46: Why Go Isn’t More Popular, Exciting OGS Updates

Published 2024-07-01

All Comments (2)
  • I am still hoping for a Queen’s Gambit equivalent regarding the subject of Go and still think perhaps a movie or show about Michael Redmond - a western player who later became a 9 dan professional in Japan - would be ideal if movies and shows are considered. The following statement may be controversial, but I think the general western audience would be more interested in content with western cast or main characters than that with only eastern ones. I mean: though I have not read or seen Three Body Problem, apparently the Netflix series is a hit in the west after they American-washed or whitewashed the cast of - from what I gathered - the predominantly Chinese characters in the book the show is based on, so… Anyway, Mr. Redmond’s story so far which - in my opinion - bridges the west and the east on Go can be found somewhat easily online including on YouTube and is one that I find interesting as well as one that can hopefully let more people in the west learn about Go.