GRRM Blog: The Winds of Winter Christmas 2024?! Announcement at Worldcon in July?!

Published 2024-05-26

All Comments (21)
  • @maesterdrew8606
    I’m still rooting for him too. Being hopeful feels a lot better than being unwaveringly pessimistic
  • That's the most optimistic I've heard someone talk about The Winds of Winter in a long time. Even if we get disappointed it still shows there is some heart beating in this community which is beautiful. I believe in George!
  • @shawnd1038
    I ain’t gonna “sweet summer child” you. God bless you for sticking in. Let’s go Winds 2024!!
  • @rinmathews9337
    The good news is GRRM thinks he'll definitely be done with Winds by 2028.
  • @ForrestMcCloud
    I'm going to be an emotional wreck when I see Mr. Martin on that stage, victorious over his battle with one of the most anticipated novels of all time. "Winter Is HERE!"
  • @ferodrigues1211
    I've never stop believing in George, he will deliver us Winds!! Just wait for it (i've been waiting for 7 yrs)
  • @BenMedia7
    The last time we got an update on the progress of Winds was in 2022, when GRRM said he was about 3/4 of the way done and had made a lot of progress during COVID. Assuming he maintained that momentum, Christmas 2024 isn't too unrealistic as a release date. But even if it doesn't come out Christmas 2024, I think enough of Winds has been written that it's only a matter of time until it comes out. It's A Dream of Spring I'm worried about.
  • @DCharles
    That’s exactly how I read that blog too. Whether we believe it or not, George believes it.
  • @Matthias333
    STOP!!! NO WAY!!?!? edit... ok after watching im a bit more reserved in my expectations but its still something kinda big! Also, just wanted to note that I've been a book reader since like 2008 so I've been waiting the maximum time possible and havetold myself and other its been so long I kinda don't care anymore. But as soon as I saw your video all the excitement that I used to have came flooding back for a bit... so yeah... I'm still as hooked as ever and really, really need this book.
  • @Moriningland
    That would be amazing because I’m reading the series for the first time and I just started Storm today. If winds came out around December, I could stretch out the last two books and go into winds after finishing Dance Even if the series doesn’t finish, it’s been such an unbelievable joy reading these books. I’m just thankful for the journey we’ve gotten. At the end of the day, reading is a joy to me and George has given me the greatest journey I’ve ever taken
  • @lexj.2162
    I'm someone that believes in what GRRM said in 2019 in his post after the GOT finale, " I will finish A Song of Ice and Fire ". I'll be Sisyphus all alone pushing the boulder up that particular hill, I guess.
  • @glanni
    This is the most moralized and inspired I've felt after watching an ASOIAF video, maybe ever. Not only in terms of TWOW, but generally. Thanks Dragon. <3
  • @AlexBB77
    I have at times been as frustrated as any fan waiting on TWoW , but i've just come to the point i hope we get it sooner rather than later and will be happy and content when he delivers it. I actually more empathize with and pity GRRM than anything at this point , he is clearly dealing with some writing struggles that can plague many an author , how he was treated by D&D and seeing what became of the adaptation of his masterpiece series that he will be most defined by clearly affected him as well. Dealing with that after being marginalized by D&D no less with little power or authority to right the ship at that point. Clearly some hate and derision from many fans as well. He's also dealt with a lot of personal loss over the last few years. And i would have to think no one wants that elephant off GRRM's back as much as George does himself. Of course no saying he is entirely blameless but many factors clearly at play.  I do have faith GRRM will deliver (at least TWoW) but have really just pivoted from frustration to eagerly awaiting TWoW if / when we get it and will be content and enjoy the book when he delivers it hopefully sooner rather than later.
  • @HovyRedgrave
    I have faith in George too Christmas 2024 WOW let's get it !
  • @catasterisms
    I thought this too when I saw that blog post, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one! I’m also really looking forward to the Dunk & Egg mini series - I do kind of feel sorry for George, tho, bc I know as soon as people turn the last page on TWOW they’re going to start pestering him about ADOS.