Published 2024-02-03
The US has according to thirdphaseofmoon,
so many UFO and flying saucer events...

Would I see one here, I would go out to the nearest field, would it message to get me on a ride hehe...

But if only mental calls occure,
I rather prefer to stay at the balcony.
Cause it seems that some Wave tech gimmics can emulate digital seductions, making one feel to come out, but are just for other stunts.

I would have to visually see one hovering in front of the balcony or sky...
dark or bright....

All Comments (2)
    🛸 Why visually seeing a saucer craft after a mental call of about 15 minutes? Because that shall serve as spoof prank safety...from enthusiasts, enjoying to use mental beam emulator tech ... Would a saucer appear after mental call, this would be hard evidence and real... Not some lunatic wuuziii out walk prank... I believe that they actually can probably lift a person up into a saucer...fro a field or bedroom. As seen in so many UFO documentaries, which sound realistic! So theoretically is not nessesary to walk out...