What If The Clone Army Did NOT Have Inhibitor Chips For Order 66

Published 2024-04-09

All Comments (21)
  • Mundi is always gonna die in these situations, and I find that hilarious. 😂
  • @MrMasterDebate
    Darth Plaguise in the after life: laughing hysterically YOU DIDNT EVEN BETA TEST THE CHIPS YOU NOOB!”
  • @linda-0587
    ”WE FIGHT….FOR THE JEDI!!” (shameless Tron Legacy reference)
  • @RegentOfGreece
    If anything, the Jango Fett Clone Army are the true heroes of the Star Wars Universe. Maybe not every single one, like Faie or Bacara, but the majority are. Thank you for being heroes, one and all, you brave troopers. ❤
  • @SomeSuperGiant
    “Now that I think about it why did I just use dooku as a puppet for the CIS. Why did I think that this massive plan that could fail by one unaccountable individual was a good idea” - palp “ I don’t know but you are under arrest” - random clone
  • Order 66: Exists. Most commanders who can ignore it: Nah fam. Commander Baccara: "Aight, time to kill a phallic head.."
  • I find it hilarious that no matter what scenario he's in, Mundi just never stands a chance 😂
  • @nikokittTAW
    Nearly entire 501st vs palapatine sound cool game mode reminds of the one where large lobby of tf2 team vs Saxton Hale
  • @ClaudevonRiegan_
    You killed Jesse! That’s sad. I’ve got to be honest, I think maul rejoining Sidious is unrealistic. Maul hated sidious and actively wanted to stop him
  • @Bigdan678
    The clones in legends did not have inhibitor chips and were instead brainwashed into doing whatever
  • @thegoldgod42
    This time line: Palpatean: Execute order 66 Captain Rex: lol no
  • @Ace501st-studios
    Rex now has even more trama, man has to have the best thearpist in the mulitverse to recover now
  • @mentalist7772
    I have an idea for you. What if the Jedi refused to be generals in the clone wars and didn't head the clone army, instead deciding to stay peace keepers.
  • I like that most of the Clones, including Captain Rex, defend the Jedi and remain loyal to what they are really fighting for taking on Palpatine no matter the odds. Fighting the Sith Lord reminds me of the Clones fighting to arrest General Krell during the Clone Wars series.
  • @ScyllaIo
    You should read the Republic Commando series. No inhibitor chips. Just soldiers trained by different Mandolorians and following their moral codes instilled by those trainers. When order 66 started, they all had to make a choice of what to do on the spot.
  • The part that’s least believable about this is that shadow collective would be used to take on the republic navy. Palpatine would have just used them to slink back into the shadows so the sith could try again at a future date. Then he’d find a new apprentice to carry on the sith rule of two