spot the introvert

Published 2023-09-09

All Comments (21)
  • @atticuskd
    cody describing extroverts like they’re energy vampires😭
  • @johnwilson5667
    It would have been great if they had brought in 7 introverts for this, who all think that they are the only one. So it’s just a bunch of introverts pretending to be extroverts.
  • @schmidty4938
    I worked customer service for 6 years as a hardcore introvert, but there's a difference between social anxiety, and being introverted. the people on the show seemed to pool them together
  • People seem to be confusing "extrovert" with hypetactivity and general immaturity and irritating behaviors.
  • @manicmoonpie
    weirdly comforting that cody is an introvert because he’s so confident and funny and all the things people generally assume only extroverts can be. makes me feel better as a lifelong introvert who was always made to feel bad about it
  • @MatthewMS.
    Cody’s preferred concert length is 20 min. He’s introverted.
  • @emergencyasmr
    Her offering to buy them lunch afterwards because she feels bad is such an introvert move lmao Edit: I don’t care if you can’t relate. I wrote how I personally related to the introvert in this video in a lighthearted comment lol. It resonated with a lot of us, and didn’t with others because nobody genuinely believes that every single introvert is the same. Quit yappin
  • @mondoclaus
    Zed seems like a super cool guy that would drain my energy like a psychic vampire in record time
  • @raybot2
    Cody should take the MBTI 16 personalities test and show us his results
  • @soundout4000
    Introverts recharge by themselves, extroverts recharge with other people. When I learned that I knew I was introverted even if I'm happy in social situations.
  • @plummyplumbus
    i’m socially awkward and don’t really hangout with people much so i’ve always thought i was an introvert but i’ve noticed after hanging out with someone i have much more energy and feel a lot better so i don’t think you have to be outgoing or good with people to be technically an extrovert
  • @Aaron-kj8dv
    Zed seems like the type of guy to rob a bank and when he's questioned by the cops to go "okay so you think I bought a fake badge and uniform from Amazon and learned Terry the security guards schedule and phone number and told him not to come in the day I was robbing it and then filled up my duffel bags and took the money home and buried under the biggest tree in my backyard?" and cops would be like "yeah we just asked where you were last Thursday"
  • @MayaDacre
    I prefer watching Cody‘s reaction videos than the actual videos themselves
  • @lilgigiii
    As an extremely outgoing and talkative introvert, I find it so frustrating that people assume introverts are weird and shy and hate people. I love people and being social, I just need my alone time after to decompress and get my energy back. UGH
  • @sarahg6551
    must be so difficult to accept your introvertedness at such an old age. proud of you cody
  • @BryceC88
    Anyone else love the fact that Cody identifies as an introvert. Then says Zed was for sure an extrovert because he DJ’s. But Cody is ALSO A DJ
  • @cakeacola9789
    My favorite thing about Odd one out is that they never fail to all say "I knew it" at the end, even when nobody mentioned it or voted on them
  • @WhereIsYourID
    They pick the absolute goofiest people for these videos every single time and im here for it
  • @langleymneely
    Funny enough as someone that trained to be an actor a lot of actors I know are actually introverted. It’s a stereotype that performers are inherently extroverted. Actors, particularly good ones that are natural chameleons excel at putting on different masks and personas to keep from being personally vulnerable. The entire question is a bit faulty because there are so many stereotypes that go into most people’s understanding of what extroverted or introverted really means?