Reflections & thoughts about recent uploads and recent activity

Published 2020-01-30
Mirrored from the Brilliant Mind of "For The Love Of The Truth Channel"    • Video  

A better title in "my opinion" would of been "9/11 The Great Awakening and how to keep a Lid on it by the Vatican Rome"

With not one shred of evidence we believe in the words of the Bible and ALL Religions invented by Rome and yet the Vast majority of People trash evidence of Afterlife and the Power of the Mind and for want of a better Word the Soul .

It's why the Brilliant Rupert Sheldrake,s Ph.D. TED talk has been banned by the TED people .   • Why Freedom of Speech and Thoughts to...   .Science NOT Scientology has the Answers but it's Censored by Rome .

Many Scientists know they too have been fooled and are too scared to speak up .

The Question "Why Flat Earth ?" is Answered by "For The Love Of Truth" and it's all to do with keeping the Lid on the Great Awakening brought about by the events of 9/11 .

It's why Powerland ,Dubay ,Lord Steven Cornflake ,Robert Sungenis , Globebusters ,Sargent and his sacked Jewish sellout helper are ALL Jesuit Fuckwits !! .

Quote another great Mind and Flat Earth Believer Jack Dunphy ( go watch his brilliant videos )

"If all the World's a Stage Rome own the Theater and Zionism sells the Popcorn"

The Roman Empire never died Folks .Don't let there invented Religions keep you a Slave .Your very Soul inner Mind is too powerful for that Crap .

All Comments (12)
  • @rocklover7437
    The best 53mins you can spend your time listening too . Mirrored from the Brilliant Mind of "For The Love Of The Truth Channel" A better title in "my opinion" would of been "9/11 The Great Awakening and how to keep a Lid on it by the Vatican Rome" With not one shred of evidence we believe in the words of the Bible and ALL Religions invented by Rome and yet the Vast majority of People trash evidence of Afterlife and the Power of the Mind and for want of a better Word the Soul . It's why the Brilliant Rupert Sheldrake,s Ph.D. TED talk has been banned by the TED people . .Science NOT Scientology has the Answers but it's Censored by Rome . Many Scientists know they too have been fooled and are too scared to speak up . The Question "Why Flat Earth ?" is Answered by "For The Love Of Truth" and it's all to do with keeping the Lid on the Great Awakening brought about by the events of 9/11 . It's why Powerland ,Dubay ,Lord Steven Cornflake ,Robert Sungenis , Globebusters ,Sargent and his sacked Jewish sellout helper are ALL Jesuit Fuckwits !! . Quote another great Mind and Flat Earth Believer Jack Dunphy ( go watch his brilliant videos ) "If all the World's a Stage Rome own the Theater and Zionism sells the Popcorn" The Roman Empire never died Folks .Don't let there invented Religions keep you a Slave .Your very Soul inner Mind is too powerful for that Crap .
  • @zoomtruth1013
    subbed you from the cruise ship vide on mnindfulness channel, lol- great find. I did the same EXACT thing with someone interviewd in the California fires and he was an actor too!!!!!
  • @rocklover7437
    Excellent Upload Jack !! Let's start in 2009 . Luckily Medical Journalist Jane Burgermeister had just happened upon the information of Dead Ferrets getting tested with with Baxter's Vaccine which when tested contained Live Bird Flu Virus . Brave Jane then set about investigating the Vaccine and discovered Baxter's 72 Kilo of Vaccines was also infected . The same Vaccine Mainstream Media Scaremongering and Medical Marshal Law nearly got used on every person on Earth to fight a "supposed" Bird Flu Pandemic . A chief component of the Scaremongering was Alex Jones and he is mentioned by Jane Burgermeister in my Jane Burgermeister playlist . Up to the moment the vaccines was going to be used Bird Flu was "just" a Mainstream Media Fear Fairy Tale . Pre Medical Marshall Law Jane Burgermeister and Dr Mecola successfully stopped many Americans taking the Vaccine . The Vaccines instead of being the cure "was" the Pandemic . Jane along with others and the Polish Government stopped the World Wide Vaccination using Live Bird Flu infected Vaccines . Austrian Government tried many times to get Jane commited under the Mental Health Act and failed because of many kind donations for Lawyers Costs . The Polish Prime Minister and others in his Party died under mysterious circumstances in a Plane Crash having said He was investigating the whole matter . Brave Jane Burgermeister and others selfishly risked everything and saved Millions of lives . So let's fast foreward to 2020 with this still fresh in our minds . CDC USA Corona Test Kits got tested by a indipendent Scientist using Sterilised Water only to come back positive for Corona ? . The Washington Post correctly sumerized the "only" way this can happen is if the Kits contained Corona Virus . I think what happened then is the alert was sent out to UK or Europe for Eurofin for Europe Corona Test Kits to be also tested and again the result was a Corona positive . All Test Kits got stopped as far as i know and that was the reason for the delay in Test Kits . Washington Post covered the Story of CDC Kits getting tested with the Headlines "Coronavirus Test Kits Tainted" and UK Daily Telegraph and Express covered Eurofin Test Kits tested using "Eurofin Test Kits Tainted" . This word Tainted rather than Infected concludes to a kind of cover up . Indeed only a search of YouTube and Google using "Coronavirus Test Kits Tainted" gives any results . Tellingly Washington Post have just done Stories saying the Corona Pandemic is a Political/ Financial Hoax . If the "Tainted" Test Kits touted by Mainstream Media as a Pandemic killer had been widely used would that actually been the Pandemic ? Knowing what brave Jane Burgermeister found out back in 2009 you have to have grave doubts Coronavirus Pandemic was just like 2009 Bird Flu a Mainstream Media Fear Fairy Tale that nearly had us taking the cure that was actually the Virus . It's more than likely why Hospital Staff put on high alert are now sat picking there noses . It's why Council's told to find empty Factories for Temporary Morgues are desolate . Does a failed Pandemic explain why and do you maybe think Mainstream Media are covering up a failed Pandemic untill they force Vaccines under Medical Marshall Law onto us to usher in digital tracking of Vaccinated people using unhealthy 5G ? Digital marker tracking that will lead onto a cashless society as warned by Aaron Russo after getting told by Rockerfella . One last final note the two companies involved with "tainted" test kits have both received massive Foundation grants from ........the same person who got granted the 10 Billion Dollar JEDI Cloud Contract . What might JEDI get used for ? Maybe the Digital tracking of a World Wide Population,s digital record ? Research Angel Jane Burgermeister and the few others because without them this place we call Earth would truly be just like the Georgia Guidstones prediction . Strangely last year on top of the English Georgia Guidstones in a tiny notch was placed a new stone with the Number 20 engraved on it .
  • @rocklover7437
    Federal Reserve IMF Banking are in big trouble printing money without Gold . China and the Virus used as a escaped goat .China meanwhile have used it to gather up protesters . They have weaponised common Flu . In future only people with up to date vaccine history will be able to attend Ball Games and Travel on any Public Transport home or abroad . How are they going to check instantly your vaccine history ? RFID body chips linked to 5G . It will then be used for the cashless society worldwide as warned by Aaron Russo . Search "Aaron Russo RFID chip warning" How the few control the many . The last Federal Reserve IMF Banking Crash of 2008 Government and the Citizens bailed the Bankers out for there reckless behaviour . Over in Iceland the Bankers demanded the Icelandic folk accept 80 years of Austerity .The Icelandic folk had a "Pots and Pans Revolution" ( look it up ) and the Iceland Government folded and put the Bankers in Prison and kicked out the Federal Reserve IMF Banking system . Iceland's economy is booming . That,s the kinda info
  • @rocklover7437
    It doesn't get much better than this about 5G Video ..Part 1 - Impacts of Wireless Technology on Health - Frank Clegg intro and Dr Riina Bray
  • @rocklover7437
    "Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it" Video ...."swine flu could mutate with bird flu[Jane Burgermeister-Baxter/W.H.O. case]"
  • @rocklover7437
    Epic truth Rant ( again ) Not a popular opinion but i think the Nurses are being crafty and telling us there is no Plandemic . I asked a Nurse customer "Is this a Cull of the Unhealthy ,Sick and Elderly to pad out the numbers ? She didn't say a word but looked down at Her feet looked across at Her Husband as if to say "Shall we tell Him ? He answered Her by looking down at His feet . She then said they was in a hurry and left . Previously when she dropped off her car i asked "Is it Panic stations ?" and She said "No not yet but it is going to be" . Translation .. Administration have told us we will be busy . Did you know every Council has been ordered to find a empty Factory for use as a Mortuary ? This is how sure the Pandemic was going to happen . Google search "Coronavirus Test Kits Tainted" A Google search "Coronavirus Test Kits Infected" will bring up no results . They are obviously hiding information by using the word "Tainted" . Washington Post covered CDC tainted kits and Telegraph UK covered Eurofin tainted kits . So what's been hidden ? Corona Test Kits from Eurofin for Europe and CDC for USA was luckily tested with purified water and they proved positive for Corona . The "only" way this result can happen is if the Test Kits had Corona on them . Luckily i don't think these two companies test kits ever got used . If they had not been stopped there would of been a "possible" Plandemic . Both Companies received MASSIVE donations from Bill Gates Foundation . I "personally in my opinion" call failed Pandemic . Just as Bird Flu Pandemic failed when Jane Bergermeister exposed 72 kilo of Bird Flu Vaccine from pharmaceutical company giant Baxter that contained live Bird Flu Virus . Medical Martial Law had been declared back in 2009 on the back of fake news and these infected Vaccines was going to be forcefully administrated resulting in a "possible" Pandemic . Dr Mercola and Jane alerted USA about the contamination and very few took the Vaccine . The Polish Government on Jane Burgermeister information came out and said the Vaccines was unsafe and a enquiry was going to take place . The Prime Minister and Staff died in a Plane Crash . Jane Bergermeister tireless efforts along with the Polish Government who refused to administer the Vaccines stopped a planned Plandemic in Europe . Research Jane Bergermeister and look for information on Alex Jones who engineered Bird Flu Fear and pushed the infected Vaccines as the cure . (My Playlist Jane Bergermeister) The very things pushed to stop a Pandemic ,test kits for Corona and Vaccines for Bird Flu was the things that turned Mainstream Media Fear Fairy Tales into real events . You see how this works? .. The clapping thing is a Government census to see how programmed we are and if it's worth there time to carry on with this "Failed Plandemic" . Alex Jones has done damage control for Eurofin and CDC by saying the Test Kits came from China . Alex Jones works for Genesis Communication Network who own Truth Frequency Radio ( Shill Network ) . Genesis Communication Network is owned by Disney . I wonder if Old Folk,s homes was targeted for testing ? . We know Elderly immune system,s have been compremised with the Flu Vaccine they was pressured to take by Government . They have them locked away fear porn from Mainstream Media on the TV with no visitors on rubbish diets . Research Dr Bruce Lipton on how Fear effects our Collective Mind and more importantly the Collective Mind of our Cells to fight the Collective Mind of the Virus . This is a Cull of the Elderly and Lower Social Classes for some evil person,s charts . As you said there is no shortage of Cigs and Booze on the shelves just to help the numbers . Eddie Large died of a Heart Attack but they stamped his check out slip Corona . Corona and Bird Flu have connections for anyone who has a digit finger to find out . It's the Jesuit Mobster Cabal Federal Reserve . The 2008 Pots and Pans Revolution by mostly Icelandic Women frightened the 1% to Death . Icelander Sheep figured out The Man and Dog are definitely working together ( Government/Bankers and Mainstream Media ) and are just a bunch of Old Evil Bast**rds . The Vaccines argument falls down because how can un vaccinated people be a threat to vaccinated people .Are the vaccines no good ? The Irish Lady's channel Dee Webster got taken down who exposed Rumanian Strawberry pickers flying in 180 a time . News channels did damage control on the Information the day after . Spain on Lockdown has that many greenhouses they can be seen from Space ( sorry about that lol ) . Who,s picking the Fruit and Veg ? Bill Gates Vaccines are like his Widows ,full of Bugs that need updating every year .It's how he,s made his fortune .
  • @rocklover7437
    Why the USA is at odds with China Rate this Entry 2 Comments by  tomt , June 29th, 2019 at 12:17 PM (27550 Views) My understanding is, In the 1930's, The Federal Reserve told The Chinese that the Japanese Were coming to steal the wealth of China. Which they were. Even though the people behind the Federal Reserve Instigated this war in the first Place. To get the Chinese gold faster, With less risk of losing any, They offered to keep the gold For 60 years, Then return it. At the same time, The Fed would invest in asian infrastructure projects, Backed by this gold. Bonds were issued, Given to some Chinese, Although some were lost In a plane crash, Later found. The bonds were for sums In the trillions, Misspelled rillions, To give a counterfeit look. 125000 tons of gold was Given to the USA. And Ft Knox was built to store This gold. Then the Fed arranged a revolution In China so they Would not have to give this Gold back. Then the Chinese communist Government after 60 years Said they wanted the gold back The Fed's refused. The Chinese went before The Court of International Settlements to get their gold back. They won. The Feds were to pay back The gold, beginning September 12 2001. And the day before? The Chinese went back to Court, Were given the entire Federal Reserve. They now Own The Federal Reserve. Legally. The previous owners would rather start more wars, Than give up the money Machine .... See how this works?
  • @rocklover7437
    When something is too good to be true ........... I want to believe Dr Buttar is the real deal but when he quotes NY Dr Cameron Kyle Sidell high altitude sickness and says he knows him alarm bells ring in my head . Dr Cameron Kyle Sidell is work partner of Dr Catherine Smith and they are both Medical Simulation experts . Dr Cameron Kyle Sidell busted here you go ..Dr Buttar should know he is a simulation expert .. I actually hope i am wrong about Buttar . note the date . When you have skeleton,s in the cupboard you are easily "compremised" Brian Rose is a money 1st Man and his Mentor is cut throat Dan Panna .
  • @rocklover7437
    Here you go Mate Can't explain it any better than this Woman and Ben needs a slap Quote from Frances Leader who commented on Ben Fellows ( Zed Phoenix ) upload . I checked it out and it's correct Brendon the key words are "Port Authorities" right at the start . Copy and Paste "Hi Ben, Still trying to become famous I see! Unfortunately I have read the legislation you are "quoting" & you have neglected to mention that it refers to port authorities who are dealing with incoming vessels (incl aircraft) which may carry infected persons, animals or things. You have tried to terrorise the public with your limited understanding of the law concerned. It does not apply to citizens of the UK unless they have recently returned from an infected area. It makes no mention of vaccinations & the only provision in the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 refers to one clause in the Coronavirus Act 2020 which permits infected bodies to be cremated regardless of the wishes of the deceased. You have no law degree, Ben. Please stop trying to fearmonger for attention. It is disgusting" That video by failed "Actor" Ben Fellows makes Truth Researchers look just like "Conspiracy Theorist,s" a insult CIA ( Catholic Intelligence Agency ) invented to make critical thinkers look like idiots . Ben Fellows needs to be talked to and the words "Rat Fink" explained . BTW i am so proud of you genuine Flat Earthers who have been such a awesome anti Coronavirus and 5G Army . The relivant words are "Port Authorities" The Gov page Excellent info on why forced Vaccines are illegal . Plus you have the Law of 1947 Nurenberge Code , Helsinki Declaration and UNESCO Code .