RACIST REMARKS: Fire company shut down after racist remarks caught on video call

Published 2022-02-10
Briarcliffe Fire Company Station 75 is silent. No firetrucks and no firefighters are moving inside or outside.

It comes after the fire company was temporarily shut down following allegations of racist remarks by firefighters who thought their video call conversation was private.

The original call was to discuss the consolidation of services between the Briarcliffe, Goodwill, and Darby fire companies.

When county and state officials got off the call, members of the Briarcliffe Fire Company allegedly stayed on and engaged in a discussion that included racial slurs and disparaging remarks about African Americans in the area.

"A bunch of f---ing n--- down there," one man can be heard saying while discussing the all-Black Darby Township Fire Company. There were also comments about Darby's chief.
READ MORE: 6abc.com/briarcliffe-fire-company-station-75-firef…

All Comments (21)
  • @JD10142002
    Why are people shocked or outraged? This is who they are and have always been. I'm sure they're happy that it's out in the open and they don't have to hide it anymore
  • I have been a fireman coming up on 37 years. Early in my career this type of talk and much much worse was very common. A lot of times the hatred went from the Chief all the way down to the lowest firefighter. The fireman low on the totem pole were always emboldened by a racist chief. And now here we are listening to a group of guys that weren't even born back in the day speaking with the same tongue. We will always have a long way to go.
  • @funnelnutz3227
    How can anyone make fun of a child who lost her life what kind of sick person do you have to be i hope their all fired
  • @mariehill8734
    You have to be a cold blooded soul to talk like that smfh
  • @power966
    And some people say. The South is full of racists. Station 75 said hold my beer.
  • I'm not surprised racism will never die. I'm glad this was discovered
  • @sbss924
    So, have they given less than professional service to the Black people in the community? Talking about a deceased young girl that died a violent death, I would put nothing past these firefighters.
  • Free speech, the double edge sword. You expect people to use it for the sharing of ideas and the protection from religious persecution, but half the time it's just to call people N-words or other profane names without facing consequences. Society was never going to get far.
  • @ashp6821
    Good on the other firefighters on the call who overheard for taking action and reporting it. A lot of people don't report their counterparts which is why many bad situations continue. Only light can dispel evil.
  • @johncollins6437
    Thats just wrong making fun of a poor little girl who lost her life due to negligence of police
  • @rtehcs000
    It's amazing that we have those who say that people should be able to say whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes. Duh. They certainly can and do. However, when those disparaging, often racist, and completely immoral things that theses upstanding citizens or public servants say is somehow brought to light to the public outside the privacy of their homes or in this case, the fire station, they should be fired and even investigated to determine if their opinions affected the way they performed their sworn public duties. Let's take their pensions while we're at it. They don't deserve it by their disgraceful thoughts and possible actions. Just for the sake of argument, let's move past their racist feelings about black firefighters joining the ranks to help save peoples lives and property and taking over their good ole boy setup. Let's talk about the fact that they were making fun of an innocent little girl's name who was killed by an officer who failed to access the scene and perform his duties properly. Making fun of her name after she was killed. I bet they wouldn't like for someone to make fun of their daughter if she was shot and killed by an officer recklessly shooting at a public sports event. This just shows the callous nature of whomever made the statement and who agreed with it. How about the good ole boys coming together to talk about the blacks or the word they really use behind closed doors joining the ranks and how threatened they feel. What a bunch of BS! Fire all of them and keep it moving.
  • @vp3696
    Them fire fighters need to be fired asap.
  • @alexstone1808
    Yup, I would never trust those racist firefighter to put out a fire at my house.