Victorian Humor (1884 Joke Book)

Published 2024-08-01
I purchased a "joke book" from 1884, entitled the "Wit and Humor of the Age." With one of the authors being Mark Twain. Hear some old jokes from that book, first published in 1883, with this edition being printed in 1884.

All Comments (21)
  • @mmna5245
    No because I already lost it at the "It's bean soup, sir."😭😭
  • "There's a great rogue at the end of this stick." "At which end, your honor?" I wonder what effect that had on his sentence ...
  • @flamencoprof
    I am a fan of Mark Twain. “Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” “God created war so that Americans would learn geography.”
  • @reme7903
    "If you get the best of whiskey the whiskey gets the best of you" is my favorite out of these.
  • @LoneHermit
    "I don't think the teacher knew very much, she kept asking questions. She kept asking where the Missisipi River was." Somewhat simply modern, I like it.
  • @sharonw2475
    Some of my husband's recent humor: Recently while going through the checkout lane at Walmart the associate asked us if we wanted our drinking water in a bag, he replied "no thanks just leave it in the jug" or at the VA eye clinic the doctor while examining my husband's eyes said "now I'll take a look at the back of your eyes" .....he replied "do you want me to turn around".......After church service one Sunday he was measuring the candles on the alter to order some new ones, when we went to leave the sanctuary our new reverend ask him "why are you walking around with a tape measure in your hand?" husband relied "just seeing how LONG your sermons are.".......and I've had to listen to this for 59 years !
  • @SuperChicken666
    I would be very careful with that book. Everyone who's ever read it has died.😮
  • @doraran2138
    The Monsignor at St. Patrick's had the married couple's night and before the festivities' benediction, said, " Now all you men, go hug the most important person in your life." The poor bar tender was hugged by 200 men.
  • @VoxelMusic
    G: "Did you know that babies raised on elephant milk gained twenty pounds for every week?" F: "nonsense" G: "how do you know?" F: "I was raised on elephant milk and I'm still flat broke"
  • @grayrobber
    “The Best Bread Joke Of 1891 Fellow #1 Have you any bread? Fellow #2 Why, yes would you like some? Fellow #1 I should say so - it would be YEAST you could do! Fellow #2 [Stabs Fellow #1 with dull bread knife]
  • @thealkymyst
    "If you get the best of whiskey, whiskey will get the best of you" sounds like an excellent country song.
  • “Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” - Mark Twain
  • “Is this this seat engaged, miss?” “No, but I am.” the original “I have a boyfriend” joke😂😂😂
  • I can just imagine men huddled around a fire, or enjoying some time off listening to the reader pick out his favorite parts. “Oh oh, listen to this!” “How about this one?” Alternating between laughter and groaning, with pithy remarks and commentary from the audience. Thank you for sharing this piece of history!
  • @Dave5400
    Just goes to show that although the language (and likely the delivery) has obviously changed a fair bit, it's still incredible to see that many if not all of these still make perfect sense today, nearly 150 years later.
  • @sturmovik1274
    "Is this seat engaged?" "No, but it is going steady with the seat across the aisle."
  • @MirlitronOne
    I'm a Brit who has loved the humour of Mark Twain ever since I first read "Tom Sawyer" as a kid.