Andor - re:View

Published 2024-03-29
Does it happen? Why yes it done! Hello, and welcome to yet another internet™ YouTube™ video about Star War™. My name is Krebs Gorlon official spokesperson for Red Letter Media™. The clowns known as Rich Evans and Mike Stoklasan famously known for having zero association with P. Diddy (formerly Puff Man). Today Mike and Rich decide to finally make a minimal effort to catch up on the world of a Star War. A world they has decided to shrug off years ago after a clone of Emperor Palpatine was used as a desperate attempt to make cheap cash from a brain-dead audience of clowns and sh*theads. Mike and Rich both loathed Rogue One: A Star War Story. Ever more they loathed the love for its' bland characters like Gem Klebstone, Korla Blargbon, Phib McP-Diddy, and especially Cassian And/or. They saw Rogue One as a bad sign. A “remember this” orgy of pointless action scenes and a film awash in Star War c*m. Star Wars porn essentially. Not much to admire about the writing. A dumb man’s science fiction film. So when a series about Cassian Andor, a character destined to die after a Grand Moff Tarkin with a cartoon face laser blasts a planet, they had no interest. Thankfully, whoever is writing/producing/green-lighting the Star War have made a bold and smart course correction to appeal to people who have IQ’s above 8 (at least on this series). Mike and Rich both very much enjoyed Andor. They discuss the show and the inner workings of what makes a Star War work and what doesn’t. What should be done and what shouldn’t. Now, keep in mind Mike and Rich aren’t super up to date on a Star War. They’ll most certainly get some names wrong. Some places wrong. Shows, characters, settings, events, canon, history, places, people, names, dates, races, planets, movies, books, shows, actors, times, technology, witers, death stars, darth vaders, and star war, but begast you must know how they doesn’t do then on purpose. The house is on a hill, but alas it's not haunted. They try their best despite not caring one bit or nothing like that. They watch shows meant for others not wanting to know more about the Star War. These kind of material can be overwhelming for them as their brains and body are constantly fighting off deadly infection. It can also be incredibly dumb and debilitating. These characters with laser swords always fighting others. Always sad people selling junk or cutting up fish meat. Always a bad ship in space. Always a fighting. Why? But people love this crap. They dress up in the costumes like zombie. Say the names and remember things they know. Cry at the trailers. Cry at seeing a thing they remember on a screen. Fill up their drawers with junk when they see a Jedi or a Darth Something. They see a de-aged Anakin Skywanker and ask about why he ate a Jar Jar Binks for dinner when he became a Darth Vader? They LOVE it without question and Kennedy and Dave F. drool at their masses. The actors and creators go on stage and smile and drool for that sweet sweet cash. They want to say how much they love being a Jedi or a whatnot. They say they love the fans and that the Star War is a family or a community or whatever, but all these ghouls really love is the checks.

All Comments (21)
  • @johnsensebe3153
    It's called Andor because it's about the Empire and/or the Rebellion.
  • @Bannjer
    In an interview Tony Gilroy stated that the second season of Andor would be its last for the simple reason that he can’t keep up the intensity of making this sort of show without sacrificing quality. Talk about restraint!
  • @samwallaceart288
    Syril getting berated by his goblin-mom while he's trying to finish his Kapn Krunch is the best part of the show and I will fight you on that
  • @cbaum64
    Mike remembering the beat-for-beat editing composition of A New Hope on a cellular level at 40:50, but also having to ask Rich if there were Jedi in The Phantom Menace
  • @Able406
    Rich’s turn to “I now hate this show” in the last 5 seconds is the most tragic arc in the history of Star Wars
  • @RInger2875
    As a Tolkien fan, it is amusing to me that Rich keeps getting confused about the name of Stellan Skarsgard's character and referring to him as Luthien, the name of the most beautiful elf-maiden who ever lived.
  • @wirilome
    I regularly forget Andor is a person and think it's a planet
  • 24:22 it’s funny because Syril Karn’s blaming Andor for his shitty life instead of the Imperial system is INCREDIBLY realistic when you think of how many people handle their politics in the real world
  • @mattb2842
    I appreciate that Andor managed to make a singular TIE fighter terrifying.
  • @Ironcorgi2
    Andor was the only Star Wars property that actually looked at the franchise and said “so Star Wars is about fighting against fascism so let’s actually make the empire fascist”
  • @doolicious
    Mike seemed to forget the smile and laugh of Luthen after finding out that the heist was successful. It was acted brilliantly by Skarsgard after the pressure and anxiety in prior scenes
  • @RedLetterMedia
    Friends. I do see Syril Karn having two paths as a character... 1. Being surrounded by lazy Morlana security folks and/or Imperial ladder-climbers makes him more determined to be the most powerful fascist in the universe. OR that after really trying hard to be a bootlicker, to no avail, he goes full insane rebellion guy. A sort of "I'm gonna start my own business cause this is getting me nowhere" kind of guy. Perhaps he just follows that through line to exacting personal revenge on Andor (lame). I guess I just like that actor his incompetence and unsure-of-himself nature made him charming. I was rooting for him to catch Andor. The fact that his only support system was his elderly mother, made him even more pathetic and likable. Apparently no friends, no partner, etc... just work. The most important moment was when he's in his room and he gets about 30 seconds of sunlight due to the massive volume of buildings on Coruscant. We get a shot of him crying as the sun passes over. Adding a subtle touch of sympathy like that to a villain is shocking in a Star War. Is he a victim of the brutal imperial system? Did his nagging mother push him into being like this? Or was he just born to be one of the many imperial scumbags doing the bidding of the Emperor. Sure, we all know people like that. People with zero personality that are obsessed with work, but he showed no ambitions towards rank or career acceleration. I.e. his motivation was simply "justice" - had their been a line like, "If I catch Andor I'll be promoted to head of Morlana security" I'd have a different ppinion, but the subtle touches to make him likable were placed throughout. Him personally modifying his uniform to look better while the security head guy rolled his eyes, his awkward motivational speech, etc. I suppose I'm just hoping for complexity and some kind of arc other than "he's a guy built to be a cog and will go on to be a bigger one" I liked Syril Karn more than Andor. He's a soulless character molded by the machine of the Empire and the society and it'd be delightful to see him warmed up to have friends and a better purpose. Either way, the fact that a character in a Star War is complex and worthy of discussion goes to show how well written this show was!!! Hats off to you Tony Gilroy and friends! #teamsyril #catchandor
  • @Opno
    When my very good friend, Mike Stoklasa, said "I liked Andor a lot", the dopamine hit from my opinion being correct was absolutely euphoric
  • @rakino4418
    "Every frame of star wars is in my memory banks" Earlier: "Were there Jedi in the Phantom menace? Was Palpatine in Rise of Skywalker?"
  • @joshuatxuk
    As a dork about more niche and arbitrary aspects of Star Wars, this hit it out of the park with the OT's "cassette futurism" and high tech/ low-life aesthetic and look. I also really liked how we saw more boring housing and public area pockets of Coruscant along with the luxurious areas and gritty back alleys.
  • @Horrormaster13
    It turns out that when you hire a competent, experienced and talented screenwriter, you can get a good Star Wars show out seemingly nothing.
  • @TortugaMaritima
    "Were there Jedis in The Phantom Menace?" You know dementia is really kicking in when Mike doesn't remember a movie he has been constantly bashing for the last twelve years.
  • @RTukka
    One thing that you guys missed is that Kenari (Andor's homeworld) wasn't a pre-industrial planet, it was a planet that was ruined by some kind of industrial accident that only left children alive.
  • In the near future: Mike: "Hey, Rich have you heard of this Mr. Plinkett guy? I was watching him and it turns out he's me!" Rich: "I know Mike, I'm also Mr. Plinkett, let's put you to bed."