

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In this week’s episode we cover:

1. Hi Andrea! a few days ago I washed some socks in the washing machine but accidently used the wrong cycle :(( most of them slightly felted but are still good enough, except of a pair of newly finished 3 colors colorwork socks, that I can no longer fit over my heel. Is there anythingI can do? Or is this pair doomed and I just have to find a friend with a smaller foot size and gift them the socks?

2. You mentioned that you spun three braids of fiber together - how did you do that? Like how did you split the roving? Was it multicolored roving? Did you spin three singles and then ply or it is two-ply? We need the deets!!

Fiber shown from Wee Chickadee: www.etsy.com/shop/WeeChickadeeWoolCo

3. Hi Andrea, I absolutely love your new Traveler shawl!!!! When I first saw it, I immediately wanted to cast it on with one of my handspun but I quickly realized that it's not the right gauge. :( I have 860 yards for 150 so a lightweight fingering to a lace. Do you think it could work if I hold it double with a mohair or a sury or would it still be too light? Thank you for answering and for your lovely podcast.

4. Hi Andrea, so impressed that you walk and knit that I have started doing the same. I’ve had to train my dog to walk along side me off leash so I don’t have that distraction and have been having a blast! So thanks for that inspiration. My question is, “what material have you used for the pinup board on the wall behind you?” I think it is important for the design process to have things out to look at for future projects as your brain works on them while were doing other things and it helps the morphing process into an idea or project.

5. HI have a question about blocking and yarn content. I knitted a sweater out of nightshades by Harrisville Designs, which is a cormo and wool blend. The color is gorgeous and it knitted up pretty well, but the fabric created is pretty rough. I haven't blocked it yet as I haven't worked with this particular blend before, and wonder if I should use cold water, warm water, steam (?). There are only a handful of reviews of this yarn on Ravelry and a few mention that the yarn is very soft, so I'm very confused, but hoping that the yarn will soften after a proper blocking (whatever that method is). What would you suggest here?

100 Days of Spindle Spinning Challenge
Instagram: #100daysofspindlespinning
Ravelry: www.ravelry.com/discuss/dreareneeknits/4286999

I’m wearing the Gib I:


With the Harlow hat:


And The Traveler Shawl:



Instafriends KAL 2023: Instagram - #InstaFriendsKAL2023 & link: www.instagram.com/explore/tags/instafriendskal2023…

Ask a question for next week’s Q&A: forms.gle/pKM9gF9SixkdQwmS7

All Comments (21)
  • @pial7805
    Faded version of The Traveler Shawl… this got me thinking. 💡 I could use fingering weight doubled and I have the perfect fade already in my stash. If someone would just finish my other WIPs so I could get started right away. 😅
  • @jessiebird802
    On the issue of wool "softness": I have started thinking that there is a different between "rough" wool and "itchy" wool. I think of rough wools as more rustic and sturdy than, say, merino, but not necessarily irritating. An analogy would be maybe denim as a fabric: new denim is stiff, but it's not itchy. I love my sturdy handspun sweaters (mostly Romney) and can wear them next to my skin, but I would not consider them "soft." And I have sensitive skin. What do you think?
  • @UVEyal
    Hi! I'm the one from the first question (about felting socks). If anyone is here for the same reason, I ended up cutting the sock right above the heel - used the leg portion to make some fingerless mitts, and the bottom part does fit me so I just added a rib and got some fun shorties. overall, success!
  • @Seppsarah
    I recently learned a great tip for felted knits! You just put quite a bit of hair conditioner in water and let your knits soak it all in. than take it out as you would block it, but- gently- pull it in the old shape. I tried it and it worked quite good. The garment I unfortunately felted, isn't exactly the same, but fits again. yay!
  • @katlady1019
    My hubby washes all his handknit socks in the washing machine and lays flat to dry. No felting problems!
  • @annakp9739
    Thank you for yet another great design, Andrea ❤ I find that I can knit literally every single one of your designs, I absolutely adore your style! I have just received the mohair that I will add to my traveller shawl and I can’t wait to cast it on! An interesting fact- my very first ever knit shawl was the Thaliah shawl which I now use daily while working by the computer. It sits perfectly on my shoulders and keeps me warm and stylish on all the zoom calls 🤭 Today’s question about machine washing hand knit socks reminded me of a very interesting Norwegian sock yarn. It’s called Vandre from Rauma Garn and it’s 100% non-superwash sock yarn. On the label, it says that before using the socks made from this yarn, they should be first machine washed at 40 degrees Celsius with full spin. This makes the wool even more durable and interestingly enough not felted! The yarn has 50% of wool with super long fibres and washing them at a high temperature makes the fibres more dirt and damage resistant. Just a fun fact for all the sock lovers 😊
  • @lizzieholland
    The passioknitspinner here on yt was the first peraon I ever knew to do a combo spin, years and years ago, and she has some really great videos on how to go about tackling it. Her combo spins are amazing!
  • @hollybellknits
    Thank you so much for the demonstrations on how to wear shawls. SO helpful!
  • @katlady1019
    If you like to combo spin you might want to try combo drafting! I combo drafted two complimentary braids together for a Weekender and it’s one of my favorite yarns ever!
  • @hebulanebula
    Those braids of fiber are so Gorgeous 😮🥰 LOVE the colors . Anxious to see what you do with them ☮️
  • @tfeinberg8431
    Harrisville Designs Nightshades is a great yarn and definitely softens up with blocking! One of my favorite go to sweaters is knit with this yarn in the color last call.
  • @KKnits
    Sometimes a soak in salt water helps loosen the felting, on slightly felted but colourwork has all the strands behind the knitted surface that are carried, so they really felt into the knitting. Sometimes you can cut the tight strands if that is what shrunk, but haven’t felted to the knitted surface, then just stitch them down so the don’t flap in the sock, and that is enough to use the socks again.
  • My relative washed one of my hamdknit sweaters, and it came out toddler sized But you know what. I threw it into a bath of water and I stretched it like I've never stretched anything before and I cannot believe it myself, but I wear that sweater to this day and I ACTUALLY LIKE IT MORE Throw those socks in a tub of water and stretch the hell out of them. You*might* be able to save them I'm not sure because they're smaller circumference but I do believe in you!
  • @wool_mage
    A. B. 3. 😂 I love when this happens
  • @tarrahpatch4077
    Can’t wait to try the shawls. Oh the yarn choices is so exciting ❤
  • @barbhelpin2775
    I have to tell you that I've knitted many of your sweaters and shawls (I am obsessed with your patterns!) and seeing you wear the Gib warms my heart. It is my most favorite handknit and my constant go to. I knit it in BT Imbue Boro and I think I have to knit another, my first repeat! Thanks for all of your inspiration, guidance, and sweetness!
  • @lindas5964
    LVR the episode on color and spinning. Just started spinning (on spindle) and boy is that a rabbit hole with potential epic proportions!
  • cut those felted colorwork socks and sew them into a sweet little zipper project pouch lined with adorable quilt cotton fabric!
  • I love wearing my Gib - just a nice cosy sweat-shirty sweater that is so comfy. I finished it about a month or so ago, and have been wearing it several times a week! Thanks again for the lovely pattern.