Kingdom of Yugoslavia: Liberation or Oppression?

Published 2021-12-04
Today we will explore the age-old question of whether the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, really was the Liberator of South Slavs, or were they just another country occupying other people and their land? We will find out now.


#yugoslavia #history #bosnia #croatia

All Comments (21)
  • @bagen5533
    if you are saying that Yugoslavia was a "Greater Serbian expansionalist state", that Germany is Greater Prussian Imperialist State.
  • @epiclydum
    Thats genuinely a good video , keep up the work fam
  • @robotube7361
    Bosnia and Herzegovina? Wtf are you talking about? Back then half of Bosnia were Serbs and the other half were Muslims and croats. Bosnia didnt have national identity back then and people saw themselves as part of a territory. Croats were divided and so were the Muslims over Yugoslavia. So if half of Bosnia was inhabited by Serbs an The other half were Muslims and Croats and half of them were somewhat ok with Yugoslavia- it would make Bosnia aroud 75% for Yugoslavia give or take. Croat and Slovenian joined Yugoslavia out of Fears of Italian ambitions. Majority of them were pro Yugoslavia back then albeit there were some who were opposed like Stepan Radic and his party. But AT THAT TIME (I cannot stress how the period is important) they were more in favor of having autonomy under Yugoslavia than losing all their Adriatic coast to italy. Little mention fact is that italy was very dissatisfied after WW1 at the formation of the State of Serbs Croats and Slovenes and considered the Balkan Adriatic coast their right. This was in the time before the Ustashe and the Chetniks and the hard animosity and the certainly prefered autonomy over lost territory to italians. Serbia came out as a victor after WW1 and as a regional power and had the undivided support of the British Empire and the French. The State of Serbs Croats and Slovenes didnt have much choice anyways. This view of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia as a dungeon comes during the Ustashe republic's time and its reinforced during Tito's time and then after the Yugoslav wars. but it was far from it. Im not even a Serb so this is not biased view. There was a time where people on the land of ex yugoslavia lived together without general animosity. Too bad at the end separatism won. but once again The Kingdom of Yugoslavia wasnt as bad as its portrayed today.
  • 1) Quite a biased video, which is to be expected as it is based on a very biased source (A Century of Serbian Terror - Nenad Piskač) and a questionable book by Noel Malcolm. 2) Serbs won the WWI and paid the piper, while other ethnic groups were part of the losing side. They joined the Yugoslav Serb state and not the other way around. It seems silly to cry over it with a dimmed view from 2023. 3) Slovenian higher education and the most of their national institutions were started in Yugoslavia. Many Slovenians and Dalmatians supported the king and his rule. 4) The biggest (legal, non-genocidal) Croatian state-entity in their modern history was formed in the Kingdom and it was called "Banovina Hrvatska". I guess that does not add up to the little narrative presented. 5) Yugoslav Croat politician Stjepan Radic was not killed in some "Serbo plot". He was killed because he most terribly offended a war veteran with an old fashioned sense of honor. He repeated his toxic remarks and refused to apologize. If you, for example, terribly offend someone's child, you should be ready for the consequences. 6) Bosnian Muslim landowners were given their land at the expense of Christian population, by the Ottoman Empire, which occupied this part of Europe for centuries and directly influenced it to remain more backward compared to other parts of Europe. Many Serbs and some Croats did not have any land because it was owned by Ottoman goons. And the Serbs were about 50% of the population. You must have missed that context. 7) There was opression in the Kingdom, like in most states of the time, but it was mild compared to Tito's reign, especially in the first decade of his rule. 8) The official politics of the country was "integral Yugoslavism", meaning that everybody was and is to be Yugoslav first and foremost, and not "you all must be Serbs or otherwise we will beastly slaughter you" as you quite wrongly present. 8) Your videos has some merit but all in all it is a sad promotion of national narratives and it fails to deliver a neutral view, with facts and context taken into account. For example, you did not analyse the state of affairs in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia after 1934.
  • @faree9822
    It can be seen that a lot of effort was invested in this video. 👏🏻
  • @MsPoyee
    Was this the reason King Alexander of Yugoslavia was assassinated along with the French Foreign Minister, Louis Barthou, in Marseille in October 1934.
  • Ein sehr gutes Video für alle, die etwas tiefer in das Thema der Beziehungen zwischen den Nationen im ehemaligen Königreich einsteigen wollen. Respekt für nicht geringen Aufwand. Wir hoffen auf ein weiteres Video.
  • @dinaric
    Very biased video, no mention of Dalmatia and oddly enough no mention of Slovenia. Also where did you find these serb nationalists, I have never spoken to a serb nationalist who didn't spit on the Yugoslavism.
  • Can you please inform us how did the land owning Bosniaks get that land ? Isn't it by selling there honor to the Turks ?
  • @user-ii3eu6xd8h
    Serbia was a winner in WW 1. Slovenia and Croatia were parts of Austria-Hungary and they had lost the war. In history, winners dictate the terms and conditions to the losers. If they had not joined Yugoslavia, they would have remained losers in history forever. By joining into a larger country with Serbia, which in 1929 became known as Yugoslavia, they joined with the winning side, thus clearing their name, and the Serbian Army prevented Italy from annexing parts of Croatia on the Adriatic Coast. If we wanted a Greater Serbia, we could have made it, because the Treaty of London from 1915 practically created a Greater Serbia, but instead we naively believed that we are all the same people, South Slavs. The Muslims in the Royal Yugoslav Army even had separate kitchens which did not serve pork. So, before the usual Western narrative from the 1990s about Greater Serbia and Serbian hegemony, remember that back in 1918 the situation was different and Serbia was respected. In any case, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was a necessity, to prevent Austria-Hungary from being recreated, and to keep Germany and Italy somewhat at bay. France had a huge role in creating the first Yugoslavia. Things are always much bigger than they seem, many internal and external factors were at play. Talking about things from today's perspective is wrong. You need to understand the conditions in Europe at that particular time in history.
  • Thanks for this wonderful video. We, the Slovenians, were Inner Austria historically. A bunch of foreign agents in the Slovenian political life (not the mainstream, but they got power with the fall of the Habsburgs, threw us into Yugoslavia, which then denied our statehood and sovereignty, our history, our traditions, our aristocracy, etc. These bastards even today present themselves as "liberators" of Slovenians, but many of our best public persons warned against Yugoslavia. They were either killed or expelled. Only today some of us start to get back into the public discourse our true history, the Habsburg history, and our Inner Austrian identity.
  • @foka0_0
    Can you provide some of the source you used for this video? I found your video very interesting :D And would like to further read about Yugoslavia during the 20s and 30s
  • @Brendan_Seka
    Horribly biased video, which comes to no surprise as the maker is a Kaiserboo. Doesn’t mention Slovenia in the video once or Dalmatia. Additionally you talk of Montenegro and fail to acknowledge the fact that Montenegrins are Serbs ethnically and religiously. Yugoslavia was no scape goat for Serbian nationalism, the Serbs could’ve created there own Great Serbia but instead chose Yugoslavia. I should’ve known this video would be garbage when you talk in other videos about preserving the German Empire. Someone’s just sad that their sorry empire and the absolute disgrace that was the Austro-Hungarian couldn’t defeat the Serbs and our allies
  • @gasmonkey1000
    Reject Yugoslavism. Return to Habsburg benevolence.
  • @artair70
    God I love Balkan politics, I have no dog in this fight but it's comical to say the least as an outsider.
  • @elvirbajric907
    For Bosniaks it was oppression,a hellhole where we were 2nd class citizens.It was estimated that from 1919 up until Šahovići massacre in 1924 around 5000 Bosniaks were murdered in Bosnia and Sandzak region.