Published 2024-05-01
Official announcement trailer for the long awaited sequel to Kindergarten 2! Kindergarten 3 takes place on Wednesday after the events of Kindergarten 2. Explore a brand new school and make friends both old and new! With tons of new stories to be told and ways to die, play through the same terrible Wednesday over and over again!…

All Comments (21)
  • @GTLive
    This pleases Nugget GREATLY!
  • @zangunov8664
    "It’s been three whole days and I still can't read" that sent me. Literally crying.
  • @degreaser2281
    This is it, we're getting Kindergarten 3 before GTA 6
  • If they ever make a kindergarten 5 it has to be about the main character realizing he's in a loop
  • @Zedryx69
    >Introduces new character >Her name is Emmy >She has a garden >Not even a minute later a rock hits her in the eye I love Kindergarten
  • @NvLock
    I hope its ted acting like felix so his dad cares for him or something and not felix in teds clothes.
  • I think it would be funny if the theater teacher was just 100% normal and friendly. Lol. She's surrounded by psychopaths, yet she's just the friendly teacher who genuinely likes her job and has no underlying lore that we have to discover.
  • @dawid8567
    1:26 I like how the old janitor kills Monty at least once in every game
  • @ThatSalty1
    Has anybody noticed that it’s actually Felix wearing Ted’s outfit?
  • @Jonathan_Fobes
    Bro this protagonist seen so much blood, so much violence, so much gore and eldrich beings. AND YET, AFTER 3 WHOLE DAYS... he still can't read :(
  • @thecluckster3908
    IT IS WEDNESDAY MY DUDES! 🗣️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️🗣️‼️🗣️
  • @TheArsonist10
    Captainsauce. I know you probably won't see this, and i know you are going through some physical health issues right now (and we all support you on your journey to recovery ❤) PLEASE play this when it comes out. Much love on behalf of your community. ❤
  • @funnymanisfunny
    I forgot how much I loved these games so I analyzed the hell out of the trailer and got this (Thanks for the other comment that posted the steam profile stuff) -Buggs, Ozzy, Jerome, Felix, Penny, Dr. Danner, and Bob are seemingly not returning in 3. I won't rule out Lily and Billy immediately since they'll most likely appear again in a similar stance to 2, but thats up in the air. Really sucks to see the others go, but its about time Buggs got expelled and Danner definitely wasn't going to hold onto his job for long -Austin, presumably the kid with colored hair, is likely going to replace Buggs as the resident troublemaker/hitman. Either dislikes Emmy (he hit her with a rock), will do anything for a buck, or both. -This is the school Alice mentions at the end of Kindergarten 2. She said she went down the slide, blacked out, and woke up in the principal's lab. The playground, mainly the slide as its mentioned in the steam description specifically, will probably be a major point of interest here. -Davey likes the alligator, and the janitor hates it. I'm assuming the janitor lost his arm fighting it, and given the motivations of the new janitor/recent principal I assume they might get along better than he did with Bob in 2. -The green goo and the ability to eat it likely allow you to go to the nurses office instead of morning time. -The goo also looks exactly like the stuff inside Penny. Given how Alice was taken from here and brought to the school in 2, it could be assumed that both principals were in kahoots or some information/tech exchange was going on between them. -There doesn't appear to be any equivalent to the advanced class, as all 10 students are present in the theatre room. There could be some schtick to change the lesson plans like how you could with science in 2 to take you to Applegate instead if she teaches. -There seem to be more lunch options, and Applegate is the lunch lady. We can also catch a glimpse of Stevie in the cafeteria, and my man is CRIPPLED. Could be a result of the janitor, the gator, or whatever is going on at the school. I assume it would be something related to the plot and not something random. -You seem to start the game with 2 dollars, either that or the gimmick from 1 where you choose how much money to bring is returning. If its hard locked at 2 dollars and you cant bring more, Monty most likely wont be selling anything at the start if he does at all. -Ms. Lovelett appears to be a normal person, which could be taken at face value or it could be assumed she is the least normal person there. -In the same vein, Lovelett rhymes in every sentence we've seen her speak. Fitting for a theatre teacher, but she could also be drugged up on something like Applegate. Would likely be the goo if anything. -Ted appearing without Felix probably implies he has either died, went to another school, or gone full time with his father working with Applesoft. We'll likely see more of that with Ted's mission. -The missions seem to be centered around one character again instead of lumping a few together in one. Helping Ms. Lovelett put on plays, helping Carla sneak through the vents, helping the janitor remove the gator, and helping Davey stop him from doing that (Taken from the steam page). Davey/Janitor could be a split mission similar to Cain's not Able where you can choose to help either one of them once the mission starts. I really loved that secret second side to the mission in 2 where you could help Ted instead, and hope that they do that more here. -There's only two new boys at the school, and Cindy is probably going to be upset by that. Austin seems like the typical rebellious kid so she might go for him, but that would assume he'd want her and he most likely wouldn't. Cindy's mission might be her trying deperately to find a new boy at the school. -Monty appears to be walking again, and he'll most likely still want the janitor dead. He might not be selling things and I don't think they'd reuse his plotline from 2 with the pills, so revenge might be his full time gig here. He could also be trying to get in with Carla as we saw in 2 but I doubt theyd make that his full character. -The new janitor/principal, Regis, seems to be doing most of the dirty work himself. He's probably going to be much more of an active threat than either principal from 1 or 2 given how he kills you himself in the hallway in the trailer. Also theres probably some big hulking beast under the school since we hear that roar when the player falls into the pit -We can see a knife through the head of what looks like one of the Kindergarten 2 monsters on a desk, there is almost undoubtably a direct link between the two schools, meaning Regis could definitely have knowledge of how exactly the previous school got taken down. The obvious bodybag in the corner of the same room is likely the previous principal which Regis killed to take their position. -The Steam description says that Emmy tends to the various plants "around the school", implying the ones out front might not be the only plants present. There could be a potential garden club, or maybe you have to help her garden on her mission? Given how you can get Austin to hit her and most likely get her out of the way, the plants in there will be needed. You can also ask Emmy if you can have some, but she probably says no which is why you have to pelt her with rocks. -I'm gonna go off on a limb and assume Carla will be our Lily/Billy replacement in 3 if they don't show up or serve a different purpose. Her mission is sneaking through the vents, so we'll likely see her used to get into secret areas of the school -Nugget playing in the goo raises questions, but he also seems to be way too trusting of you considering he refers to you as his "new goo friend" with no apples spent in the first area of the day. He also has seemingly no drive to make a new Nugget cave, which he was vehement about in 2. Given how it takes an entire day to befriend him in the last games, the goo is doing something to his already messed up mind. Could be the same thing causing Lovelett to rhyme and have floaty text as mentioned before, but thats really a stretch. -At 30 seconds in, the apples show an intercom system and the goo, which has the same exact sprite as the goo Penny drops in 2. The intercom likely shows that there will be announcements (possibly alerting hall monitors/teachers to suspicious activity), and the goo probably kills you if you don't go to the nurse by the end of the stage where its eaten. -There is an influx of class pets, with the fish in the theatre room and the hampster in the library. They could have something to do with a mission or be secrets for Monstermon cards. The library also shows the player with some sort of keycard, maybe a hall pass, library pass, or elevator key. -We see a vent in the back of the cafeteria, library, and theatre room (hiding behind the text box), presumably the ones we sneak around in with Carla. -The janitor's closet is likely where all the suspicious stuff is going down in 3. Given how Regis was formerly the janitor, most of his tools of school domination might be inside. -The nurses office has some sort of operating table it seems, either that or my knowledge of doctors equipment is way off. Thats most of what I could find, but theres probably more. I seriously cant wait for this game
  • @rileyy._
    i always said "kindergarten 3 is impossible after all these years" AND SUDDENLY SAW THIS IM GONNA CRY
  • @Bonquequeiv
    Why does the theatre teacher look like a genuinely good person
  • @Scaiii_
    i already gave up hope for a third kindergarten but here we are i hope we can see the entire week play out in 7 parts in the future thank you for this amazing franchise :D