7 Low Elo Mistakes You're STILL Making!

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コメント (21)
  • i think my problem is inconsistency, one game I'm head Tappin everyone and people say I'm a Smurf, and one game I'm plastic 1
  • For the second point: sometimes it is actually better to just mute everyone and play your game, in the end you can only control yourself, so not focusing too much about anyone else can be beneficial
  • @Aman-wn6gf
    I don't like to think I am hardsuck, I like to think I am Iron King
  • Here’s my thing with death match: I can do fine and get 2-30 kills consistently, but that’s because the only things I have to focus on are aiming. I don’t really have to worry about. I don’t have to be concerned about people rotating or where my team is, I don’t have to worry about my teammates getting swarmed or trying to figure out where my enemy is and is going to be, I just have to wait until my enemy is on my screen and win what is always a 1v1. When all that other stuff enters the picture the small detail of aiming head and not body or crouching after engaging to avoid a headshot dosent cross my mind.
  • @bajla99
    That plat-diamond game .... that is not the plat lobby that I'm used to nowadays .. I think that's not a fair comparison
  • @bajla99
    Also .. great, u tell some ppl these things and they MIGHT adjust their gameplay according to this ... but honestly .. avg plat lobbies are like .. "IDC, I do what i want" .. If you try to educate somebody he will be like "don't tell me what to do, you are stupid and you are below me on the scoreboard"
  • @CcC-nx3rw
    I feel like my main issue is the lack of replay/deathcams. I can't see how easy of a target certain peaks make me, I don't know if the guy that just came running in my screen and one tapped me was just better or if it was just me lagging (i play on a very unstable connection with random ping spikes) I feel like i learn way less from failure in Valorant than in other titles i played before.
  • when i play sentinel, duelists dont entry when i play duelists, they dont entry with me sooo
  • @Pischi
    It's very amazing, how Kadye improved her Skills by the Time!
  • Im a pretty decent player, I have noticed my gameplay and I dont see me do any of these mistakes, I was communcating with my team and our jett said ''Im gonna mute you for now'' (not in a toxic way) just because i was giving info
  • So the thing i feel about death match is if you’re only focused on the gunplay aspect right won’t it not necessarily transfer over to actual ranked because of the mental stack of all the abilities and like main objective ? i’m just wondering
  • @kRiSpy1409
    I don't even know how inconsistent I am but im games with high plat low diamond, I top frag.. and the game after, low plat high gold, I go mid to bottom frag.. its like smurfs get into games when I am having a good aim day and it ruins it... I'm no where near playing as serious as high elo but play mid most of the time... I just want to play and have fun and in that sense I can drop an inconsistent 30 frags 🤣
  • I feel like a tactician, trying to come up with strat for the whole team when i die and observe the enemy movement and my team's tempo. In some match, they follow my plan, sometimes they don't. I don't give time for the not listening guys and come up with a plan for those who listen to my plans and give suggestions at the startup time. Sometimes the enemies know what we are planning for some reasons and feel like lose although the plans change. Every match is different and sometimes it is easy to crush smurfs and the game decided to pair me with rank boosting players -_-
  • I can't hit a moving target at all. It really sucks! Also, I'm a Jett main, but I suck at entry. I really want a group I can do custom games with while they teach me to play better.
  • I know its a little bit of a nitpick, but instead of just saying "ADS'ing" can you give explanation on what that acronym means briefly next time? I looked it up and I know that it means "Aim down sights" now, but i had to pause the vid to look it up even as a gaming lifer lol. Same with explaining what swinging or double swinging is. The majority of people who watch these videos are newbie low elo scrubs like myself who literally don't know what these terms mean.
  • @MatasBul
    well my teammates like they are from whole different planet ngl sometimes they are disabled too
  • This happens to me when I play CS or R6 with my friends 😂. I’m top rank in both losing to bronzies holding weird-ass angles and shit. Obviously it’s not often but it’s still hilarious