My Weirdest Hallucinations

Published 2022-09-07

All Comments (21)
  • As a paranoid schizophrenic person I always fear watching your videos, but they are awfully calming and a nice welcoming experience to just airing what's gone through my own head.
  • Thank you for opening up about your hallucinations. I have to work on myself on opening myself up more in YouTube about it. I find you very brave Jacob. I have Schizophrenia too. Let's work together with this group mentally and spiritually.
  • I love this channel so much. Broadening my perspective on dealing with serious mental illness and looking into how others as you experience this. Super interesting raw, uncut style and content, what a gem. šŸ–¤
  • @DonKynos
    My hallucinations are mainly auditory in the form of primarily one voice. But one time in treatment when they were tapering me off of Risperidone and onto Seroquel, I saw this figure quickly open the door, enter the room, and close it, it happened so quickly the door just slightly jolted open and it slid in like a flash in front of the door. It had wooden stilts for legs, a pinkish body, a long white neck, and a painted on face/mask for a face. I let out a an audible "what the hell" and it just continued to look at me from across the room until night staff opened the door to check on me after I had spoken. I also saw a nurse walk into my room, walk up to me. Once she got close I was frozen in place and she repeated the line "I'm leaving what I take home, I'm leaving what I take home". and she vanished. turns out I wasn't the first one to hallucinate that same nurse. Allegedly she had helped other patients through the shit they were going through. A member of staff straight up told me the treatment center was haunted. Those were my only two times "hallucinating" figures. I stopped having visual hallucinations after they moved me to It's also worth noting that my doctor is unsure if my psychosis is cannabis induced or schizophrenia. I've had voices for almost a year now. Although I'm gaining more power over them. My auditory hallucinations are very convincing and behave like actual people. As I said primarily just one that torments me and comments on every thought I have, especially ones it disagrees with. It's even called me a liberal before in a demeaning tone so I suppose it has political opinions of it's own. It reminded me that I was wasting water in the shower, that was actually helpful. It behaves like your stereotypical gaslighter and abuser. They can even make my muscles twitch, one time I thought something that upset the voices and a tear shed down my eye. One time in the psych ward I drank coffee that was too hot and the voices exclaimed "THAT HURT US!". While it is mainly one voice it occasionally talks to other voices. Also initially it would refer to itself as a we and behaved almost like a hivemind of multiple of the same voice with very similar personality traits. for awhile the voice/s really liked to say "HUH!?" after every sentence in a really sassy manner and sometimes still do, some examples being "STILL THINK YOUR SICK HUH!?, STILL THINK WE'RE NOT REAL HUH!?". The voices claim they are people like me, so I tell them to email me and they simply say they either don't want to because they don't trust me or that they/it simply don't have an email account. They've also claimed they don't have a phone before when I tried to get them to text/call me to prove they were real. Prior to being hospitalized I saw a vision of cop car driving down my street, followed by a vision of hospital doors opening, and finally a vision of what sort of looked like the interior of the psych ward I would end up in. Keep in mind I had no clue my family had called 911 to have me 5150'ed.
  • @Thisistaraa
    Dude I just watched a video from years ago and itā€™s night and day. Your affect is so expansive and bright. Iā€™m so happy to see you doing good and still making these videos.
  • Been subbed since almost the beginning and youā€™ve come a long way man. Glad youā€™re doing well. I get not wanting to watch old videos. I hate hearing my own voice also.
  • @SandiByrd
    So I just stumbled upon your channel and I wanted to say I really appreciate your honesty in telling us your experiences. I'm sure it's not an easy process for you to retell these events. Newly subscribed! šŸ„°
  • I used to be(and in some ways still am) very interested in peoples hallucinations. I love exploring the potential meaning behind them, if any- I've always been interested in my dreams and other peoples dreams. Thank you for sharing about all of your personal experiences with Schizophrenia.
  • @xthaboss4619
    Your a Hero for Schizophrenics man you should do a collab with LivingWellWithSchizophrenia if possible I am sure she will be more then happy to connect with one of the Originals that started the Schizophrenia Vlogging, but good for you keep it up brother.
  • @pamdewall4588
    Jacob. I love this video. Nice hearing ur current voice. Ur getting older. Itā€™s fun watching u get older!šŸ˜‡šŸ˜
  • @ey3amfi
    This made me remember I saw things when I was younger too. Iā€™d see a whole line of ghosts they looked like blue and white glowing people walking into my house through the windowsā€¦ I told my mom and sister they just brushed it off said I was just very tiredā€¦
  • @tulpamedia
    I once hallucinated two phantom beings floating around my bedroom. They flowed like water and slowly "danced" around each other in the air. I also was at the train station at 4:30 am and there were hundreds of people standing around in the parking lot. Kids we're playing soccer in the field next to the train station. Literally hundreds and hundreds of people just standing. That was a really strange one haha. I have bipolar 1 w/ psychotic features btw
  • @Omegared_o
    One word delta 9 gummies šŸ˜‚ def been munching on these ever day since i realize you can get high
  • @natas12rm
    It's eerie that some schizophrenics see the same stuff. My old neighbor saw the people with the bandage wrapped faces.
  • @rls3745
    I would like to hear more šŸ˜and I want to ask u how is ur communication with ppl I'm asking because for me is not easy
  • @DonKynos
    Do you ever get muscle twitches connected to voices? I've had twitches before meds and still have them and they happen when my voices are mad or upset. I can tell it's them making me twitch. Onetime I upset the voices and ended up shedding a tear as if I was crying for the voices. Sometimes they'd comment on the quality of the food I ate. When I drank coffee that was too hot in the psych hospital they commented on how it hurt them. My psychosis might be different as cannabis was the trigger for me. Been almost a year of having psychosis. Still don't know if it's schizophrenia or drug induced. Mine is definitely more on the mild side all things considered. I've only had visuals when tapering off of risperidone and I saw a figure with a long neck, painted on face, wooden stilts for legs, and it appeared to be wearing some sort of pink dress. Other visual I had was nurse walking into my room in treatment, saying "I'm leaving what I take home, I'm leaving what I take home" and vanishing. That one might've been a ghost though. Apparently the treatment center was haunted and I wasn't the first to see that nurse.