Published 2021-02-12

All Comments (21)
  • @FeLoNyCrImE
    There is no white privilege only wealth privilege, no matter your skin tone.
  • White privilege for myself growing up was.. watching my mom use food stamps to pay for food, counting change out on the kitchen table to cover lunch money for myself and 3 siblings, family of 6 living in a 2 bedroom rent house, mom riding a bike to her job at a grocery store, dad working double shifts. We need to stop judging and come together 💙
  • My white privilege in the 80's was going to work after school to help my mom out since my dad was living in his car and her company filed chapter 11 after working there for 15 years. Then when I graduated from HS my white privilege voided me from getting any grant or financial aid for college but I was really happy to see my friend get a grant he never had to pay back even though he grew up in the better part of the neighborhood than I did and both his parents were in the medical field. His dad a DR and his mom was a nurse. My friend was a mix of Black and Filipino. Lucky for him his rough life he had to live growing up in that big house got him his degree for free. Life goes on so at the age of 20 I signed up to be a fireman. When the average wait to take the test is 6 months to a year, My white privilege speed tracked that wait time to only 8 years!! I was finally called at the age of 28 to take my first test. I aced the exam and being an ex college athlete I couldnt wait to take the physical as I was still in peak shape. After waiting 6 more months I got a call from my Cousin who was a captain in LA saying dont hold your breath. There is a reverse discrimination suit going on and they wont be hiring any white males for a while. Life goes on and I think I did pretty ok. I never moaned and groaned about it, I just realized nothing I can do about it and I cant let it stop me. So yeah, If anyone of you who think there is "white privilege", just hit me up and I will gladly give you mine.
  • It just sucks cause just like blacks who don't wanna be categorized as all criminals, us white folk don't wanna all be categorized as racists. There's a TON of us that love each other as brothers and sisters and it just sucks about the division, ya know? But I love you guys and yalls reaction to EVERYTHING. I've been binge watching. Yall keep it up 💕 I subscribed 😁
  • @gloriakuhn8670
    No, he's saying don't hate on white people. The privilege is for the rich of all races. I am glad that you all are trying to see the other side. As long as you keep trying to understand, I will keep watching.
  • @speedy5622
    I feel like this went in one ear and out the other. Hope ya'll listened to it in full a second time
  • @oldweeb1066
    I was called "El Diablo Blanco" to my face when I was 9 years old while living in a predominately Hispanic neighborhood by a Hispanic man. That means "White Devil" in Spanish. That was 40 years ago and I will never forget it for the rest of my life.
  • I love that this is a channel that is willing to have discussions. Even if they can't fully see things from the other side of the discussion, they try to, and they want to have a conversation. That isn't always the case, so it's a mark of respect.
  • @GenX-Rising
    Tom lived in South Central when he wrote this. He invited all his neighbors to listen to it. He was the only white dude and they encouraged him to make this video
  • @elleorton4338
    He’s not saying “don’t hate my privilege”. He’s saying stop focusing on the things you’ve been told to hate white men for because you feel some kinda way
  • I had a black co-worker tell me about the time the police pulled her over in her own neighborhood. The police treated her like a criminal because of her skin color. I laughed and said, "yeah, I got pulled over once because the police thought I was drunk. Three squad cars came and they gave me a breathalyzer. They were convinced the breathalyzer was broken because it wasn't showing anything. They had me do all kinds of tests before they finally realized I was not drinking." My co-worker was in awe because I am a white woman. It happens to us all.
  • When my brother and I were young teens, I had to witness him being bullied, beaten up, harassed because he is the white skinny kids with glasses. He never said anything negative or disrespectful towards anyone of a different skin tone or anyone for that matter. It was quite traumatizing. Nowadays its hard for us to always having to put our heads down and take on the responsibility of things that have happened more than a century ago...
  • “I see what he means but I’ll just never be in that predicament “. That’s exactly the point. This song was Tom trying to get the point across to black people of how some white people feel. He wrote “If I Was Black” to help white people understand how some black people feel. The whole point of these messages is to try to get everyone to step back from themselves for a minute and see life from someone else’s eyes. United we stand. Divided we fall. 🙌🏻
  • @SheenaRea
    I'm white and have struggled all my life. Been a caregiver, waitress, house-cleaner, basically grunt jobs, just to stay alive. Nobody's helping me. WTF is white privilege, I sure don't know it. Not all of us are alike. I live in a town that used to be 99% white, now it's 60% black. Do I move out? Why should I? I love all people. We whiteys are not all the same. Be careful not to judge. Your channel is growing because of Tom, and you are open to his message. Thank you.
  • @dawno1175
    I give you 3 young gentlemen credit for giving a truthful reaction and for trying to look at the other side. That's exactly the message.... That we all need to look at the other side.💞
  • No privilege here. Been homeless. Been hungry. Struggled to make a living for years. Worked hard. Been laid off and fired. Everyone is just trying to make it. 🎉🎉
  • You guys are listening but I don't think you hear what he's saying.
  • @tamarahaas967
    I've been called the white devil, because I'm a conservative white woman. I get called racist by a few people. To me...being racist us hating one race. For me, they call me racist against blacks. If I hated blacks, then why in the hell would I live in a town full of black people. I'm actually a minority here. I work mostly with all Black and Hispanic people. My kid's best friend is black, my daughter dates blacks. The people I work with are absolutely amazing, and I love them. We teach each other and come together. That's what being American is about. Listening and teaching each other. The media wants us divided, but we need to unite. We are all Americans, and all brothers and sisters. Much love to you guys. Love seeing your open minds to Tom. I'm a HOG fan, because he speaks straight facts, I'm also a huge ARMY(BTS), because they teach love for others as well as self love.
  • @tylersux6977
    See this is what the world needs is a discussion everyone so wrapped up in shit and they dont even know how to unwrap it. You guys are great i love this channel. Keep it up!