Are GMOs Actually Bad For You?

Published 2015-07-10
You've probably heard that GMOs are bad for you—turns out, that might not be true at all! Join Hank Green and learn what science has to say about the truth with GMOs in this new episode of SciShow!
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GMO Salmon…

How are GMOs Made…

Glycophosphate / Monsanto………………………………………

All Comments (21)
  • @wamsang7818
    As Kurzgesagt said, "much of the criticism of GMOs are actually criticisms of the corporations controlling our food supply"
  • @BigRalphSmith
    It really seems like all those commenting here that are anti-GMO are desperately searching for a way to hold on to their prejudices. I don't understand that motivation. Every talking point I've seen on the anti-GMO side all seem to be related not to actual GMO issues but instead to "possible future misuses" committed by less-than-scrupulous human beings. Well, that's not a GMO problem, that's a human being problem. Also, the evil business practices of Monsanto do not mean that GMO's are "bad", just the business decisions by a human business entity. Folks, GMO's are here to stay, you've eaten them, your kids are eating them, and no one is keeling over in the streets from "GMO poisoning". Sorry. Not a thing and, if you really have some issue with GMO's, your going to have to come up with a better argument than "grunt-grunt, GMO bad, no GMO good".
  • I'm glad y'all were able to admit when you reported on a bad study. That is one of the best reasons why I like this chanel.
  • I hate how the media and marketing industries rely on the ignorance of the average person on topics like this.... I love this channel... giving important knowledge to the world
  • @armouredskeptic
    Finally, Sci Show makes good and fixes the misinformation they spread on their old GMO vid. Good job.
  • I read in some comment who said that watermelons with seeds were impossible to find today. I've never seen a seedless watermelon in my life :O
  • @emberhermin52
    I never believed GMO foods were unhealthy, but I learned in an environmental studies class that pesticide-resistance GMO crops had the issue of overusing pesticides (which can wreak havoc on the environment) because the plants can take it They were very big on "Integrated Pest Management" Then I found out about patented food 😔
  • Do I need a SciShow lab coat? No. Do I want a SciShow lab coat? More than you could fathom.
  • @ScottFoust
    My fear with GMOs is of someone owning the copyright [patent] to my food. 
  • @azmanabdula
    I dont get why Europeans are so damn paranoid of GM plants.....
  • @jcortese3300
    I hadn't seen this before, and I'm glad you did it. I'm one of those people who isn't skeptical so much about GMOs as I am about putting that much power into the hands of corporations that have nothing in mind but their own bottom line. The technology itself is neutral.
  • @alliu6562
    The gene gun is such an american solution lmao “And if that don’t work? Use more gun”
  • In the end genetics is a tool. If it's good or bad is determined by it's user.
  • There is evidence that GMO's are bad. You have to look at the big picture regarding GMO's - rather than simply saying they're good because studies say so. GMO's have not been studied enough to determine safety, and Monsanto oversees nearly every study of their products. Currently, there are at least a dozen higher-up Monsanto employees who are also working in the FDA. That alone is a warning sign to investigate further. The best judge of future behaviour is past behaviour: You must remember that Monsanto Chemical Works invented and produced the formidable Agent Orange. Do we really want them making our food? They were the inventers of Sodium Saccharin, which was strictly banned for a time until a lawsuit magically allowed it in our food. Monsanto also invented Aspartame, which was originally banned and deemed unsafe by the FDA - but conveniently, it got passed right after Ronald Reagan fired the FDA director. And plastic was first invented - most notably PBC's - by Monsanto, and PBC's are currently the main focus point for a lawsuit that several US cities have filed against Monsanto. GMO's have been banned in more than half the world at this point, and that number is increasing every year. Glyphosphate and Roundup have recently been banned in France, and it has been labelled as carcinogenic to humans. It's a poison. Why do you dismiss anti-GMO mindsets as being against technology? Anti-GMO groups exist because of all this evidence. Monsanto Chemical Works is on trial for Crimes Against Humanity as we speak. A lawsuit of that magnitude doesn't just happen...
  • For those that just don not understand, humans have been genetically modifying organisms since the advent of farming. The origins of almost every edible plant look nothing like the foods we eat today and haven't for centuries. Although we have not until recently used active genetic modification we have used genetic selection for centuries.
  • @chronovore3726
    Even if the genetic difference is okay on its own, what about the resulting allotment of Roundup? Since this video was posted, glyphosate was classified as a probable human carcinogen. There has been growing concern about its impact on both ecology and human health.
  • @zag5434
    People don't hate gmos, they hate Monsanto, and how they add pesticides into them
  • @GG-sw4ws
    Zebra gum loses it flavor to fast. Science has failed us all.
  • @InvaderKush
    I’ve told people this for years when they freaked out over gmo. I told them corn is one of the first GMO foods man created, and it was created in the Americas before Europeans showed up. Cannabis today is straight GMO, they’re bred to bring out a flavor, potency or both.
  • I try to avoid foods labeled as “non-gmo” because they perpetuate bad information affecting the efficiency of the food supply. Also avoid organic unless it’s from local farms because I like to support them.