Fat Influencer DENIED Wheelchair Assistance... She's Mad.

Published 2024-05-21

All Comments (21)
  • @RaenRyong
    Imagine being so delusional that you genuinely believe there is nothing bad or unhealthy about being fat, but you can't walk a short distance without almost dying
  • "My oxygen level dropped from walking down an airplane isle and I almost fainted" 😂😂😂😂😂 get tf out of here
  • @Codm22712
    If u almost faint from walking down the hallway of a Airplane you need a lot of help
  • @_Kiki_29
    "I was forced to walk" That attendant was doing you a favor 😂😂
  • As a person who actually worked as a wheelchair assistant at an airport, seeing all the passengers who are overweight take up the majority of the people who need our service over people who genuinely need it, like disabled, blind, and people who can't walk due to injury is absolutely sad. I have countless stories from working there that will be too much to type lol
  • @les_5184
    The fact that she refers to herself as "plus size" and not MORBIDLY OBESE is absolutely hilarious to me 😂
  • @Eazzees
    As an airline employee, we do not get paid enough to push someone twice or even triple our size. If we cannot push you, we will tell you so. If we cannot fit you with a chair in an aisle and physically be able to push you, we will not. At the end of the day, we have thousands upon thousands of passengers to deal with and we will not walk around with back pain all day due to struggling push someone who’s big like her down the plane aisle. She already has to deal with buying 2 seats and getting an extender. Something’s gotta give with her. If she’s unhappy, then maybe she should make enough money to buy a private jet. She is not the first person who’s plus sized to act like this towards us when we cannot push them.
  • @bryanboltik8643
    "Im too lazy to carry my extra weight around, so i want a person 1/4 my size to push me around"
  • @1995robin
    They are a liability too. If there's an emergency they can't evacuate quickly.
  • @sheltiesongs7378
    I have autism and experiencing loud noises for long periods of time nonstop can cause me to become extremely distressed. Does this mean that babies and children shouldn’t be allowed on the plane because it distresses me? No! Of course not! As much as I don’t like it, I have to learn to cope and deal with the situation if I want to ride a plane. I will take my earbuds or consider getting noise canceling headphones like a normal person instead of being entitled enough to expect other people to change for me. This woman is an absolute brat and needs to learn that her issues should not have to be everyone else’s problem too.
  • @DisleyDavid
    Airlines should impose maximum size rules like theme parks. Very large people are a danger to other passengers in an emergency.
  • @Av8rLaw
    Being obese is not a disability. This woman makes me crazy. She moved just fine on her own. She pre-boarded which is also despicable. She’s likely too big for a normal wheelchair.
  • @hiboi6936
    Flying ain't a right it's a privilege just like owning a car
  • @alexgodwin356
    Calling someone "fatphobic" for not wanting to be obese is like calling someone "tobaccophobic" for not wanting to die young from lung cancer.
  • @edwardp3502
    When she passes away — which should be any day now — she’ll complain that the casket was too small and no pallbearers would carry her to the gravesite 😂
  • @PKMN_TrainerJet
    My dad was born with cerebral palsy and has been crippled his entire life. Fat people don't need to be hogging all the wheelchairs when there are people who actually need them.