The UFO Phenomenon | Full Documentary 2021 | 7NEWS Spotlight

Published 2021-09-05
It is now beyond doubt that strange, anomalous objects filling our skies and caught on camera are the real deal. Even the Pentagon admits it’s true. These seemingly intelligently controlled craft are operating above the clouds, in our oceans and in our orbit – travelling at hypersonic speeds far beyond any known human technology and completing manoeuvres unknown to science.

The subject of conspiracy and derision for years, UFOs are now the hottest topic in Washington and the world.

Five-time Walkley Award-winning investigative journalist Ross Coulthart – who has been investigating the phenomena for the past two years – led the 7NEWS Spotlight team across the US, amassing never-before-seen compelling evidence and speaking to the key players behind an event that will change the course of history.

Featuring interviews with the highest echelons of military defence and intelligence officials, leading researchers, scientists and witnesses in America and Australia, this mind-blowing documentary years in the making seeks to answer the most fundamental question there is: are we alone?

The US director of national intelligence is expected to hand down an unclassified report next month that will change our understanding of life itself. On Spotlight, we reveal what is in that report.

7NEWS Spotlight: The UFO Phenomenon unearths startling new evidence of Australian Government cover-ups and extraordinary vision of unidentified aerial phenomena in Western Australia, Victoria and Queensland – all credible and important additions to the worldwide data being accumulated by the US.

For Coulthart, the full documentary project has become the most fascinating and challenging of his career, becoming the focus of his new book 'In Plain Sight', available now in Australia and soon in other territories:


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(Please note: this is a re-upload of the original film due to some technical issues with sound in the initial upload).

All Comments (21)
  • @tomking7080
    I witnessed the Phoenix Lights in 1997 and I will never forget that image in my mind. I wish that we had iPhones then because a lot of people witnessed this event. The reason is it was the night of the Halle-Bop comet so people were already looking up towards the sky. I lived across the street from a mountain preserve (24th street and Shea Blvd)so my brother and I went up the mountain ,about a 15-20min walk up,so we could get a better view of the comet. We were up there for about 20 minutes when my brother said “WTF IS THAT?” He was facing northwest and I was facing southeast because we didn’t know which direction the comet was going to coming from. When I turned around I seen the biggest craft I had ever seen in my life. I’ve been on a aircraft carrier in NYC,the Intrepid I believe,and I lived in Virginia Beach and used to go by the Norfolk Navy base a few times a week and there were anywhere from 4-6 aircraft carriers docked there and this craft was way bigger than them. You could of put 3 carriers end to end on each “wing” of this thing. It was a V shaped craft that was a gunmetal grey with 3 lights on the bottom of each side and a light at the tip. It was sorta blurry,when you pump gas into your car and you see the fumes distorting the air around it that’s the best way I can describe it. Many people that witnessed this craft said that it was silent but we were pretty close to it because we were up on the mountain and it wasn’t silent. It gave off a humming noise like high powered power lines do. It was the exact same sound. We actually felt it on our bodies. It was extremely powerful. It floated by,I would guess that it was going 10-15 miles per hour maybe even slower. It came from the northwest and went to the southeast towards the airport. The tower at Sky Harbor airport had to see this thing. There was no way that they didn’t unless there was nobody in the tower. The thing that sticks in my mind is the shear size of this thing. It was massive,breathtakingly massive. I heard some people say that it was a mile across from edge to edge of the wings and I would not disagree with them. It was massive,like I said it was the biggest thing I had ever seen. I will never forget what I seen that night. Every night for weeks when I would go to sleep and closed my eyes I would get a image of the craft in my mind. It was stunning,ominous and exciting. I wish that we had iPhones back then cause I would of gotten some pretty good pictures/videos of it,we were pretty close to it. I still live in the same neighborhood and every night I look up in the sky wondering what that craft was. I don’t know where it came from but my gut feeling tells me that it didn’t come from this planet or dimension.
  • @Hawken54
    If aliens revealed themselves. People would panic and hoard toilet paper.
  • Hands down this is the best documentary on the extraterrestrial and UFO/UAP subject that has ever been made... So good you can watch multiple times and learn something you didn't catch from the first time and still enjoy the film even though you have seen it before
  • @tonimedlen5371
    I saw a UFO with a friend in 1980. We were 14 and in shock till we realised we’d seen the same thing. We agreed to draw it and write a description on paper before we discussed it. Everything matched. I think it saved my sanity because I know we saw the same thing. I’m not sure whether it was alien but it did not follow physics as we know it - then or now. I hope that disclosure happens soon.
  • @keithhodiak8577
    If there is more advanced civilizations observing or interacting with us, I can only imagine how difficult and frustrating it must be for them.
  • My UFO experience happened in 1979, and I can still totally visualize it. When you see something like that, up close, hovering inches over the ground outside the house you’re in, you are forever changed. Your absolute vulnerability as a human overwhelms your consciousness, your brain seems to grow to take that object and try to process it, and suddenly, everything is possible…with absolute certainty. So if anybody had told me I was crazy bc I had seen this enormous ship, I would have told them that I felt sorry for them for being so small minded and so terrified of the unknown that they would treat such an experience without curiosity, in full knee jerk mode.
  • @jimmyers8167
    Had lights beam down on me and my friend in the Missouri forrest in the late 70's. Your video is the first I have seen that looks very close to our experience. It was two lights beaming down around us as one light, approx 60 feet above us, no sound, in the middle of the woods, with nothing around but woods. I still think and wonder what it could have been to this day. It's been about 45 years.
  • @alden1132
    In 2001, in the Outer Banks of NC, I watched objects move like this for almost an HOUR. They were pale orange spheres, moving at extremely high speeds at extremely altitudes (they passed behind high altitude clouds). They split into multiple objects, then merged, disappeared and reappeared, changed direction instantly, stopped instantly, and, AGAIN, moved at impossible speeds. It was absolutely TERRIFYING. All we could do was watch in awe. To this day, I've never heard anything CLOSE to an explanation.
  • @Opa773
    I’m more afraid of technologies in the hands of humans than in those of extraterrestrials.
  • @Amanda.Ray02
    As a teenager I saw an object in the sky that I can’t explain, I had 2 friends with me who saw the same thing. This was in suburbia Adelaide. This is the first time I’ve ever said anything. I believe we aren’t alone in the universe
  • It's really wonderful to come across people who freely share valuable information online. You never know what kind of knowledge you might stumble upon that could have a lasting impact on your life.
  • This documentary on the UFO phenomenon is a captivating exploration into the mysteries beyond our skies. 👽🛸 From eyewitness accounts to expert analyses, it provides a comprehensive look at the unexplained sightings and encounters that have fascinated humanity for decades. The in-depth storytelling and compelling visuals make this a must-watch for anyone intrigued by the unknown. Kudos to the creators for shedding light on a topic that continues to spark curiosity and ignite our imaginations!
  • @Alfahippie
    Here’s a crazy idea: Make a UFO documentary WITHOUT the fast-paced editing, sound effects, and dramatic music. It would probably be the first.
  • @JosiahHKing
    Not only are we not alone in the universe, we’re not even alone on this planet.
  • @johnbland3642
    im still trying to find intelligence on this planet!
  • @emily-clark
    This is what's bothering me... with all the high definition image quality we have, we never seem to get a clear image of these UFOs, do we ?
    My dad lied about his age and served in the RAF in WW2. He emerged with psychological damage but stayed on after the war to work for decades in radar. He had little interest in the paranormal but his experiences left him with much respect for pilots, co-pilots and navigators. And re UFOS he just said, "These men don´t misidentify things they claim to have seen!"
  • When I was 10 years old living in rural North Carolina my mother, sister, brother and I were on our 30 minute ride to the "local" Winn-Dixie grocery store and all of us saw what I can only describe as a football field size walnut shaped silver craft that had a somewhat blackish ring all the way around the center of it almost like a 360° window, it was hovering over a tobacco field no less than about a few hundred yards from the side of the road it was quite low to the ground maybe 100 feet high, we pulled over and got out of the car and stood there in silent awe. It made no sound and after observing it for around two minutes it shot straight up into the sky at a speed that is unfathomable, it disappeared within a second. And again it made no sound. I will never as long as i live forget that day, my brother and sister remember it exactly the same to this day. I don't know what it was but I'm pretty sure it wasn't from our planet or dimension. I really don't care if people believe me or not because I know what we all saw that summer day and it changed my veiw of everything forever. I just figured I'd share my encounter in hopes that other people that have seen the unexplained know they are not alone.
  • @alkohallick2901
    I saw a triangle shaped craft when I was younger. They are definitely real.
  • Pisses me off that the government plays this game of releasing footage, like they're shocked and baffled when, in fact, they've known for decades