Published 2022-04-09
Let's check with the help of a hydraulic press which ring is the strongest. Titanium, tungsten carbide, carbon fiber, steel

All Comments (21)
  • @AcAbook
    Recommendation: hydraulic press vs hydraulic press
  • @f4wnz132
    Fun fact: Tungsten rings are purposely given weak spots at 4 quadrants or 3 thirds, depending on size, so that if it gets stuck on your finger they can take it out. You can see how it shattered into 4 almost perfect quarters.
  • For anyone wondering as to why the soft brass shattered… brass becomes harder as it’s crystalline structure is crushed with pressure. It goes from soft and malleable to brittle and hard. Copper can do this as well but not to the same extent. Work hardening alloys are my favorites. Edit: My brain short circuited and I was saying bronze. I work with these metals on a semi-regular basis so I don't know what I was thinking. Sleep is important folks.
  • I remember first learning about the brittle nature of tungsten when learning how to weld with tungsten electrodes a decade ago. That was pretty annoying as a beginner, to have your electrode break and then have to go regrind the tungsten to a point while also trying to avoid breaking it while grinding it lol
  • @admiralkymia
    These videos always make me feel like I should be wearing safety glasses while watching.
  • @samimas4343
    Would like to see live temperature change of each metal during deformation with a temperature camera.
  • The one surprise to me was the tin. I alloy it with lead for bullet casting, so I know it's not particularly hard, but didn't realize it would become so plastic under extreme pressure. Very cool.
  • @boarderluki
    the carbon ring is a bike spacer, where the fibers are produced vertically and can hold a lot of pressure, horizontal they are rather weak
  • @harrykingiii134
    I love your channel I just wish you would have a summary page with a list or chart of the end results of all the tests!!
  • I’d love to see a heat map. As the materials bend and compress, they should produce heat. I’m curious if that heat would be concentrated at the failure points.
  • Elrond: The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Glóin, by any craft that we here possess. Gimli: Pulls out hydraulic press.
  • Haha don’t try this at home like everybody’s got a hydraulic press in their homes 😂😂😂
  • These test are brilliant, the understanding of the strengths and weakness of different types of materials. Awesome. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
  • @huiAPPOAJ
    why didn't frodo just compress the ring with hydraulic press so no one can put it on his finger?
  • @CAP198462
    “This ring cannot be destroyed by any craft that we here possess” Hydraulic press channel: 😆
  • @rbenne6
    The tin crushing was pretty cool. I assume the liquid coming out was molten tin since that particular metal has a relatively low melting point.
  • I found this strangely satisfying to watch, thnx :). Was shocked to see the bronze one break so intensely!
  • @markbaz4200
    They people from Ocean Gate needed to watch this video before making a submarine out of carbon fiber!