Bluey Just Did Something Incredible...

Published 2024-05-14
FootofaFerret MERCH! ►►
What's The Deal With Bluey? ►►

The hit animated series Bluey might have just hit its peak. The show's recent 30 minute special, The Sign, does things that I have never seen another show in this genre accomplish. And it is the best thing that has come from the world of Bluey so far! Let's talk about it!

#bluey #blueythesign #blueytoys #bingo #cartoons #footofaferret #foafy

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All Comments (21)
  • @AngryNerdBird
    It doesn't really come up in the show, but canonically Bandit is an archaeologist, and Chili works at airport security. In other words, Bandit digs up bones, and Chili is a drug-sniffing dog.
  • You forgot the detail that in season 2 episode 45 Helicopter, Winton not only mentions that his dad doesn’t live with his mum but also the fact that his dad has a pool.
  • One of my favorite parts of this episode is when Frisky accuses Bandit of pressuring Chili to move away and Chili immediately jumped to his defense by saying she wanted to do it for the family. It shows how strong Bandit and Chili’s love is for each other.
  • One other thing just from listening to this I noticed, they pointed out how 'pulling out the sign' means it isn't for sale anymore. That wouldn't have been true if they just pulled it out at the beginning of the episode regardless of their child logic, but Bandit pulling it out at the end ended up making it true, and that's kinda beautiful too cause it then instantly translated to both Chilly AND the kids that they where in fact staying, and not leaving. I think that's also really hecken cool.
  • @SirAsdf
    Fun Fact: The Male member of that couple that was buying the Heelers' house is voiced by Brendan Williams, who runs a Bluey fan podcast.
  • @MelodicQuest
    I feel like Bluey was made to be the type of show that the writers and creators wished they had growing up. Learning basic academics is all well and good, but there weren't many shows dealing with big topics that affect kids in everyday life.
  • @chaosful8533
    the butterfly effect being demonstrated by an ACTUAL BUTTERFLY is so simple yet sooo effective and genius!! I hadn't even noticed all of these details so im reallly glad I clicked on this video
  • One of the reasons why bluey is 10x better than peppa pig, is because they know that old episodes exist and use them to add emotion, while peppa pig doesnt care and makes an episode not even talking about the past, acting like it never happened
  • @itselguapo
    Bluey hooked me with one single clip, Jack having ADHD and his sibling being like, "Why can't you do what your told?!" and he just responds, "I don't know...." hit me like a truck like he wasn't angry or anything it was such a serious moment of confusion. Like god, having ADHD it's pretty much that for me with my friends. "You weren't paying attention were you?" in something like dungeons and dragon and i'm like, Sorry no I kinda zoned out a bit... and they just get a bit frustrated with me. Bluey is my comfort show for sure.
  • @bluedawgo
    Fun fact: the name of the episode during production was called “We’ll See”. The episode is also a test basically to see if people would accept a longer format such as a movie. I can’t wait for a movie!
  • @JaceAce22
    The fact that Bluey pulls off it's flash-backs and implied future scenarios with planned out deliberation and consistency better than modern Simpsons, which recently retconned Homer as having grown up in the 90's to relate him to the modern adult audience instead of maintaining his 60's childhood and 70's adolescence, speaks to the skill, integrity and passion the show's creators and their writers and artists have for animation and their audience demographic.
  • Bro the moving part when bluey was sad was actually me. I was 10 in california when I met this kid a year later after moving there. He became my best friend. But after less than a month. I had to move. I wasn't as sad as I really could be, I was still prossessing that I had to move. I went to his house to play with him one last time. I took a picture with him and it was framed. I took the picture with me. I sat in my car. look at him. All of the sudden I got sad and then I was told that he was crying. Then my eyes started watering. I couldn't hang on to the fact that I wouldn't see him again, and that this was my last time seeing him. Years later, I still have the picture with me. Getting emotional everytime I see it. I haven't really heard from him in a while, but I hope he's okay.
  • @Animegirl_2001
    What made me realized they stayed is Bingo graduating with her best friend she made in school.
  • @alixshooketh
    The coin. Bluey's lucky coin in the wrong place which helped the couple planning on purchasing the Heeler household see another house that they would end up buying instead. + Without Bingo making Bandit late in that one episode she wouldn't be friends with Lila, and they wouldn't have helped the butterfly which led them to Frisky, therefore Bingo saved their home.
  • @chessaheg9520
    Going back to the season 2 episode Daddy Drop Off, when Bingo met Lila (who then helped her save the caterpillar that turned into the butterfly), we saw another flash-forward montage of them growing up and graduating school together, so I knew that the Heelers weren't going to move once Bingo asked Chili if Lila was going with them. SO MANY CALL BACKS!
  • @blueboots4272
    This episode hit so hard to me mainly because growing up i was a military brat and if you dont know what that is i was the son of someone who was in the military so moving was common every vew years. My first time moving was when I was 7 as well, and i can wholeheartedly say these were the exact emotions i felt. The fact that i can relate to this so much made this special hit just too much harder and made me genuinely so happy when they didnt move.
  • @Silent_Lucidity
    That last line hit me. My sister made fun of me for still watching cartoons at 10 years old, so I stopped. When I met my husband, I realized it was okay to enjoy cartoons. Now I'm 38 and loving Bluey more than any other show out there!
  • @COO-E
    As someone who had an abusive set of parents, bluey is cathartic for those of us who didn't have the family dynamic. It makes me warm inside and I cry almost every episode, because it's just so wonderful to see a cartoon giving a generation of children and a family a guide map into how to be kind to one another. I just really feel very specific emotions when I watch this show. A lot of people grow up in healthy or normal homes, and some....just don't know what healthy is. But bluey gives that slice and it's so beautiful. I cry even at the silly non emotional episodes. Because it's living vicariously
  • @Dragonceratops
    i think i view bluey as the internet-equivalent to thomas the tank engine/the railway series; before the 2000s the series very much appealed to kids but also tackled adult themes and real life events like death, the decommissioning of steam engines, the loss of a family member, etc. with top-tier music, stellar presentation and great writing. it's such good stuff.
  • @yoyoducky3067
    I kinda liked how they didn't say what Bandit was upset about in the beach episode. So it felt like it could apply to ANY situation that made you upset.