How to Start a Painting?

Published 2015-01-03
Question I got: How do I start a new painting? My paintings have no consistency.
Do I just let it flow? Or does in need to have a set direction?

This is the question that comes up when we begin to take a more focused approach to painting. When it becomes for us more than a pastime or hobby and becomes a passionate pursuit or profession.

Usually, it’s not the painting that’s tough, it’s the thoughts that come up - the judgments, the inner critic.

Things to try:
1. Create a studio journal. Writing before starting a painting. Blurt everything out.
2. Step back from the thoughts that are coming up. Become aware of what the quality of the thoughts you have while painting.
3. Set a timer during your painting process and step back, pause every 20 minutes or so and notice what is going on. Check in with your body, emotions, thoughts.
4. If the thoughts are not supportive, replace with more supportive thoughts.
5. Take out all your paintings completed thus far and look at them as a group. Journal about them from a curious, non-judgmental perspective. Don’t worry whether you love it or hate it. Just get curious. Write down from a neutral voice what you are noticing.
6. Think from a broader perspective about what the paintings are about. What are they teaching you? What are they showing you?


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All Comments (21)
  • @nonane2390
    This is the most fascinating conversation about art and the creative process. Take a stand and trust yourself , no second guessing allowed in this studio. Know inside that you will find the light in the tunnel at some point.We have to be strong. Perhaps we get to simplicity going through complexity . Tune in to sensations in your body so that you can become a window through which something greater can come through.Bring imagination and gut feeling together into play.
  • Hi Michele and thank you so much for taking the time to "personally answer" my email. Your answers were spot on, especially where I am uncomfortable sitting there with uncertainty. I've taken your advice and began my sketchbook (the first thing we are taught in art school and the first thing we push aside when we're busy freaking out over our work process). Thank you thank you thank you. I will keep you updated of my progress as I "work through" your suggestions." Peace + Love, Francesca
  • Michele, Thank you for creating instructional videos. I've learned a lot! I have an interior design background so I had learned rendering techniques with pencils and markers but never learned to paint. I took the leap and started learning a few years ago. My tendency is to plan out designs in a calculated, thoughtful way- but they never quite live up to my expectations. My inner critic is loud. I followed your advice and looked at the body of work I've created and see that it is joyful and playful in nature. That surprised me because life has been very hard for me the last several years due to severe medical issues. I guess I was not fully aware of how happy I am when I'm painting. Thanks for the simple yet powerful lesson. -Alena
  • I just started this past summer, it gives me peace through difficult time. This video is spot on for me. Thank you.
  • I recently came across your channel and I love it! Thank you for all of your tips and knowledge! I was thinking of starting a huge project with a series of paintings but was kind of hesitant and critical of myself. I have a background in graphic design but have always loved traditional art. I haven't painted for some time now, but after this video, I got the motivation and courage to start painting again. Thank you! :)
  • @jennyleak
    Michele, thank you! I wanted to share that your advice was spot on for me. I've found a lot of creative flow of inspiration after guided meditation and yin yoga, and this video was a bridge today... it helped me connect those yoga practices to my art practice in a new way. Thank you for putting this into the world!
  • Thank you for answering this question. I have often felt a general sense that, “I need to know how to start a painting.” But, I never really stopped to consider exactly what question to ask about it of anyone...I just plowed on I thank the person who asked it of you. My deepest desire is that my art is created to serve in some way. Your “Noticing” exercise described toward the end of your talk is a practice I will begin starting today! My paintings come forth from within with messages, lessons, and understandings about the things I am experiencing in life, but I don’t necessarily take the time to journal in words those messages so I can talk about it with others. I am quick to release any messages to the viewer or to the new owner as theirs and my thoughts no longer hold the center stage. In some regard, I think this is right thinking. But, I am also coming to realize I’m not totally receiving the fullness of their gift to me. So, today I will sit with a small series I am making because a client wanted something small to go with another piece of art she has...and she preceded her request with... “anything you make will be fine.” This can relieve my inner critic from its duty...not really, and , well, I now want more from my paintings. I want my art to serve me just as deeply as I want it to serve others. Thank you for your message Michelle. I am so grateful!
  • @lifetree5640
    hi Michele! thank you so much for all these informations. you are awesome! I did a little bit of fabric painting while in school. but can't call it an art. now at 58 ( though I don't feel my age) I want to paint and your videos are helping me a lot. they are so short and concrete at the same time descriptive. thank you very much!!! And you are very motivative! waiting for more videos from you....
  • @mcdowellra7892
    Very inspirational. I really enjoy your positive outlook and kind words. Recently I had been struggling in my own work and your videos have been such a wonderful pick-me-up and a breath of fresh air.
  • Thank you for this answer! I am just painting for nearly 1 year, never got a lesson I just began. I even sold some work. I started painting when I had a depression and painting helped me to go through that. Some people tell me that I am very talented and off course that is nice to hear. I don't think, I paint. I love to put some colors on my palet and let the brush and paint lead me. That is when I make the best work. If I have to think about difficult things in live, like we all have sometimes, then I need to paint so I can get the right mindset to think about my problem at that time. I can see it more clearly than because I don't think about it when I am painting. Do you know what I mean? It is difficult to explain aspecialy in english. When you read the question I thought girl pick up your brushes and paint, don't worry if anyone likes it. You have to like painting, the proces, and what you paint is good when it feels good to you! Thank you for your video's.
  • @Freebirdshearth
    I am so thankful for you, Michele! I just started a course as a brand new painter (eeeeek!) with Shiloh Sophia. She is inspiring and really encourages us to work from our intuition. But I found myself lost. I didn't even know which questions to ask! I have been watching your videos all day and, of course, I've subscribed. You are a godsend. Thanks to you, I am building some understanding. You are a marvelous teacher and I look forward to a long journey with you!
  • @JoeyRauts
    Very helpful thoughts and advise/suggestions.  Thank you very much! xx
  • @NicoleDeAngelis
    I just came across you video and I am enjoying so much of the knowledge you have to share! Thank you! I just started painting again for the first time since collage (except for a few random paintings). I just turned 40 this year and something shifted and I am falling in love with painting again. Thank you for sharing your passion with the rest of us it is so inspiring! I heard in your last video that you are from Maryland. I have been living in Costa Rica for a while but I grew up in Joppa, MD. 💝
  • @Branman345
    You helped me with your advice thank you. I was at a cross road I'm new to painting to I've drawn my whole life and that's what I seem to do just draw, doodle, whatever it may be it might be lines on a page that's all that counts and it gets my creative juices going. I loved this video great job and thank you for your advice it makes sense.
  • @EARTHLING74000
    I throw/dump/pour paint on a fresh canvas, make an abstract or two, at least I have something done that day. This process of childlike playing with my "cheap" paint often stirs my artist side into action, and is quite fun. I like the abstracts and they often become useful in the next real painting I make as a background or inspiration for a color mix. Thank you for all your effort to make these videos. Your work has helped me many, many times, from starting a painting, to removing the pant from my favorite pants. You are so nice. All the best to you.
  • @pyrogirl793
    Loved your comment on finding satisfaction in your work first; letting it serve you first.
  • @janisvogt1079
    This is great advice.  I'm still new to the creative process, but I get stuck easily in front of the canvas.  Out and about, I come up with great ideas and take awesome photos of subjects I want to work on.  But when I sit down to get to it, I get bogged down.  Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Extremely helpful guidance. This is the nudging I have been without. Having a "gift" is wonderful, knowing technique/color/media effects...are all chatter that starts the process. Going within to play and be playful with the supplies that speak to you is a challenge that can bring in the slug of life/internal conflict/doubt/need for approval/etc. Success, when it comes, comes from the soul and flows with an ease often associated with the clam experienced when in prayer/meditation/centeredness. So, any assistance to self direct, to enrich your internal space, to tap into this place within which speaks from your heart/soul/being and directs the brush on the canvas.