The art of being yourself | Caroline McHugh | TEDxMiltonKeynesWomen

Published 2013-02-15
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All Comments (21)
  • @crazyhairedjess
    My mom always said, “if you only knew how little time people everyday spend thinking about you, you would stop worrying about it”.
  • @pedrorivera5441
    lets pause the speech and just embrace her fuckin SWAGG!!!!
  • "Humility is not thinking less of yourself. Humility is thinking about yourself less" So many people need to hear this beautiful line 💙✨
  • 41, got fired 8 months ago, still have no job, rediscovered myself, feel happy as never have been. Bless you all!
  • One of the best days of my life was when I realized people aren't really paying attention to me all the time
  • @voir___
    “I’m never the center of attention. You’re the center of Mine.” Love this.
  • I listen to Ted Talks everyday, and I can honestly say this is one of the best. I think I'll listen to this on again. Thank you for this. My Grandmother always said to me, me. People don't think about others as much as you think. They are way to busy thinking about themselves to be thinking about you. What others think about you DOES NOT MATTER. It's what you think about yourself that matters.
  • @meghname4005
    "People who are afraid to be themselves, will work for those who aren't afraid"
  • @nicolap4880
    I can't believe the audience aren't laughing more, she has a wicked sense of humour
  • I'm so happy that when I was 29, a single mother and attending college for the first time, I decided, I was tired of being someone's daughter, sister, mother, wife and I decided to find out who I am, what I me personally like. I wasn't always easy, but as I found myself, I became happier. I am 56 now, I had decided back then, I don't care what other's think of me, and I taught myself to realize in the grand scheme of things, I am more important to myself than I am to anyone one else. I learned to love myself, worry less about what someone might be thinking about me and I am happy. I taught myself to say, who cares what they think, they don't pay my rent or bills.
  • @caitlink9374
    “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. you need to accept yourself.” Thich Nhat Hanh
  • @diannemdaniels
    "Most of us don't take up nearly the space the universe has intended for us."==> THAT. RIGHT. THERE.
  • @space_ghost1994
    “Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.” - Amazing
  • This is the most beautiful talk I've ever watched. Such rich lessons, such a soothing tone. And she looks stunning. One can see her life is her message alright. I'm really grateful for all the plataform/channel/everyone that made possible for a girl in Brazil with a cellphone on her hand to receive this amount of wisdom from a stranger. Thank you.
  • @cfnation8254
    I love her sense of humor. Seems like the crowd is asleep or too damn serious about this.
  • I know this was released years ago and no one's going to see this, but i'm 13 and I feel so fortunate to have found this. I'm struggling to understand myself and my feelings and who I am, and this is really really helpful. It reminds me of something my uncle said, something along the lines of "the things you need most come from yourself and only yourself". I rejected it at the time, but now I know it's true. I want to be myself and not an impersonation of what I think people will like, and I know it won't be easy, but it's one of the things I think the universe wants everyone to do no matter where they are. If anyone's reading this, I hope they can recognize themselves for who they truly are and be as individualistic as they can. goodbye edit: I can't believe how many responses I got. I thought no one would read this and it would just be something i'd look back on, but thank you all very much for your kind words. I'm more motivated now than ever! thank you so much.
  • @heizie88
    Why is no one is talking about how beautiful her voice is and how well she articulated everything? I feel so calm after listening to her. I could listen for hours it seems like. Of only she had an audio book or something.
  • @joannedobkin3363
    I was born a naturally friendly child. My mother told me stories where I would talk to any person at the beach as a little girl. This part of me they tried to change to protect me from strangers. Only I still talk to anyone. I still have the gift of gab. That’s who I am. I’m a sociable soul and I attract others to me that enjoy my personality. I was born to communicate with others it’s my gift. I’m also a natural born singer. Singing gives me great joy but I hide that part of me because I want perfection. I was meant to be a singer I’ve always thought but maybe I was just supposed to be a communicator and sing for my own personal pleasure.
  • This talk hit so much harder when I realized she was speaking to a group of young girls under 12!!! It fills my heart to think of the impact this had on the girls in the room that day. 🥰 not to mention everyone else who has come across it since! Very powerful speech. 😊💖🙏🏼 Edit: it was pointed out that she wasn't actually speaking to a group of young girls after 12, and upon listening again it was clear that she wasn't. 😊 In the beginning of the speech I assumed it was a group of adults so her comments that made that clear didn't register deeply as they were expected. Then the way she worded that part near the end about them becoming 12 and 13 sounded like she was speaking to people who were not yet at that point. It seems she was talking about the past but the way it was worded was easy to misconstrue. Regardless, I'm sure some 12 year olds have watched this since then, and it would be a great talk to show to them! And whatever age, this is a very valuable perspective to listen to. 🥰