Best Way To Edit on Youtube with DashieGames (Content Warning)

Published 2024-04-03

All Comments (21)
  • Just FYI, If you fail to get out and leave the camera behind, you can still recover the footage! Whenever you leave the camera it stays behind where you left it, so you can go back down the next day and recover it.
  • @-freshsans
    Tip: You can recover your old camera in the same spot you lost it, if you land on the same facility.
  • @CeHee123
    18:44 For those looking to see the gun monster attack from behind Dashie, Toonz and Squirrel from Delirious' perspective.
  • @Altha10
    This Video Is Hillarious, Glad You Played More Of This Game! 4:42 If You Dont Beliveve Me Then This Should Speak For Itself
  • @1x1boop28
    The cameras you leave in the old world if you die DO NOT DESPAWN and CAN be recovered and UPLOADED
  • @lightreign8021
    Inception level weirdness. When they play back the videos in the game ..we’re watching a reaction video of video game characters watching an in game video played by gamers who are making a video …if we could just get a video of some subscribers watching this video..I think it goes full circle and we wake up in the backrooms.
  • @jessicayoung5169
    DONKEY'S FLASHLIGHT 😂😂😂😂😂 Y'all are hilarious 😂😂
  • @raetoriaeps
    Dashie tooo?! Oh yeah it’s about to be a good day 🤩💙
  • @Parasiteve
    saw that one tweet about "how did people burn CDs? what even is that?" and i was like "oh god im so old now" lol we just tossed discs out into the sun or into a fire and sang loudly in hopes the CD would record it! my dad and i burned so many movies and CDs. dude the random cuts from the camera being turned on and off again to record and stop recording, has me rolling. its like when a movie or tv show makes fun of stuff like that and they did it bad on purpose lmao its so fugging funny omfg. just starts off with a calm "hey guys were gunna do stuff today" then immediately hard cuts to everyone just screaming "OH GOD ITS GUNNA GET ME ITS GUNNA GET ME, OH GOD IT GOT CARTOONZ OH GOD NO!" then it hard cuts to someone flipping off the crane quietly and then it just ends lol
  • Every once in a while I like to come back and watch your new vids and they are still as funny as it was years ago 😂 never quit man
  • @CarnagePlays1
    We need more collabs with Dashie and this game pls
  • @bendo5251
    Seeing this as soon as I opened youtube made me genuinely smile
  • @Chuzzles1
    absolutely loving this series already delirious