Dr Sunshine is dead - Batman AU Animatic

Published 2021-07-23
WARNING: Disturbing imagery (depictions of anxiety and mental breakdown), and flashy colors (epilepsy).

Yeah, after two doctors of Arkham Asylum, I decided to give video for one of my favourite 3 Batman Rogues - Killer Moth. As he is mostly underdeveloped joke character, I took him back to his Silver Age roots as anti-Batman, and rewrote him basing on this mere idea. Two biggest changes I included is making him arab-american and changing his mental problems from minor to pretty severe. I also focused on the bat and moth dynamic - darkness and light, predator and pray. I see Daeej as accidental victim of Batman's crusade, who strives for equity by all cost.

...Gosh, this is the longest video I've done on this channel o_o

Check Out My Instagram: www.instagram.com/adamarcymag/

All Comments (21)
  • @noahwilson7497
    This is such a cool take on killer moth, it actually makes him pretty tragic, and sympathetic as opposed to him just being the joke villain.
  • @KingAce0
    With a back story like this it makes sense why he would choose to protect the criminals of Gotham not just for the money but to get at Batman. To make him see what happens when he fails the people of Gotham and so he can hopefully kill Batman himself. Now of course this Killer Moth isn't a threat and most of the crimes he commits are so minor that Batman almost never is the one to deal with him. But sure he'll eventually breed a type of moth that is dangerous ,like in 2003 Teen Titans, and that when everyone starts taking him seriously...
  • @ivanivan744
    I can see this Killer Moth becoming a rogue by breaking out everyone in Arkham, while trying to hunt down Hugo Strange so he can explain why he's having memories he can't understand. It also gives him a great weakness, forcing the storyteller to be creative in how Killer Moth confronts Batman (Like utilizing flashbangs)
  • @thatguy7670
    Something appreciate is how Killer Moth, at least before he puts on the costume, even looks a bit like a moth. The ears look like wings, his nose looks like that long needle thing (don’t know what it’s called) and his ever growing hair and beard looks like a moths fluff
  • @entomoid
    I do feel like Killer Moth needs a bit more of a backstory than 'goon with weird costume and net gun', and like the idea of using the idea of moths being attracted to light being the inspiration for the moth costume (when bats eat moths for breakfast)
  • This man’s electric bill must rival the budget of small countries my god
  • @bootyman20
    I know i've already commented but I just wanted to say that the plot hole of "how he pay his light bill" could be easily solved by just assuming Bruce Wayne is paying for it. He would obviously feel bad about what Dury is going through, probably relating to his tragic past, and the fact that he sent him into arkham where Hugo jabbed around in his brain, and would just pay his expenses. As for how he didn't notice the ocean of moths amassing on a extremely well-lit building? I mean he's a busy guy maybe he was out with dinner or something man idk
  • I didn’t get at first who this was about, then the name “Drury Walker” appeared, and it instantly clicked. Honestly, I like Killer Moth as a Batman Villain, I get he’s mainly a joke villain but I feel if DC tried, they could very well give him a very sympathetic backstory to make him more than just a joke. I especially love the connection with Moths, like them, he sticks with light because he’s afraid of what lurks in the Dark, in his eyes, he’s the prey, and Batman is the Predator, and I love that. I also love the little bits he gathers in his mind, pretty much him trying to regain the memories he once lost, the family he once had, the life he once lived. You did such a great job here, and I honestly want to see stuff like this for more Batman Villains.
  • @gabrielzet8973
    Welp. This guy bills for electricity will be sky rocket at this rate. Not counting all this light bulb X-D Wonderful pice of work.
  • I can barely understand the rampant yelling but, honestly that doesn't make it worse, it makes it better for me, it really adds to that frantic atmosphere where he is breaking down just trying to stay away from the dark, and in those final shots, it starts to slow down, as he finally snapped, no more clouded thoughts, just finally snapped
  • I like the idea that while this Killer Moth may not be too much of a threat to Batman on a physical or intellectual level, he still manages to throw the detective off his game by taking away his closest friend, the shadows, making him a deadly element when in combination with a villain who packs a bit more muscle in their armory
  • @NixityNullt
    The idea of killer moth being afraid of the dark because of a traumatic event is the perfect kind of idea to revamp him and make him more interesting the same way the animated series did for mr freeze
  • @TheWilderCat
    I have absolutely zero context on this so I don't know if this is intentional but I think the name Drury is a reference to Dru Drury. He was an entomologist who discovered several moth species.
  • okay i have to praise the wordless storytelling here: even if you didnt have the song to accompany it, you get a clear look at who “Drury” is, what ails him, and how he develops into what he is. holy shit dude.
  • This is probably the best dc animatic I’ve seen. The art is flawless and you captured all of the emotions perfectly. I could feel Drury’s descent into madness.
  • Oh, dang. That's actually a really clever lead-in. At first I expected him to turn out to be Dr. Light or something, but the light attracting all the moths does thematically put him as a good mirror to the Bat.
  • @Psycopathicus
    This is one of the more interesting and compelling takes I've seen on Killer Moth - I've always thought that the poor guy could and should be more than just a joke villain, and I can see some version of this origin being a good starting point for the character if they were to ever use him in a movie. He fears and hates the Batman because he sees himself as his natural prey, and he fears and hates the dark, so he fashions himself after a creature who seeks out the light - really, it's so simple, you'd think someone else would have used it by now. Good job.
  • So we gonna talk about the genius of the importance of lights in this? Like moths are synonymous with being obsessed with lights and lamps, there was an entire meme about it. “Like a moth to the flame” as they say. It’s an amazing detail to add to a character that goes by the name “Killer Moth” and such a genius way of implementing it too. Having him be so afraid of the dark due to bat related visions given to him by Strange that he becomes obsessed to an u healthy degree with keeping the lights on. And even then it’s not enough for him he needs more light in his house to feel safe. He becomes obsessed with lights because of his fear of the dark. It’s just 👌
  • @WinterFox132
    What I believe they gave him at arkham is dissociative amnesia, where his subcontious knows he has gone through some trauma, but he doesn't remember it; since batman is All about bats and the night, he doesn't know (or at least for most of the video) that his trauma came from batman, and since he associates with bats and the night, causing the intense fear of dark. (Just incase anyone wanted an explanation) great animation!