We're Worried For The Future Of Hypixel Skyblock...

Published 2024-04-21
We're Worried For The Future Of Hypixel Skyblock...
► Candypat & V1dd
Server IP:
► mc.hypixel.net
#hypixelskyblock #skyblock #hypixel


All Comments (21)
    2022: Why Skyblock is DYING 😱 2023: The future of Skyblock is DOOMED 😱 2024: Skyblock only has ONE YEAR left 😱 2025: How Skyblock FELL OFF 😱 2026: Why so many players are QUITTING Skyblock 😱 2027: Why Skyblock is DYING 😱
  • @milkman7845
    All i want is an update that removes carpets from the m7 boss
  • @Derailious
    i agree with your points here, I really hope they improve the situation going on.
  • @svennnieee8858
    While I do agree having a changelog for alpha changes I don't agree with having what bugs are being fixed displayed. Since these changes are well, on alpha, they are still present on the main server and could potentially get abused in whatever way (probably some not so obvious ways too). As for giving an idea of what an update is going to look like before I personally believe Minikloon did a somewhat decent job of this on his yt channel, for example: he gave a list of some of the more complicated things they've made for the rift, he gave a sneak peak on the updated stats menu and gave some form of a tutorial on gabagool minions before they ever released/hit the alpha. If they could do more like this, 1 minute to 5 minute videos on whatever changes they're working on I believe that would give people more of an idea on what they're actually working on.
  • @Fathomlessvoid
    I agree that they need to communicate better. The updates truly feel like the admins just dont play their own game and are completely out of the loop/uninvolved with the game outside of their "work" you could say. I really wish theyd get some sort of team or process together to interact with us more, it would really help the game be better for literally everyone
  • @MsMirco2
    I think it's a little bit of everything. Recently they had opened up a spot for a Community Manager iirc, which I think would be the person dedicated to doing some of the things you talk about on the video, like giving insight on an update or talking about specific changes and the reasoning behind them. But I think they have either not found one yet, or they have them occupied with something else. I also think that the fact that they are releasing rushed updates is because there have been times where people have complained about the lack of frequent updates on skyblock. And I think they have to weight between having constant updates, or have a larger period without one, but releasing a fully finished one (which imo the latter would be the best option, as it would avoid many of the issues you comment on the video). It's also true that it seems they don't really listen to feedback. A lot of people talked about how the key-requiring frozen corpses loot was very underwhelming for both the amount of time and materials they costed (specially vanguard corpse), yet they just added a little bit more loot to the pool of items, but you can still get comically bad rewards from a corpse, even the vanguard one. Forge times were also talked about, and while in this newest patch they have reduced the time for some things, there are others that are still way too long, like mithril plates which still take half a day to forge (on top of the time it takes to forge the golden plate and the refined materials), they upped the forge time of the perfect plate to 6 hours (which makes skeleton keys take way more time to forge, as now you have to wait for the mithril plate, the tungsten/umber plate, and then the perfect plate, all to then be able to forge the key). It seems as if they change some things for the good, and some for the bad. Updates do seem rushed. Even this current alpha patch seems rushed. Like what was the purpose of adding new Dark Auction items into an already inflated economy? I don't see a point in adding such a thing, instead of adding other ways to obtain said items. Hell the Magic Ball could have been a replacement for the Umber Dice that is "COMING SOON", and make it be forged with all the gems related to the buffs it gives, but instead they make it a single buy item that will cause its price to skyrocket. I understand them wanting to change Bal as a % increase in stats could be detrimental to the addition of items in the future. And in the latest edit they talked about that, and that they plan to add newer sources that would provide the stats that are being lost from the Bal change, but my question is: why not implement said changes alongside this change at the same time? Why that need to nerf or significantly change something so suddenly and then saying "oh the things we took away from you are coming in a future update that will come who knows when". Thankfully they have backtracked and will not implement the Bal changes until they also implement those other new sources for the stats that would be removed. One thing that I'd also like to talk about is why they add insanely time-gated+rng dependant loot. From the addition of the Vanguard armor to the API we can assume that at some point they will add either an armor that competes with Divan, or a direct upgrade to it (and I say assume because, as the update was released incomplete, we don't really know if that armor will ever come out), but there's no new drill, and that is because Divan's alloy is subjected to such a low chance of dropping, that if they made an upgrade to Divan, it'd be locked for most players behind an RNG drop that doesn't even have a pity system. The addition of the shattered locket/pendant of divan means that there will also possibly never be any other type of upgrade to it, because it would force players to get an rng dependant item to obtain it. RNG Meter was added to dungeons as well as slayers specifically for this reason. So why do they still add completely random, pity-less mechanics, instead of either not making them excessively rare, or giving them a pity system from the start? (whether it be RNG Meter or something else). All in all, I hope that from the current backlash the admins will finally listen to our feedback and start making more finished updates instead of unfinished/dlc awaiting ones, and also start giving us some insight on some of the changes they want to make, so that at least we are on the same page.
  • @shaneminer15
    i was just going to quit if bal change rolled. i am just finishing my mining setup on my ironman. i have spent like 250 hours building a money making method, with no alternative being viable, just to lose it. and no, i love ironman in its current state, but needlessly adding large chunks of time making money to compete with normal profiles that can profit from any grind in the game for necessary items... it's just too much. if anything, they need to separate ironman from the economy completely. how much cheaper would cookies be if ironman bought cookies without actually taking one out of the market? or if auctions were separate. but instead the solution is always give ironman no reasonable path forward
  • @zkvie
    honestly its really dumb, my coop spent so many hours grinding mining v3 and i thought i would wait to see if they change anything and within 2 weeks it's probably twice as easy to max. it's unfair on people who want to max the update as fast as they can and poor thinking from the admins
  • Example of this could be the necron’s handle and the wither scrolls where the npc sells the handle at say 700 mil and the scrolls at 3 mil per scroll so as to dump a bunch of rare and valuable items into the economy to balance supply and demand
  • @boogiewoogie44
    as an ironman the update feels like more of a completion task than progression. I’ve maxed the update except for a locket, but even then the forge time, drop chance, and stats of the locket make it just not worth it. The update just seems like a huge task to keeps us busy for a while, until another update comes out.
  • @vipex360
    I cant play on aplha afor over 6 month. When i press on the sb npc it just gives an error message
  • @seraphananas
    amazed that there was nothing said about the people who log onto alpha, bug test and just hoard the bugs to sell/abuse when it drops on the main server.
  • @BigBingus999
    I haven't quit, i'm taking my 3rd break of this game the past year. (Had one between Garden - Rift, 2nd end of last year and 3rd now since February) i was hyped for the glacite tunnels, intentionally not watching spoilers to get this old "Omg its update" feeling. While i'm sure it's fun for those who really enjoy mining, i was extremly disappointed to see that it was... just mining 3 new ores and some, arguably, pretty cool pets, so i went back to my break after trying out the update for a few days. I love that game, i played it daily for over 3 years, but lately i just don't feel like the devs are respecting our time and just add tedious and grindy update after another to make a "big" update.
  • @Firerecruit
    Honestly what i think we need is someone (dev or admin that can comunicate activley with the comunity or nerds in general
  • @walicegilace4490
    they should add complaints box in the mayors building and hire random people to read them to see how fast they quit the job
  • @mihedhrts
    I feel like that Sandbox would just be an infinitely good idea. It probably wouldn't take too much coding, and I feel like it would just make the game seem a lot more friendlier? Kinda like vanilla minecraft with Creative and Survival.
  • @emanik2112
    I think a skyblock sandbox gamemode would be really good since its obvious that some players would go on alpha to try stuff they don't have I myself have done this granted I also tried the update content but was only on the alpha for like a hour last time I was on it I think after foraging the admins should focus on a sandbox mode
  • @user-sd2dd7zw8q
    a skyblock sanbox would be good to test items before u buy them because even though u can do the math it will never be the same as in practice
  • @GuyKev
    I used to agree with this, but now this is kinda untrue, hypixel has been making major revamps to a LOT of things, mining v3, berserker update (though that was 8 or so months ago), and they have been making small updates in between, also the dragon update which is confirmed to release, just it is being kept in alpha for balancing. Not only that, but they have also been making good progress on updating to 1.20 and the foraging update (according to the admins)