Steven Spielberg And John Williams Talk About The Fabelmans, Score, and Leah And Arnold

Published 2023-01-12
Today I had the chance to attend the event at the Writers Guild Theater called “SPIELBERG/WILLIAMS — 50 YEARS OF MUSIC AND MOVIES” celebrating their 60 year on-going collaboration and moderated by Jon Burlingame.

In this snippet, Williams talks about how he knew Spielberg’s parents (Leah And Arnold) and also the score in The Fabelmans; particularly the scene called “Mitzi's Dance.” Spielberg talks about opening up on his personal story to the film world.

Thank you Mr. Spielberg and Maestro Williams for making movies magical for over half a decade now! Also, any film lover HAS to watch The Fablemans (especially in a theater) it’s a love letter from Spielberg himself and I commend him for displaying his own story on the big screen.

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