Giant Twin Beehives Filled Up This Shed Floor!

Published 2024-06-05
I came out to jurupa Valley to what I expected was going to be a few weeks old beehive in the floor of a shed, which ended up being a multiple year old beehive and not one but two!!

To beehives approximately the same size as the other and they filled up so much of the floor space of that shed. I kept cutting and cutting more floor and kept finding more and more honeycomb. Eventually I removed everything and the important stuff we relocated to a box. I can only imagine what the box pickup is going to look like.

Hive 2 was quite the job and took forever to do as the beehives were so large. I filled up 2 trash bags of honey and if felt like there was no end. I boxed up the important parts of the hive so that the bees will settle down for transport to a beekeeper.

Quite the job for a morning!

Save the Bees!

#bees #honey #nature #savethebees #beehive #beeremoval #honeybee #honeycomb #socal

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