How China leaped 15 years ahead of the world in nuclear power: the same way as in everything else

Published 2024-06-19
China is now without peer in the nuclear power generation industry, after employing a whole-of-government strategy, vast financing at low cost, supply chain dominance, and coordination of university research.

This from a comprehensive analysis of China's rise in nuclear power, from a non-entity just 30 years ago to the undisputed world leader, and now about 15 years ahead of the United States and Europe.

The same strategies and efforts that China used to dominate nuclear power is identical to the ones used in dozens of other industries, and with the same results.

Resources and links:

US 15 years behind China in nuclear power – The Chinese Government is providing the industry with unparalleled backing.…

US as many as 15 years behind China on nuclear power, report says…

How Innovative Is China in Nuclear Power?…

All Comments (21)
  • @morrismak
    I just visited a research lab that's working on printable solar panels that is fast and 1/4 the current price to produce. ... And the Western countries are screaming "dumping, over capacity, unfair competition and government subsidies" jargons.... The fact is that China innovates to make things faster, cheaper, and better quality.
  • @good2freelance1
    The more power China has, the more peaceful the world is. That's a fact.
  • I remember watching a documentary series on the Chinese nuclear power plant. They were talking about this special seal (sealing the two parts of the pressure vessel) where only 1 company in the US could manufacture. The price for these seals were very expensive and delivery times unstable. This seal was considered a key and strategic component. To cut you the chase, the Chinese wanted to license this technology from the US company where they can manufacture this seal to reduce maintenance time. The US company laughed saying the Chinese would never be able to manufacture this without US know how. 18 months later the Chinese where able to manufacture a better seal at a fraction of the cost. This seems to be the theme. Once China is forced against the wall, they will innovate their way out of it.
  • @Gman979
    If ancient Chinese craftsman can build a building and machinery with just wood and not a single bolt or nail already speak volume of how innovative Chinese people can be. Chinese legendary craftsman LU BAN is still being used and remain relevant today.
  • @markchan8110
    The answer is simple. The Chinese CAN innovate and will innovate just like their ancestor did thousand years ago.
  • One final thought -- if I were a Chinese NVIDIA engineer/scientist/executive , I'd cash out my equity now and buy a plane ticket to China.
  • @gregarnot5066
    In 2000 I was a factory owner in Shandong It was around 2003 when I first heard an American talk of the need “to contain China”. To the Chinese this was a threat to blockade China like Japan did before WWII From that threat China established Belt & Road (making blockade ineffective) China built their Navy (the Taiwan independence movement won with 38% plurality in 2000 and the U.S. was flirting with that secessionist group) China made self sufficiency a strategic goal, again in fear of a U.S. blockade
  • @bertanelson8062
    Notice the role of the People's Republic of China GOVERNMENT. This is leadership with the PEOPLE in mind. It doesn't change direction every four years it is NOT at the whim of capitalist investors. There is vision, determination, true leadership. It didn't get all this money by luck or accident or greedy investments by oligarchs. Brilliant leaders used socialism with Chinese characteristics to manage resources such that a surplus could be used to foster & support development & prosperity FOR THE PEOPLE!
  • In the U.S., building a new nuclear powered plant is like giving birth to a cow. It’s extremely painful, time consuming (some required over 10 years to get approved), most expensive (cost overruns) and short operation periods. While the Chinese has needs for 100s not in 50 years, but in 5 to 10 years. Their demand kept on expanding. They have to streamline their building processes, costs reduction (economy of scale), longevity of operations and maximize capacity. Kevin, how do you compete against that? In China, they needed everything in massive scales. That’s how they advanced. Any new improvement they could learn, will save them billions in U.S. dollars terms. Love your insightful thoughts Kevin. Your precious times are most appreciated as always.
  • When I was in graduate school here in the USA there were 2 American students counting myself and 13 Chinese students. Even with the language barrier the Chinese students were far better prepared in their earlier levels of education than us. They also work very very hard. China has a virtual army of engineers, physicists, chemists, and biologists. I would guess they outnumber us by 20 to 1 in technical fields…. at least. China deserves credit for their hard work.
  • @GNH-1812
    Congratulations to China, science, and technology for humanity.
  • @duinay3
    China, a country run by engineers, and US, a country run by lawyers 😂
  • @SteveBurg2001
    I'm not sure where people got the idea "China doesn't know how to innovate". They sure look like they are innovating like crazy.
  • @eugenec7130
    Chinese nuclear technology has leapt from zero to 15 years ahead of US, in a duration of 20 years. This is a speed which mathematicians and relativity experts find it hard to comprehend, let alone ordinary people like us.
  • @Lululemon2023
    Thank you for optimism on China ! ❤ As a Chinese I wish some of your predictions will come true soon for China can provide goods at a price most people in the world can afford.
  • @gregarnot5066
    To understand Chinese innovation 2500 years before ADM China had a mature food processing industry China invented gunpowder, rockets, kites, the compass, ship rudders, silk, tea cups and tea, tofu, soy sauce, seismographs, paper, printing, paper money, express mail, and the lost wax process of investment casting, etc etc Ask any taxi driver in Shandong and TA can tell you the basics of any foundry process
  • @KennyL1
    In the past 40 odd years, innovation wasn't a priority of China. In technology, China had a 100 years to catch up with the west. China had to put its head down, focus on this and with new insights do what the west had done but better. China has almost caught up and it is time to move ahead. Many 20th century technologies have reached their limits and replacements are being worked on. Nuclear power being one and semiconductor being one of many. These are where we will see new innovations from China. It will dominate the next wave. America dominated the world in the 20th century. The 21st century will be China.
  • @Desyo-wn7ib
    copying 😂😂😂 Who are the greatest inventors in distant history, are the Chinese, I'm not Chinese, but I know that a person who doesn't mind sharing with you is a person who has a lot of self-confidence, So are the Chinese, The West has always kept everything for itself, everything else the world will be its slave, Kudos to the Chinese.❤❤❤
  • @gelinrefira
    I worked in the research industry. China definitely still has funding problem. You can never fund everything but China is strategic in allocating the funding resources in places where it will make the most impact and in line with national objectives.
  • @ArchieJohnson5h
    Without a doubt, this year will be worse than the last. I lost a lot of money last year as a result of bad investment choices that I would not have made if I hadn't been so worried about my portfolio. I kept investing, but I couldn't determine whether to start paying for a house. In the end, I sold my positions, and the house needed more work than I had planned. I'm not sure how long I can keep going like this