Beginner's Guide To The Linux Terminal

Published 2021-01-13
I've been receiving a lot of questions from new Linux users that want to learn the terminal and the command line. One viewer recently asked me if there was one video of mine that he could watch to learn this stuff. And I don't really have a video that is comprehensive and that is aimed for absolute beginner's to the terminal. So I'm making that video now...

β–Ί - Bash Manual

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All Comments (21)
  • @dam0ne
    Table of contents: 0:58 Opening the terminal 1:20 Zooming on the terminal 2:00 Print working directory - pwd 2:34 Change directory - cd 4:18 Clearing the screen - clear / Control+l 4:45 List contents of directories - ls 7:12 Manual pages - man 8:07 Creating files - touch 9:30 Showing file contents - cat 9:49 Creating directories - mkdir 10:23 Moving files - mv 11:36 Copying files - cp 12:14 Removing files - rm 13:05 Removing directories - rmdir 13:30 Removing not empty directories - rm -rf 15:06 Finding program binaries - which / whereis 16:29 Finding files in filesystem - locate / mlocate / find 17:54 Printing text - echo 19:21 Printing text - printf 21:26 Cat from the top of a file - less 22:00 Finding strings of text in a file - grep 22:50 Piping program outputs - | 23:19 Find and replace strings - sed 25:38 Printing first or last lines of a file - head / tail 26:54 File permissions - chmod 29:50 Console command history - history 30:43 Repeat last command - !! 31:56 Closing programs - kill / killall / xkill 33:20 Closing programs - htop 34:22 Testing connection - ping 35:11 Downloading things - wget 35:51 Getting the date - date 36:18 Calendar - cal 36:23 Calculator - bc 36:56 Configuring shell aliases - .bashrc editing 38:21 Updating Debian-based systems - apt update && apt upgrade
  • Do I already know how to use the terminal? Yes. Am I still going to watch the video? Yes.
  • this 42 min long video is literally worth a 4 hours lecture at the university, great delivery, simple and straight to the point. you earned a sub, keep the good work !
  • Those chips were just teasing me the whole time! I'm ready for the party size!
  • This is by far the quickest and most useful terminal tutorial I have ever seen. Densely packed with all the info you need to get started dicking around in the weird world of computers that act like actual computers.
  • @irascib1e
    my favorite unintentional ASMR video. Linux tips are good too
  • @BrewmasterN8
    Im new! I am still learning but I have to say, if anyone else is learning alone like i am, then pit your frustrations to the side and keep trying. it is tough but you will get better at it before you even realize it. πŸ˜‚ one day you will be watching a video like this and realize you need to fast forward because you know this stuff. 😎 I can navigate linux but not confidently,. I still cant really manipulate it very well. ..Took me many hours to finally get my external network adapter and Bluetooth mouse installed. I wasted a lot of time taking chillaxin breaks πŸ˜… I probably already forgot how i did it. Videos like these are very helpful though and I am always searching for more. Thnak you
  • @yaneve_t
    I like the green raining 0 and 1 on the screen at the back
  • @2009researcher
    I applaud channels like this. Here's why. These resources are introducing people to our other options. I converted my computers to Linux a while back. I have no regrets at all. I got tired of questionable operating system behavior which included ads and popups. Since I put Linux MX on some machines and Linux Zorin on others, I'm experiencing nice tight operating systems that 'I' can trust. No ads. No popups. No operating system stubbornness. It just works! In my case, I had another observation. The amount of time I'd observe how often my hard drive and internet lights would be working when nobody is using the machines. With Linux I don't see this activity with these lights. An occasional flicker or two, but no 10 minute sessions of watching these lights showing activity. I'm fond of Linux MX because it lets you change the OS system Icon images. I put my business logo on the start button. I'm a very happy Linux user. Very happy. πŸ‘
  • @joshstrawder
    I’ve learned more about using Linux from this channel than I have about just customizing Linux...
  • @MRC_MRC
    you're an amazing teacher, in a first 4 minutes I learned more that other 20 minutes videos
  • @lumar5233
    I use LinuxMint 20.1 XFCE and the terminal app that came with Linux on my old Toshiba. To increase the text size on my terminal, I had to press the CTRL key and the SHIFT key together and tap the + key. When I pressed only the CTRL key and tapped the + key, the = sign would show on the command line. Using only the CTRL key and tapping the minus key, the text would become smaller. I am using a Toshiba Satellite C55-B5250, bought around 2015. Thanks for the easy to follow terminal video. :
  • @akirubamiru6700
    Derek that a great video not for beginner but also good for revision although could you do stamps times? Thank you Derek!
  • @synen
    Is DT the best Linux youtuber out there? Been watching him for months and the amount of gems he has over the years is insane !
  • DT you are the best Linux teacher I could ever ask for. This is such a helpful guide to the Linux terminal and you go at a really good pace. You explain things in a very clear way and I find this tutorial very easy to follow. Keep up the amazing work!
  • @abdourahman87
    I absolutely recommend anyone new top linux to watch this video.Its covers most of if not all the basic commands of the terminal Thanks DT☺
  • Run "man intro", it's a great intro (obviously) to using the Terminal. "info" is good on systems that support it but a bit harder to move around navigate. "man man" is another good place to start, and then from there "man command" (insert any command to learn about). Also "cd --help" or "command --help" is a good cheat sheet. depending your shell (most often bash), "man bash" will get more in depth. "man zsh" would be for the ZSH shell. If you want a bonus to take things to the next next level. Full screen your terminal, get rid of any menu bars or scrollbars, and then run "byobu" to get a terminal multiplexer (window manager) to split the terminal, have multiple tabs, print system info on status bar, pretty much a terminal based GUI so you aren't stuck in a single shell and can start multitasking similar to having multiple GUI windows open but way more efficient and hacker--ish haha.