Live - Lightning Crashes (Official Music Video)

Published 2009-06-16

All Comments (21)
  • @MissDistarr60
    My husband loved this song.  We used to take a yearly vacation on a houseboat with friends.  The last vacation, he played this album/song over and over for 7 days.  We were ready to steal it from him.  He died a sudden and unexpected death at the age of 40.  It took me YEARS to listen to it without crying.  I no longer cry when I hear it.  I now see him with that beer in his hand, in his wakeboard shorts, standing on the roof of that houseboat,  living and LOVING his life and all that was surrounding  him.  Though his life was short, he probably lived more in those 40 years  than most people do in a lifetime.  And THAT is what immediately comes to mind when I hear this song.......along with a huge smile on my face and with so much gratitude that he was in my life.  He was one hell of a good human being and I say that not because I was his wife.  I say it because the world lost a very good soul the day he died.  As I sit here and listen to it now, it occurs to me how much this song applies to my story.   The circle of life....One dies and another is born.  I hold on to the fact that when he took his last breath, he knew how very much he was loved.  I wish that for everyone.  Thank you for allowing me to share this most treasured memory.
  • @taniadee14
    Truth: you're on a nostalgia binge just like me.
  • @ncpbenjamin92
    Shout out to all those still rocking this song here in 2024 🤘
    Nothing quite like listening to it laying in the dark at 1am.
  • I am 71 and just found this song!! Where the hell was I when it came out?? I play it it!!!!!
  • This Band is amazing My older brother Jared Van Horn died on his way back from traveling cross country to see them live in concert in 2001. The band heard about his passing and sent my Mother a Platinum Album of "Distance To Here" and also dedicated the "V" 2001 CD to my brother. This was his favorite song. THANK YOU LIVE
  • @nursedk1
    Lead singer Ed Kowalczyk said, "I wrote 'Lightning Crashes' on an acoustic guitar in my brother's bedroom shortly before I had moved out of my parents' house and gotten my first place of my own." Kowalczyk says that the video for "Lightning Crashes" has caused misinterpretations of the song's intent.While the clip is shot in a home environment, I envisioned it taking place in a hospital, where all these simultaneous deaths and births are going on, one family mourning the loss of a woman while a screaming baby emerges from a young mother in another room. Nobody's dying in the act of childbirth, as some viewers think. What you're seeing is actually a happy ending based on a kind of transference of life.[5]
  • @barlababe
    "The confusion sets in before the doctor can even close the door..." Flashback to August '96. My dad just passed away unexpectedly. I can't go back to the house and deal with people after his funeral so I go to the city park and just park my car. It's raining. It's cold. I'm alone with my thoughts. This song was playing on the radio. That's when it hit me and I finally broke down and let it all out. 27 years later and I'm still listening to this song as I miss him.
  • @vesubioromo9425
    The 90s may be the greatest decade of introspective music ever. If I had only one decade of music to choose to hear until my demise the 90s gets the nod, and I'm old enough to have enjoyed the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
  • This was my dad's favourite band. He died from cancer two years ago and since then I've avoided listening to them as much as possible, but sometimes I just do it, and I open myself up to all the pain of that loss, because even though he's gone I can somehow feel close to him this way. I miss you so much dad, and I won't ever be able to accept that I have the rest of my life to go without you. I wish I could see you and hug you one more time. I love you always dad.
  • @pennypayne6415
    I'm 63 and my life went to hell in 2018. I went through things I never ever imagined could happen to me. I discovered this song while in a homeless shelter as I mourned the loss of my son. In a strange way it healed me. There is a circle of life and for me God has a plan and a reason for everything.
  • The emotion behind this song in undeniable. Such rich and raw talent back in the 90s. I would do anything to be back in that place when I first heard this song. Todays music will never touch the 90s decade.
  • @GruntProof
    throwback to when MTV still played music videos
  • @bridancor
    My baby died at just over 2 mths old. Every time I hear this, I feel it in every fiber of my being. RIP my angel Dustin 💕
  • @mariagarcia4737
    Please pray for me,I just lost my dad yesterday morning...he's in heaven finally pain free and can see our saviour...this is the song he wanted played for his services.
  • @badhabit31
    Dear person whoever reads this,
    Hey, you, yes, I am talking right to you. I hope you will see yourself with the eyes I see you one day, because I can tell you have some awesome music taste :) You’re such a beautiful human being and worth and enough. I hope you know that you do only need yourself to be happy, I know society build up the standard that whenever you’re alone you’re not living a happy live. But in fact that is not true, if you start to realize that you actually deserve all the good things happening to you, you will treat yourself a lot nicer. I hope you let yourself rest, don’t beat yourself up over past mistakes, over regret, and over everything your mind wants to destroy you. I wish I could remove all those demons inside of your head because you deserve to feel happy. If you ever feel lonely then watch the sky, because you know, someone, at the same time is watching the sky too, maybe feeling the same way..I am glad you exist and I hope you won’t ever remove your own spot in this world, maybe you don’t feel like you belong here but, Angel, then build your home here. I don’t want you to leave this world unhappy. I want you to live every little second, I want you to feel alive, I don’t want you to see yourself just existing. You deserve it. Whatever happened, it’s not your fault, the demons in your head recognize that you have a beautiful heart, they want to take it because they have never seen such beautiful heart as yours, so why let them win over you? . You’re not selfish for isolating yourself, but you deserve to talk to someone. If you’re reading this than please never forget to breath and smile.

    Don’t live up to other standards! It’s your story and not theirs.

    Life for those who couldn’t, smile for those who forgot what a genuine smile is, love like there’s no other, hug like its your last one.

    I love you and send you hugs.
    You’re so strong, you’re still here, and I am proud of you.


    You’re not a burden to anyone, don’t be afraid to talk, to use your voice.

  • @sanbadra4729
    Awal saya mengetahui lagu ini di game PS 2 guitar hero pada tahun 2006, dan sampai sekarang saya masih munyukai lagu ini di tahun 2023.
  • @norightturn7047
    The 90's was just a great time for music.  Just an explosion of talent.  So much honesty and emotion in a lot of the music.  So many artists did it because they had something they needed to express instead of trying to write a cool song to make a buck.  That emotion is the difference between good music and bad music.
  • @FransHattingh
    I'm crying reading some of the comments here describing their loss of loved ones. Parents, spouses, children... my heart goes out to each and every one of you.
  • I've loved this song the moment it came out. I'm 60 and still love it. For some reason it's had me bawling like a big baby today. Amazing song.
  • @laurenmarie8383
    One of my mom’s favorite songs. Passed away in 97’, two days after my 8th birthday. I miss you everyday, every minute, every second, all the time.