Avoid ALMONDS If You Have These Health Problems

Published 2024-05-18
What could happen if you consume almonds but have certain health conditions? You might experience some surprising negative effects: almonds, while generally healthy, can exacerbate or complicate some health issues.

Almonds are a popular nut known for their beneficial fats, protein, and vitamins. However, not everyone should include them in their diet. Let’s examine the risks associated with eating almonds for individuals with specific health concerns:

Almonds are high in oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stone formation in susceptible individuals. If you have a history of kidney stones, consider limiting your almond intake. Additionally, almonds are a common allergen that can trigger reactions ranging from mild discomfort to severe allergic responses.

Furthermore, almonds contain goitrogens, substances that can interfere with thyroid gland function. Those with thyroid conditions should be cautious about consuming large quantities of almonds.

Being aware of these concerns can help you make informed decisions about including almonds in your diet. For some, it might be better to avoid them and seek alternative sources of nutrients.

#Almonds #HealthyForever

All Comments (7)
  • @mubeentaj9688
    I regularly eat 5 to 6 almond after my breakfast which really has enhanced my immunity.
  • The bigger issue is that there are just way too many almonds out there. They cram them in everything. When you buy a can of mixed nuts, it has 80% almonds. They are the hardest nut to chew as well. I find the almond to be the vermin of the nut world. I feel like they are being pushed on to consumers, and they seem to be "dumping" them in products like granola etc. Enough of the almonds already.
  • Almonds with hard 95% organic chocolate is delicious and compatible with my my smoothie breakfast and supplements including Vit.E and B vitamins, minerals, Vit A and others.
  • I have eaten almonds all my life, no problem! Use moderation
  • @ayubbagban7262
    One sigma universal rule for you youtuber Too much is too Bad Fact :Dr recommend kidney stone patients to avoid cashewnut, spinach, cucumber At the same time Dr say to eat almond πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Who is true..??