Beat Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days!

Published 2024-05-22
Do you spend your evenings mindlessly consuming candy while feeling ashamed of yourself?

Or do you find it impossible to say no to that second slice of cheesecake, even if you're not hungry?

With a staggering 75% of Americans consuming unhealthy amounts of sugar, you're not alone in this battle.

But while sugar addiction is prevalent, it's totally possible to free yourself from the shackles and live a healthier life.

And in this eye-opening YouTube video, I'm showing you how.

I've put together a sugar detox protocol that will help you overcome your sugar addiction in as little as 10 days.

00:00 Introduction
00:51 Understanding sugar addiction
02:21 Days 1-2
04:44 Days 4-6
06:03 Days 7-9
07:02 Day 10
07:52 Next Steps

So, if you're ready to kick sugar to the curb, press play now!

💛 xo Dr. Kim

✨ Download the FREE PDF: The Healthy Gut Food Checklist:


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DISCLAIMER: This post & video is designed for educational and/or informational purposes only and should not be used in any other manner. This information is not intended to substitute individualized medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider. A consultation with your health care professional is the appropriate method to address your health concerns. You are encouraged to consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.


All Comments (21)
  • @KimFosterMD
    I hope you enjoy this video and that it gives you a plan for reducing or quitting sugar! Let me know if this is something you're working on right now 💛
  • @OlaC.
    Sugar is really addictive. You understand it only after you quite it. I stopped to eat sugar some time ago. Life without sugar is a whole new dimension.
  • Thank you so much for doing this video. I will be making the change necessary to heal my body from my sugar addiction. 💜
  • @Grunfeld
    I love the main message here, thank you. I’m a PT, lifetime interest in wellness and helping patients. Also a big supporter of the science-based approach in medicine, for me, I find “addiction” and “detox” um… well, you get it: problematic. All the best with the channel. Keep the science good and the message authentic!
  • this friday , would be 4 weeks that i cut sugar...I really do not like to over eat sweet foods. Now I like to eat vegetables and meet more
  • I quit sugar months ago and I do not regret it one bit. Tastes really gross now.
  • @654ujala
    I’ve been reducing sugar..started with the the reduction of sugary drinks. I feel so much better. I had a birthday cupcake this weekend and felt a little bloated afterwards. I never used to notice this bloated feeling, but I believe I’m becoming more sensitive too sugar. Btw, Your skin looks great and you’re glowing!
  • super Thumb's Up. Wife and I are both trying to reduce our recent "fatty liver" issue and slim our guts in what is generally an otherwise pretty healthy lifestyle situation. I identified sugar only recently as the main culprit, and was amazed at just how quickly it adds up and also how small our liver's tolerance is for daily sugar intake. And cut back on my coffee as well...2 cubes to only 1, but not sure I am going to get below that. we'll see.
  • @vwziful
    Days 1-3: prepare mentally, food journal, patterns and triggers. Reinforce motivation for change. Quitting improves gut health. Imbalance can lead to dysbiosis and SIBO Day 4: reset your pallate Day 7-9: manage cravings and withdrawals. Practice mindfulness techniques. Drink plenty of water. Hydration curbs the need to snack. Exercise boosts mood Day10: celebrate success. Reflect on your achievements. Better mood and energy Develop longterm goals Support network Its a journey ups and downs can happen Reclaim control of your health
  • Curious what you think about preparing to cut sugar intake by increasing protein and fat intake to curb hunger before actually eliminating sugar.
  • I have been trying to be on a clean eating diet. I am getting ready to get my gallbladder out. I am on a low fat diet for that which was a hard start. But it's in a way helped my sugar cravings since I've been focusing on lowering my fat diet. I haven't had much of an appetite since finding out about my surgery. But I'm hoping to continue a low fat low sugar diet.
  • @megabaneen8057
    This great info. We need more people like you doc. Thanks for this
  • @Curious_Skeptic
    Going to give you reality. First hand experience. The ONLY way you will kick sugar is a 100% commitment to change your eating habits! There is zero chance otherwise. It's more than just cutting sugar! No bread! No process food! No soda, diet or otherwise. EMPTY the house of ALL junk food, snacks, flavoring, toppings, ice creams, sweets, ALL OF IT MUST GO! For me? The only way this was happening was via Keto diet. You need to commit to a lifestyle of WHOLE FOODS! Your sweets will be the right fruits!. Your snacks? Maybe some nuts, a salad, olives, pickles. The special treat? 90% cocoa dark chocolate. You need to stop using sugar for energy. Took me only two days to get over the worse of it. My biggest cheat was coffee with Splenda! (there are better cheats). It gave me my routine of Coffee, breakfast. Ditch the bread, the potatoes, but kept the eggs, bacon, and coffee. Trick my mind into thinking things were as usual. Grabbed plate full of healthy snacks, but now, snacks are olives, a nice salad with only red wine vinegar and olive oil. NO ICE CREAM. No cheating! It's a MASSIVE change. Over time, you'll learn that there's many alternatives to store bought processed good foods. EVEN ICE CREAM made with heavy cream will be your future treat! BUT, it will actually be processed they way nature intended! Go for it! Can't tell you how proud I am of ditching sugar!
  • Dr. Robert Lustig supports this sugar message. Not only sugar but high fructose corn syrup and highly processed white flour are even worse!!
  • I am fasting my Islamic fast , and try to stop my life habit of breaking fast on too many dates and sweets. Yesterday I resisted for three hours , but , sadly gave up to a couple of Maltesers. 😭😭😭
  • Replace sugars with animal fat and eat until comfortably stuffed. The fat is satiating and will replace the cravings sugar and insulin perpetuate.