why 1×1=2 makes sense to Terrence Howard

Published 2023-03-24
the "proof" in his own words:

update: AlgebraVictory is currently on hold as of Spring 2023 when we were threatened by fascist agents of the state acting above the law (which we have followed meticulously); they refuse to give any meaningful explanation or to address a single sentence of our comprehensive rebuttal.

All Comments (21)
  • some brief comments on last week's JRE interview, which has totally blown up this video: I've only seen a few clips from it, but a lot of what Terrance presents are legitimate concepts from smart people whom Terrance has studied. he sprinkles in a bit of whackadoodle from his own thoughts, probably because it attracts attention, even if it's mostly people calling him a dumbass.
  • @jaykirizz219
    When I was a kid I thought I was smarter than everyone because I could see air. Turned out everything was just fuzzy because I needed glasses.
  • @CeroAshura
    It's true that there is no territory in math, but there is a terrytory. I'll see myself out.
  • 1x1 =1 (1 counted 1 time = 1) 1x0 = 0 (1 counted zero times = 0) 1x2 = 2 1 counted twice =2 Pretty simple
  • @expomm
    Man , this is de decadence of the world, a sign of the education level of US schools, the power of social media spreading falsehood and idiocy.
  • A mistake in Mathematical concept: Imagine you have a penny, which is just a single coin. If someone asks you how much one penny times another penny is, it might sound a bit strange because we usually don't multiply money this way. But let's explore this idea together! Multiplication: The Grouping Concept Multiplication is like making groups of things. For example, if you have 1 box and put 1 penny in it, you still have just 1 penny. It doesn't magically double! So, if you multiply 1 by 1 penny, you're not really making more pennies. You still have just that 1 penny, not 2. Note: we said 1 x 1 penny AND NOT 1 penny x 1 penny Understanding Units When we talk about multiplying things, we also have to think about what they are (their units). For example, if you multiply 1 inch by 1 inch, you get 1 square inch, which is a measure of area. This makes sense because inches measure length, and when you multiply them, you're finding out how much space something covers. But what about our pennies? Pennies are money, not lengths or areas. So, if you try to multiply a penny by a penny, you end up with something called "penny squared," which doesn't make sense in real life. There's no such thing as a "penny squared" in your piggy bank or wallet. Adding vs. Multiplying When you have two pennies, you simply add them together to know you have 2 pennies in total. This is adding, not multiplying. Adding is when you put things together to see how much you have in total. Bringing It All Together So, when we talk about 1 penny multiplied by 1 penny, it's likely a mistake to think about it in this way. When you're saying 1 penny x 1 penny, what you're talking about is having 1 group of 1 penny. It's important to remember that this still equals just 1 penny. It doesn't magically turn into 2 pennies just because we used multiplication. Multiplication helps us understand how many things we have in groups, but it doesn't change the amount when we're talking about... 1 group of 1. To clarify, the correct way to think about and write the concept of 1 penny x 1 penny is to see it as 1 group times 1 penny, or simply 1 x 1 penny. The real question multiplication helps answer is: How many groups of pennies do you have? This is what multiplication is truly about. Understanding multiplication in this way helps us see that it's a method for organizing and counting things in groups, rather than changing the nature or amount of what we have. This distinction is crucial in avoiding confusion and ensuring that we apply mathematical concepts correctly in real-world situations. Remember, in mathematics, clarity and precision in how we express and interpret concepts are key. By refining our understanding of multiplication and the units involved, we can avoid misconceptions and build a more accurate picture of the math at work in our daily lives. Money and Math When it comes to money, like pennies, we usually talk about adding them together to find out how much we have. If we have 10 boxes and each box has 10 pennies, that's 10 times 10 pennies, which means 100 pennies in total because we have 10 groups of 10. It's the same with just 1 penny; 1 group of 1 penny is still just 1 penny. Conclusion So, remember, multiplication is about groups and how many things are in those groups. We can't multiply pennies and get more pennies out of nowhere. And when we're talking about units like inches or pennies, we need to think about what those units mean and how they work in real life. I hope this helps clear things up! Multiplication and units can be tricky, but once you understand how they work, it makes a lot more sense.
  • Terrence Howard’s idea is more like a thought problem than a math problem. Kinda Like a semantics problem. His problem distorts the “language” of math into a physical application. If you physically “multiply” something you end up with more of it. So his question asks “how could you have multiplied something and still only have one?” Definitely a weird hill to die on but that’s what I gather from his explanation.
  • @mcarey94
    The bigger problem is a fundamental misconception about how Math is developed. He believes that properties like 1 being a multiplicative identity is proposed as a scientific fact, which can be disputed. When, in reality it's a matter of definitions and Theorems following from certain Axioms.
  • I had this misconception aswell when I was younger but when my math teacher told me multiplication is like sets of things I quickly understood.
  • @alucard6919
    You can tell he's never studied true advanced math because numbers start to get replaced with letters and symbols and he's still stuck on learning what 1*1 is.
  • @ricardomanzo
    Let’s consider multiplication as repeated addition. If we have “one set” made up of “one unit”, we have one unit: 1 = 1 [Another way to understand this is: if I have "One Set" that is made up of "an individual unit," then I have "one unit," (1)(1) = 1 unit.] If we have “three sets” and each set is made up of “one unit”, we have three units: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 This is equivalent to the multiplication operation (3)(1) = 3. If we have “five sets” and each set is made up of “six units”, we have thirty units: 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 30 This is equivalent to the multiplication operation (5)(6) = 30. Multiplication is just a concept of “grouping of things”
  • @user-oz1pp1jv7e
    Okay just so i understand: I go to a market, for example food market. I see an apple at a stand/stall and i say to the guy behind the counter, i would like to have two of that apple. What means i asked for that kind of thing two times. So 2(apples i would like to have) x 1(the apple behind the counter that you don't own) So the guy behind the counter gives me two apples. 2x1=2 And i pay the value he wants to have for this two apples. Right?
  • @AndTecks
    I think it's just because his vision is messed up and the x looks like a +
  • @maxheedrum100
    Terrance Howard is crazy , but let me play an enabler for a moment 1^(1)×1^(1) = 1^(1+1) = 1^(2) = 1. I found Terrances' number 2.😂
  • @bigcheech1937
    That’s why I like physics more than math…calculations are more applicable to the everyday world
  • @thedude6617
    1 x an apple = 1 apple. 1 x 10 apples = 10 apples.
  • @vanessam988
    Please come back and post more. Such a good explanation of how formulas work and the meaning they have.
  • 1x1 is 1 in 2D (flat/linear) space. However, 1x1 is indeed 2 in the real universe (4D space for lack of a better word). Imagine 1x1 in a straight line going left to right. Now imagine another 1x1 in a straight line going from bottom to top. Now imagine another 1x1 in a line coming towards you. Take all those lines and make them round like a sphere. Take that exact sphere and merge it halfway with another sphere. This is called wasting your time.