We Had To Keep This Accident A Secret For 3 Years! Try Not To Cry šŸ˜¢

Published 2021-01-13
Never thought I would cry real tears on my channel but here I am...this was easily the scariest moment of our lives and I thank God for keeping my best friend alive.


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All Comments (21)
  • You asked for stories. The first is when I was 17 just got my license. Myself and two buddies were heading out to do some fishing. I was driving a 97 cavalier down a backroad going way too fast. I lost control at around 95mph. We fishtailed about 75 yards. The last thing I remember before impact was the dust parting and seeing an older man standing there. Right after we slammed into a telephone upwards of 95mph. We all walked away without a scratch. The second time a buddy and I were out in his side by side. Again going a little too fast on a back road. We fishtailed caught a patch of pavement and flipped. Mid air I started sliding out of the machine. When we landed the roll cage was across my chest and stomach. We slid 50ish feet like that. When we came to a stop I remember looking over and again seeing the same old man turn and walk away. When the dust settled he was gone. No helmet on and when we stopped my head was roughly a foot from a guardrail. We both had road rash but flipped the machine over like nothing happened. Couple weeks later helping my dad clean the garage I moved an old tool box and found a picture of an elderly gentleman. I told my dad the guy looked so familiar. It was the same guy I saw at both accidents. I described to my dad what he was wearing when I had saw him. My dad walked inside and came back with a picture of my grandfather before they took him to the hospital leading to him passing. Exact same outfit. He passed away a year or so before I was born, and Iā€™ve never seen what he looks like. My familyā€™s weird about having pictures of deceased family hanging. Came to find out the road I had wrecked my car on is the same road he was involved in a terrible car accident when he was younger almost killing him, and where my buddy and I flipped his machine was about 2 miles from where he grew up. Call me crazy but Iā€™m 100% a believer in having a guardian angel and beyond thankful for mine. Sorry for rambling and if anyone read this whole thing youā€™re awesome!
  • @DG-jq7il
    About 12 years ago I was driving to work at 3am, and i was t-boned by a large truck that ran a stop sign 9n a side road while i was driving on a canyon road, my car rolled 7 times and plunged off a cliff and fell about 50 feet straight down. My father had passed a year prior, and while my car was rolling i felt arms wrap around me, and I felt safe, warm, and I could only think of my father. Once my car settled, I immediately called my wife and told her I was in an accident in the canyon and that I went off the cliff, but I was okay. My wife had told me she dreamt of my father telling her to wake up right before her phone rang. The aftermath of the accident was truly devastating, and even the recovery crew didn't believe anyone survived it.. I truly believe my father came to protect me, and that is why I am here today.
  • @tabbisowden0393
    I whole heartedly believe in guardian angels. My dad was a long haul truck driver for 20+ years up until the day he passed away. One night when he was pushing his limits a little too far while trying to get to his preferred truck stop, he started to zone out. His moms presence showed up which jolted him to alertness. Less than 2 miles up the road there was a multi car pile up that he would've crashed into at 60ish mph. There have been many times my family have been pulled from of the brink of danger. Personally, when I was 14, I was ready to end it all. Actually had the exit method in my hand pressed against my skin when i felt arms wrap around me and someone start humming an old cherokee song. It made me feel safe for the first time in a while, i put the exit method away and went to my room where I silently cried myself to sleep.
  • @tonyscavello8190
    šŸ˜®Dave, I believe in a guardian angel myself. When I was driving truck on my way back from Oregon after picking up a load of CHRISTMAS trees, I became very ill behind the wheel, so I'll that the port official's in Oregon and Wyoming were not going to let me finish my trip to Denver. When I returned to my home yard I had too have another person help me clean out my truck so I could go home. Too this very DAY, I DONOT remember leaving my pick-up point and stopping at the fuel point or returning to the yard in Denver. I do remember getting put in an ambulance and taken too the HOSPITAL where I passed out and remained that way for several days. So I had someone watching over my shoulder all the way from OREGON.
  • @quazaar
    When I was 22 years old, I watched as my wife passed away during labor. It's tough. It's emotional. It still brings tears to my eyes. In September of this year, it will have been 23 years. I remember every second of that night to this day. It's something I wish I could forget. On a positive note, we had an amazing doctor. He was able to save my daughter. Thanks for sharing.
  • "Real Men", exactly like both of you, do cry and show emotion not because you are weak, but because you are both strong, honest, spiritual, and dedicated "Real Men."
  • @719fishing5
    When I was 18, I was on my way to work in my lifted 03 f150. The driver front bearing seized. Locked up the steering and took me into a country road ditch. When the truck came to rest it landed on the passenger side facing the way I came from after flipping through the air and bouncing off the ground. I was feet away from t-post fence posts. When the truck stopped moving, I was laying on the passenger door. I crawled out of the driver's window with a scratch on my knee. I believe my grandpa that I lost when I was 5 was there and kept my work tools and fence posts away from me. I am still reminded of that moment and to this day I still do not drive past that area on a Friday the 13 in the fall. I'm 33 now...
    There is a good reason why both are still here. Since that incident, you fellas have saved a lot of people you will never meet. Glad you're still around šŸ˜Š.
  • @leewalker3514
    When my baby daughter died in my arms I wanted to end it all even though I had four other children it was a very hard time to watch a child that yours die in your arms my 10-year-old son at the time walked up to me and said dad will you take me to the store so we got in my 3500 Dodge and we drove to the store and out of the blue he did not know I was planning on taking my life he looked at me and said dad youā€™re not going to Die on me are you and it was like a light come on I said son Iā€™m gonna be here as long as I can I believe guardian angels are used to your children to help you make it that son is now 29 years old and Iā€™m so thankful he said that to me
  • @darlagail56
    When our youngest son was 10 yrs old we lived in the Mountains an hour from Las Vegas NV. It was winter and the boys liked to go sledding . For three days as I was leaving our house to go to work in Vegas I had a vision of my son laying in the snow in the road with a blanket covering him from head to foot. I told him of my vision and told him to sled on Rainbow hill and NOT in the roads !! On December 20, 1990 I received a call that my son had been hit by a truck . My husband was the Police Officer on the Mountain and was on a call and my older son who was 13 yrs old was at home when Shawn 10 yrs old left with his friends. There were 8 kids playing in the snow that day and decided to sled down a steep road. Two boys were hit by the truck that day one of them being our son Shawn. In my vision I saw a Police Officer enter my office at the Library and he said ā€œ Come on letā€™s go ā€œ !!! Just like my vision. When we got to the hospital my son had taken the accident in his face and he was unrecognizable but alive ! He was bleeding internally in his head . We all gave blood and a week later on Christmas Day he stopped bleeding. Someone had put a blanket covering him from the snow that was falling so the EMTā€™s thought he was dead. When they lifted the blanket Shawn opened his eyes. He was put in the back of his Dads Patrol vehicle and transferred to the snow line where an ambulance was waiting . It took one year for Shawn to recover. He told me God had plans for him and today he is a Police Officer with a family of his own. I thank God for the heads up .
  • Been blasting through videos on your channel and this one got me. Iā€™m an elevator constructor for local 10 in Washington DC. December 3rd 2020, on my late fatherā€™s birthday, a scaffold board fell 15 floors down the hoistway hitting me in the back and causing me to fall roughly 6 feet onto my head. I suffered 3 spinal fractures, 5 broken ribs, punctured lung, lacerated liver and kidney, and a variety of cuts and bruises. My father was intensely proud of me for getting into this trade, and I whole heartedly believe he kept me here so I could raise my children. Thank you for sharing gents.
  • @markknister6272
    David yelled a couple ā€œirreverentā€ prayers, you are not alone. Glad you shared this.
  • @timrowland1490
    I was hit by a tractor trailer and my wife and 10 day old daughter were in the car with me. My wife was bleeding šŸ©ø to death, I screamed for GOD to give it all to me, my daughter was ok and then the same dr that just told me my wife was going to die, said he couldnā€™t understand but the bleeding šŸ©ø has stopped? The next day at home after we got some rest, I woke up paralyzed from the neck down? I broke my neck left shoulder and my back and both knees! GOD heard me after over 50 operations I am disabled for life and I can walk with extreme pain and I need a new knee! So cry boys and keep praying šŸ™ GOD IS listening šŸ‘‚
  • Don't ever worry about crying in front of us we will never judge y'all even the toughest men cry
  • This is more tearjerking than a Telephone Company Ad for Long Distance services. Trying to hold back tears for a man to watch another man go threw is gut wrenching.
  • @pamwalker8394
    I drove raced drag boats for 25 years. The first boat I had ran 82 mph in a quarter, and wished I could just go 90. Over the next 25 years I drove 18 different classes of boats in jets, flat bottoms and hydros. Starting in 86 I started driving top fuel hydro ā€œThe Coors Light Silver Bulletā€ running over 200 mph in just over 5 seconds. I set the world record in 97 and retired at age 50. I came out of retirement in 99 because they were offering $50k for any one that could beat our record. Anyway I crashed at over 230 mph and came to a stop in a little over a second, I was in a coma for 13 days, broke my back, legs, had a hematoma, my helmet was watertight and I was bleeding out of every hole in my head, so my helmet fill up with blood and I drowned in it. I got ARDS from that and that was what they thought I would die from. But a man came to the hospital and told my wife and mother GOD told him I would live. He had never been to a race before and angels had told him to tell not to worry. Well it took me 1 1/2 years to recover. Always pray before make a pass to make sure your Angels are with you. Kyle W
  • @hessanator
    Grown ass Marine sitting here shedding tears man. So many things happened to me over in afghan a normal person wouldn't believe me. Someone was over there with my brothers and I. Give me goosebumps listening to you tell this story. So glad you have them looking over your shoulder. Love you guys
  • I had an incident many years ago where I was hauling 50K of coil steel, and in a heavy rainstorm, was knocked off the road by an out of control car (for the opposite direction. When the dust and mud settled, I told the accident investigating patrolman that I thought I did a good job keeping the rig upright going off the ravine at 40mph. He looked at me and said come look over at your frame here. He said,"someone was steering your rig down the hill, but it wasn't you. All 5 1/2 inch steering box bolts were sheered clean off. He climbed up in the rig and spun the steering wheel. I wrote about the trip in a local paper here in Florida called The Hernando Sun. I know I was saved that time around!
  • @dudeguy2878
    Came across your channel recently and been going through your content. THIS video struck an emotional nerve. I lost my best friend very suddenly 8 months ago and have been struggling with it. You guys and the group of people you surround yourselves with all seem like real genuine good people. Thank you for sharing this scary moment of your lives and being so open to a sea of people you do not even know. God bless and thank you.
  • @waynepowers7272
    Guarding Angles are real to me. They have kept me safe all my life but lately they have been working overtime for me and my Family. My wife and I was on our way home from Tennessee, when I got distracted and ran of the road doing about 70 mph. Something took the wheel out of my hand and guided my truck back to the highway. My wife was hysterical, me I said a pray under my breath, thanking God for my Angles looking over me. Yes guys, I watched your story and believe every word of your conversation. I am sorry you had to go through but I am so glad you both came out ok. Everyone has an Angle in their corner whether they believe it or not. You guys are the best. Your stories are great, keep it up.