Why my Mercury Star Runner is now an Origin 600i

Published 2023-12-14
Why my Mercury Star Runner is now an Origin 600i
Link to 600i Rework discussion:    • Inside Star Citizen: A Cut Above | Fa...  
The motto of #BillionaireNinjas is “Talk is Cheap, Ninjas Leap.”
Here we're discussing a difficult topic, saying goodbye to the MSR which I love but just doesn't fit my playstyle anymore which has matured past "ooh pretty ship" to "let's focus on our endgame". The 600i with it's upcoming rework will simply outclass the MSR in the multi-role gameplay I want and still remain solo-able. It's been real Mercury... I'll see you in the 'verse.
We'll let you know our thoughts as of Live 3.22 In the "My Fleet Choices and Why" Series we keep it simple. I talk about why I chose to purchase or upgrade a ship over another for my org or personal fleet. I also discuss why I chose each individual ship in detail. For less in-depth analysis and more "Just show me the ships" make sure you're subscribed so you can checkout our "Walk that Ship!" playlist.
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All Comments (21)
  • @SeaRaven227
    The thing that killed the MSR for me are the crawlways... it's so pointless and gimmicky. They could remove that crap, lower the cargo a bit, put most of the modules in the big nothing that is the turret and scanning chair rooms, put stairs instead of an elevator... It would also be slimmer so no need to make it maneuver like a fat slug. All problem solved...
  • @bigbardmusiq
    Im keeping both of them, I'm not giving up hope on the MSR.
  • Honestly i think that not turning the back lounge aria into a size 1 VIP landing pad is a massive missed opportunity, especially at 475 USD.
  • @walker_bait4772
    I'm optimistic we'll see it in the next 6 months. Jared said during ISC last week that there's 6 new and UPDATED ships coming the first half of next year. I know I'm prolly wrong lol, but I'm gonna be hopeful that one of those is the 600i.
  • @ShaighJosephson
    Yup, you covered my exact thinking for getting the 600i... I didn't like its looks in white, but looks awesome in the sterling silver paint... The fact that it's getting a med bay and be able to carry a nova tank is going to be soooo sweet...
  • @thierrybo6304
    In 3.23, 600i hp pool is now buffed from 100k to 150k!
  • @jmabee
    I picked up the 600i after they announced the rework. If i remember correctly based on the initially proposed changes the vehicle elevator may be big enough to fit a nova tank. So it should be able to hold a fair bit of cargo when that goes live.
  • @Raccoonanity
    Solid points, you bring up all the problems I have with the MSR. However, I'm still keeping it as a daily driver after using the 600i for a while. Mainly because they don't do the same job. The MSR (to me) is a better and more fun ship to fly. It can't do combat, but way more fun doing bunker missions and ROC mining in. It also does it way faster because it's way more nimble. Yes the doors are anoying sometimes, but so are the slow elevators in the 600i. Also, for now the 600i is terrible for bounty hunting since it can't take larger crates. So much lost income, I would rather buy a Connie or Corsair on the side. That said, I may change my mind post reword, but for now, too overpriced for it's worth and fun factor. Although, I do love the captain's bed on the 600i 😮
  • I also have the 600i EX for its own purposes for multicrew expeditions, the Mercury I grabbed for the dual ability to transport both physical cargo & electronic cargo (data running) in the same ship. The looks and such are great, but it was the large capacity for data running I preferred - and why I keep it. With the future of large components and the engineering gameplay mechanic, it will be interesting to see the impact on skeleton crew operations.
  • @sirtaron
    I own both the MSR and a 600i. I am just waiting for the 600i upgrade to see how good it is going to be.
  • @geronimo5537
    I own both from in game purchase. Each has its role.
  • @PreacherGannon
    What you are circling as "Shield Pool" is the Hull HP. The 600i actually has among the highest total Shield Capacities in the Game. It comes standard with 2x 100,000HP shields...the same ones on the hammerhead. THe carrack and A2 have a smidge more by default at 110,000 x2, the Reclaimer has quite a bit more at 3x 100,000, and the 890J dwarfs them all with 2x 745,000 HP shields.. But unless I am missing something, 600i is not 12th best shields... it's like 5th Best Shields!
  • @N0VA_ST0RM
    I upgraded my 400i to the 600i cuz I couldn't get the Drake Corsair. The 600i is my max size I am going up due to doing solo long range exploration in the future. Got the IAE 2023 one with the custom name and purple paint. It feels just right tho pushing the "large" side for solo. Hopefully It will be fun! The bigger hanger and T2 medbay going to be good.
  • @richardblabla
    600i is life. Love how the Fury matches the chrome skin on it as well.
  • @rtek777
    600i is a beast and as much as I loved my MSR, I'll take my 600i Exp anyway. It's my daily driver. I rarely do cargo stuff so don't give two shits about cargo on a daily driver. I shoot stuff daily so this ship is my main squeeze.
  • @bentracker
    I found in the Spirit C1 what I was looking for in the MSR, and it's an inferior ship but it's what I wanted for everyday use: a medium sized, multirole and agile ship. On the other hand, I converted my old MSR into an RSI Arrastra.
  • @silbakor629
    I bought my MSR for two reasons. I really like the design and I wanted the name reservation.
  • @randydurnil1824
    Love the 600i 🚀 Grinded for one when i first started playing 🤑 Will consider picking one up again after rework 💪When data running hits the vers the MSR will finally fulfill the role it was made for 💾 One other note is the MSR is one of the fastest ships in the game so its a good ship for medium cargo because you cam out run most pirates 🦜 At the end of the day i think they are two great ships that were made for different purposes 🤔
  • @thecell266
    i just melted my corsair, bought a Spirit A1 and used the leftovers to upgrade my Glaive into a 600i.. best desicion ever! even without the incoming rework its just a perfect ship for single operating.. yes the corsair has more firepower in the hands of the pilot but lets be honest.. its just an ugly ship -.- (drake interiors are just.. well.. industrial..) and i gladly trade 1x s5 and the 2x s4 for style and specialy manouverability.. the corsair is a real brick in atmo compared to 600i and that means a lot xD