Defunctland: The History of Disney's Best Coaster, Space Mountain: From the Earth to the Moon

Published 2018-05-13
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The conclusion of Defunctland's two episode dissection of the Euro Disney resort. This time, Kevin discusses the history of Discovery Mountain, aka Space Mountain: De La Terre a La Lune, aka Space Mountain: From the Earth to the Moon, and eventually known as Space Mountain: Mission 2.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Knuckleb0ne
    You ever get excited about a ride and then remember you’re watching DEFUNCT land
  • @momon969
    "This ride is perfect, and it saved the whole park! ...Let's change it!" Why do marketing people think you have to renew a thing for people to want it again? The greatest movies are perfectly rewatchable. Nobody minds reading their favourite book again. We play our favourite songs over and over. If it's good, it'll pass the test of time!
  • @meteorrejector
    the delay in michael eisner saying “camera” after “lights” is the most michael eisner thing to ever happen
  • Me about halfway in: "I'm so so happy for those Imagineers! I actually want to go to Disneyland Paris now that sounds spectacular!" Me 30 seconds later: "ah, of course"
  • @TheOobo
    This is one of the saddest defunctland episodes, because the ride still exists. No issues forced it's closure. It has just been watered down and made a shadow of its former self as part of a cynical advertising scheme.
  • @drewwinslow2105
    "It is part of the American temperament to foresee everything in business, even failure." Verne really had us pegged.
  • What's kinda interesting is that if they were to revert the ride back to the original theming... they could then market THAT as a new ride because it's been long enough that most younger audiences wouldn't have experienced it. 2005-2019 is long enough for current teenagers to be born.
  • @thejman5683
    As much as I love Star Wars, I would rather have the original French space mountain than the Star Wars one.
  • @ohjeez0016
    Ending it with the quote from Jules Verne, amazing. I got chills
  • @mathildadeer
    Did you ever hear the tragedy of Space Mountain: From the Earth to the Moon? I thought not. It's not a story Eisner would tell you. It's a defuct legend. Earth to the Moon was a themed roller coaster so fun and so loved it could use it's theme to influence the French to ride it… It had such a respect of Jules Verne that it could even keep the Euro Disneyland from dying. Love and creativity is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. It became so successful… the only thing people were afraid of was losing it, which eventually, of course, they did. Unfortunately, Disney rebranded it as a generic space ride, then they rebranded it to Star Wars. Ironic. It could save the park from death, but not itself.
  • @Rogers1977
    I think this is the first time I've genuinely felt really sad and cried at the end of one of these videos. Claire de Lune is the perfect piece to end on, it's a shame the ride never returned to its former glory.
  • @KenAshcorp
    I had the privilege of going on the original Space Mountain at Disneyland Paris when I was a child. Nothing was greater than the sense of wonderment and excitement as a child as you saw the cannon boom as you entered Discoveryland for the first time, echoing throughout the park. The ride's queue, the thematic nuance, the subtle touches, the score, and so much more much made for an unforgettable trip. It saddens me that I can't appreciate it again as an adult with all the knowledge I have of it now, but I can always remember that cannon shot of my childhood. Conversely, Mission 2 is such a pale comparison that I have once been on Space Mountain without music and with ZERO lighting and I can say that it was a better experience than Mission 2. Was planning to go with friends again some time next year. I think, until Disney stops trying to inject soulless thought into something with so much soul, I might hold off.
  • @ModeratelyNeato
    This series has grown to be a masterclass of editing and research. Every video is an improvement on an already strong library.
  • @janedoe3043
    That is the weakest looking supercomputer I have ever seen, Mickey.
  • @nathanscore
    as a french person who only went to disneyland paris when i was a kid in like 2005 and who grew up reading jules verne (and is forever scarred about his high school french literature final being an analysis of a jules verne extract lmao), this is the only defunctland video i've ever watched feeling nostalgia... this is so interesting bc watching the other defunctland videos make me go like "who would want to go there? who would want to go to a disney theme park knowing all the dirty stuff behind it, the long waiting lines, and everything in between?" and now i understand...childhood memories.
  • Truly a tragic story for all theme park lovers. “From The Earth To The Moon” sounds like it was amazing. I don’t even ride roller coaster (my stomach won’t let me) and I would still love to see this one in its glory days. Especially since it had the bullet and smoke effects on the outside, so even onlookers would get a little treat.
  • @yourrapunzel
    The story of Space Mountain: From the Earth to the Moon is the nutshell version of what is wrong with today’s Disney parks. All of the magic and whimsy is being replaced in favor of blatant cash grabs. I mean, we all know that the point of these parks is to make money, but now it feels like they’re not even trying to hide it. “You like Guardians of the Galaxy? We can do that! Haha holy shit, we know you idiots will pay out the nose for Stars Wars! STAR WARS ALL THE THINGS!” Brilliant use of Clair de Lune, by the way.
  • @quanxifan1
    how is this video so beautiful? it makes me miss a ride i never knew existed
  • @rasmusjunker443
    The first commercial for Space Mountain: From the Earth to the Moon gave me goosebumps. I remember it from my childhood.
  • "This will hopefully be the end of the struggles of Disneyland Paris." Coronavirus: "OH HELLO THERE!"