The OTHER Form Of Ego Lifting... (Not Talked About!)

Published 2023-04-21
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00:00 Geoff Says Hello
00:05 The Typical Ego Lifter...
00:44 The OTHER Form Of Ego Lifter...
01:45 Technique IS Important, BUT That Doesn’t Mean SUPER STRICT!
03:00 Reject Timidity, Get Huge
04:30 Beyond Technical Failure is FINE!
05:45 Balance, Context and Nuance Are Key
06:08 Boostcamp!
07:04 Control Is Still Very Important (Cheating/Partials can go too far!)
08:05 “Just be Strict” is SAFE advice and GOOD for beginners.
09:00 KNOW your risk aversion and goals
09:40 But the SFR!
11:15 Enhanced vs Natural Training Might Differ A Bit Here.
12:40 Again...this isn’t for ALL LIFTS
13:30 Tracking Progress?
15:50 Slop Step Loading
17:10 Books. They Nice. Buy em :)

Book 1: SWEAT (beginners/intermediates)
Book 2: Ring Training For Hypertrophy (ring enthusiasts)…
Book 3: Resurrecting Your Gains (beginners/intermediates)…

Can check the site for full Tables Of Contents of each book. Appreciate the support!

Fully Custom Training Plans and One-On-One Mentorship:
Email geodude412 (at symbol thingy) yahoo (dot symbol thingy) com

All Comments (21)
  • @GVS
    Best to attach your ego to RESULTS, not weight OR technique! For more info about getting the MOST out of your training, check out my books below. Enjoy your new knowledge gainz. Book 1: SWEAT (beginners/intermediates) Book 2: Ring Training For Hypertrophy (ring enthusiasts)… Book 3: Resurrecting Your Gains (beginners/intermediates)… Can check the site for full tables of contents for each book. Appreciate the support!
  • @klossvik
    Send this video to Renaissance Periodization
  • @MassiveIron
    Yes. This occurs way too often on certain back exercises. Shrugs as well.
  • Excellent topic. Good technique ≠ strict technique. It’s all about how much of a beating you can give to that muscle. And a lot of lifts do require some “cheat” to actually have GOOD technique as ironic as it is. Power shrugs are a perfect example. A strict “perfect” looking shrug with excellent mind muscle connection is inferior in most cases to a power shrug, but the power shrug is the technique that allows you to target the muscle best. A lot of it comes down to tension curves imo. Edit: perfect title too. How the turns have tabled…
  • @sasdf2215
    Been following you since the Quora days man. You, Bald Omni Man, NH, Alphadestiny are all carrying the natty fitness space rn with your informative content. Not only do you guys have an abundance of documented gains, but you don’t gatekeep & shine lights on smaller more underground channels. Truly is a great time to be a natty lifter. Big respect.
  • @lafftrakk
    it's too early in my day to be hit with the "lifetime intermediate" line
  • @claybutler
    I'd say err on the side of being too strict, rather than too loose on form. You won't get hurt being strict and as you move into your 40's and 50's you'll definitely want to err on strict rather than loose. Just got to failure on most sets and you'll be fine.
  • I agree, I started doing this when I realized the most impressive physiques pushed past failure with slight momentum or cheating.
  • Finally someone talking about this. I don’t know why but the ultra slow reps seen in stuff like YouTube shorts/ mind muscle connection talk, has always bugged me. Bro you don’t have to do a 10 second eccentric, 3 second pause, and then you 10 second concentric on a bicep curl to grow your arms lol
  • @FitLabb
    While I tend to be a bit of a stickler for good form & safety first, you’re right about using a somewhat balanced approach within your comfort level. Cheat reps can be great towards the end of some working sets, & while I feel it’s important to learn proper form first, having 100% perfect form shouldn’t become a limiting factor for progressing the intensity & challenging yourself. I’d just be especially cautious of compromising form in any way on some bigger compound movements like squats & deadlifts like you mentioned. 💪
  • @DaLordIsBack1
    8:51 that's not a tricep, that's the quads in the area where the tricep i supposed to be lmao
  • Another thunderous shot across the bow in the Youtube Fitness Technique Wars! I would love to see a debate/discussion between Geoff and Mike Israetel on technique, failure, etc. That'd be a banger.
  • Those gymbrahs that randomly come up to you and change the lift entirely because they see that you're young are super frustrating. One time I was doing one arm db rows for my lats and someone came to correct my form and it made it rear delt focused and another time someone made my squats go from quad focus to posterior chain.
  • @TobyKBTY
    I recall Omni man made a video recently on triceps, saying how …yes the current “meta” is double rope pushsdowns for that sick MMC on triceps and really getting it involved with more range… but a simple straight bar pushdown with your palms over the bar simply generates more force and allows you to push down more weight. That was like a lightbulb going off in my head. So now I balance things out and focus on how I can progress best for me
  • @mert111
    Commenting a second time just to say wtf are those triceps man every video of yours I’m surprised and impressed all over again
  • Using a bit of momentum can add a lot of extra gains, especially with upper back work
  • @WantedArgonianMale
    A friend started working recently and I go with him sometimes. He has this problem and won't listen to me. He even tells me I'm doing it wrong when I finish a set with partials or when I refuse to do a twenty second eccentric. And I put way more effort in than he does and move a lot more weight. I'm just gonna stick to one day a week with him because he's gonna drive me crazy.