40 Life & Money Habits To Master Before 40

Published 2023-04-20
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0:00 - Intro
0:02 - Wear Sunscreen
0:17 - Take Long Walks
0:39 - Lookup
1:00 - Drink Black Coffee
1:28 - Phone Off
1:50 - Bedroom = No Phone Zone
2:11 - Notepad By Bed-Side
2:33 - Watch Just Enough
2:45 - Read Everyday
3:16 - Don’t Lend Books
3:25 - Write Down Goals
3:43 - Write Down Thoughts
4:03 - Hold Cash
4:17 - Don’t Buy Things You Can’t Afford
4;21 - Buy Time
4:43 - Don’t Take Money Advice From Family & Friends
4:58 - Financing Is The Last Option, Not First
5:12 - Insurance Isn’t Boring
5:26 - Diversify
5:43 - Make Eye Contact
6:02 - Firm Handshake
6:17 - Use Names
6:38 - Listen
6:55 - Take Interest
7:17 - Avoid Mean Remarks
7:24 - Cultivate Hope
7:35 - Marry Carefully
7:51 - Play
8:10 - Keep Secrets
8:17 - Don’t Burn Bridges
8:28 - Be A Good Loser
8:47 - Be Modest
9:02 - Show Respect
9:17 - Keep Things Simple
9:37 - Count Your Blessings
9:49 - Explore Curiosity
10:09 - Be Brave
10:29 - Life Isn’t Fair
10:48 - No Regrets
11:03 - You Are The Hero


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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. I am merely sharing my personal opinion. Please seek professional help when needed.

All Comments (21)
  • @jasonunger2776
    “Don’t burn bridges, you might be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.” Love it
  • @Force5lover
    My philosophy for a while has not been “what kind of person would my dad want me to be” but rather “what kind of person would I want my child to be.” Since taking that mindset, I’ve been able to prioritize my own morals a lot better and think clearly about what matters most to me 😊
  • @skategenie
    I love how straight to the point your videos. No lengthy preamble or anything. Quick and to the point.
  • Excellent list. I'm 58 and found many things I should be doing. No one is ever too old to learn.
  • @Alvaropse
    i absolutely love how u went straight to the points and summerized 40 tips in under 12 mins. I've been watching some of your videos but this one got me to subscribe
  • @ArinGokdemir
    If there is anything I have learned, it’s the power of a to do list. To do lists are OP. To do lists helped pull me out of depression. Having a list you put together beforehand or each day and sticking to it really boosts productivity, and when you look down and see every item checked off at the end of the day it gives an unbeatable sense of satisfaction.
  • @naritunes
    I just want to share this strategy that has been working for me for years: Have a level-headed imaginary friend. It is pretty much same as "your inner voice" but I give mine more of a personality. Whenever I go though hard times or have to make a difficult decision, I imagine a conversation between me and this friend, and her point of view is always more mature and logical. By doing it this way, I can both acknowledge my own feelings (not dismissing them) and also broaden my perspective and think logically at the same time. You can also argue that "why not have a real person to do this", but other people can't understand your struggles better than yourself. This imaginary friend would know you best and give you great advice that's for your own good.
  • @Susanhartman.
    Creating wealth entails establishing positive routines, such as consistently setting aside funds at regular intervals for sound investments. Financial management is a vital subject that many avoid, often leading to future regrets.
  • I really appreciate the reminder to take walks, get outside and walk for the sake of walking. I also really appreciate how straight to the point this video is, no fluff or unnecessary speech.
  • @kortyEdna825
    I wish i learnt most of these principles about seven years ago. A lot of people have been trapped strongly in the matrix-- Go to school, get a job, and then slave your whole life. Many miss out on life-changing information that could have great effect on their finances. I played with the stock market sometime in 2020, and I was surprised at how well it turned out. I want to put in $90k more into the market. I heard people are making really great returns despite the downturn. Any recommendations?
  • Loved this speedy video format, & content! I used to keep a notebook where I wrote down a memorable quote from every book I read. It may be something intriguing, controversial, or just funny. Haven’t done that for many years now & I don’t know why. I still have that notebook & this video has encouraged me to challenge myself to get back to that habit.
  • Tai, I’m adoring your channel. I love your unique take on things. I’m happy to see … you’re approaching 100K subscribers! Thanks for ALL you put into your videos to help inspire, guide and elevate us all!
  • @r.c.8738
    Hahahahaahahahha i love that there was no intro anymore! So refreshing❤❤❤❤❤
  • @harivinayak03
    love how you dive straight into the points, Tae. Much appreciated
  • Awesome video. Packed with so many valuable life lessons that everyone should implement!
  • I'm 27 and what I always tell young kids (17-18-19 year olds or younger) is. Take care of your health first and foremost. Taking care of your skin, hair, teeth, body etc is the best thing you can do. If you have a healthy body you have a healthy mind, all of this needs work. Doesn't matter if you read and study every day if you don't exercise, eat properly and take care of yourself. Same way if you exercise and work out but you don't study (you work out your body and you don't work out your brain? Really?). It's like a video game, at first life helps you: you can eat junk food, you can exercise poorly, you can ignore your health problems your body is growing and can handle all of that. You'll be skinny, your blood will be great, your skin will be perfect. But suddenly, you find yourself in your mid 20s and your body doesn't cope with an all nighter of partying the same way, your body doesn't react well to a certain lifestyle you chose (ie drugs, drinking, smoking, etc) and in your late 20s, where i'm entering right now, it's when your body starts giving you small signs that life isn't helping you anymore and you need to take action. I always tell something along these lines so they can preemptively prepare themselves to what's to come. All of the video tips are good, even though in reality we can't do all of these 100% of the time. But you're not a failure if you can't, as long as in a course of a year it's something that's common for you to do.
  • I'm a loyal listener now❤ It's wonderful to start out new year with you🎉
  • @Keym78
    Everything on this list epitomizes a growth mindset. I love it! I have learned that we are all creatures of habit, for better or worse. Police your morals, ethics, and principles, and be wary of those who attempt to undermine your efforts. Great list!
  • One of the most helpful and straight forward videos I’ve ever seen. Great video!