Chicken to Chickpeas: A 30-Day Experiment Changed my Life | Yami Cazorla Lancaster | TEDxYakimaSalon

Published 2019-04-11
NOTE FROM TED: While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach, please do not look to this talk for medical advice. We've flagged this talk for falling outside TEDx's curatorial guidelines. This talk only represents the speaker’s personal understanding of and experiences with plant-based diets. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here:…

Make the change and feel good doing it! A plant based diet is the answer to so many problems. Do it for your health, do it for the animals, do it for the planet! Dr. Yami is a board-certified pediatrician, a passionate promoter of healthy lifestyles, especially the power of plant-based diets for the prevention of chronic disease. To assist parents and other health care providers, she founded where she provides information on plant-based diets for children including recipes, videos and tips on nutrition and lifestyle. She is also the host of the podcast Veggie Doctor Radio.

She obtained a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Foundation in 2013. In addition, she is a certified Food for Life Instructor through the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and a Wellcoaches certified health and wellness coach. She has been teaching live cooking and nutrition classes since 2014.

She is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Dr. Yami owns Nourish Wellness, a pediatric practice and wellness center in Yakima, Washington. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • Vegan for over 25 years, after reading some of the books mentioned in this talk. I will never go back. The variety of plant foods and the world of wonderful food that opens up when you explore this way of eating, is impossible to describe to someone who has never considered it. We do what we learn as children, it takes a shift in perception to make this kind of decision, but so so worth it. And my daughters, and their children, are all varying degrees from vegan to vegetarian. And as a side note, I LOVE her dress!!!
  • @shenkh75
    As a physician, it's refreshing to hear other doctors talk about the power of nutrition to heal the body. Thank you Dr. Yami for sharing not just your professional wisdom but also your personal experience with plant-based eating.
  • @anitavirginillo
    I have been vegan for almost 12 years and it's still the best thing I've ever done!!!
  • For someone who isn't an animal person, you sure hit one out of the ballpark for them. Mad respect. Thank you.
  • @healthyvegcoach
    Excellent talk by a knowledgable pediatrician who sees on a daily basis how lifestyle can profoundly affect health. It’s about time someone spoke up on behalf of our younger generation, whose members are more overweight and sicker than any other generation before it. Our kids deserve better and parents deserve to be educated about the way their food choices influence their children’s health. Bravo, Dr. Yami; thank you for sharing, educating and inspiring and I hope that others like you will follow suit!
  • My Yakima, WA M.D. cardiologist's "Heart Healthy Diet" begins: "The closer to vegan, the better! Eat beans, not beef! Meat - Avoid!!! Vegetarians who didn't eat meat and fish had a 32% lower risk of coronary artery disease! If already have coronary artery disease, can increase the chances of making blockages disappear!..." Frankly, I am finding all kinds of plant-based alternatives to be very tasty and satisfying. It all begins with my choices...
  • @sadiejane3969
    As someone who’s struggled with insomnia all my life, since I’ve become plant based I sleep way better
  • @NYCButterfly24
    Thank you for speaking the truth to this audience. “First, do no harm.” This includes your own body, those of your family, and other sentient beings. You look amazing! I’ll bet you feel amazing, too.
  • @plwible
    Thank you Yami for speaking the truth so eloquently. Pamela Wible MD
  • @jackie3166
    Loved this! Thank you Yami! As a fellow pediatrician who’s studied nutrition extensively, I wholeheartedly agree. A plant based diet is not only safe for our kids, it gives them a foundation for lifelong health. I’ve been plant based myself for 7 years and my kids, age 3 and 5, have been plant based their entire lives and are thriving. I strongly recommend a plant based diet for all my patients. As she’s not just the best choice for their health, it’s the best choice for the health of the planet and the animals. A win, win, win!!! And by the’s also cheaper and easier 😉
  • @IRMN8ER
    Excellent presentation and so honored to have seen this in person! Dr. Yami is a very knowledgeable pediatrician who practices evidence based healthcare. She's my role model! As a pediatric healthcare provider I can also attest to the benefits plant based eating has done for my family and patients! Thank you for sharing!
  • @evalounsbury988
    I can't begin to explain how much Dr. Yami's mentoring has helped me in improving my overall health and wellness! Since starting my wellness mentoring journey with Dr. Yami, and transitioning to a fully plant based diet, I have read all kinds of other research and sought our other experts that also back-up what I have learned from her. So empowering! Taking my health back into my own hands, even when it goes against the norm in our society. I have seen and experienced it in my own life the positive changes that come from changing the way I eat. I've shared this Ted Talk with many others who are also working towards better overall health in their lives. Bravo, Dr. Yami. Thanks for all you do. You are so inspiring and encouraging.
  • @yrd814
    I fed my daughter whole milk after she turned 1 as per doctor's recommendations. She developed constipation, eczema, respiratory problems and trouble sleeping. Now she is 15, I became vegan 6 years ago to fight my Rheumatoid Arthritis. All my pain went away. As for my daughter, she is better, still has eczema, she can not commit to a plant based diet. Teach by example they say... hoping the day will come when she completely heals her skin.
  • @jdepalma1000
    As a fellow physician and member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, I have looked at much of the evidence behind a plant-based diet. Countless studies have shown that this diet can help prevent and even reverse many lifestyle-related diseases. Thank you, Dr. Yami, for presenting an excellent talk that adds to the work of so many other physicians like Dr. Barnard, Dr. Greger, and Dr. Esselstyn. As awareness increases for both medical providers and patients, we will hopefully be able to move this side effect-free medical intervention to the forefront of medical care.
  • Thank you. Excellent and scholarly talk in can use in teaching nutrition to medical students. Well done
  • @18Sparckle
    “Appropriately planned vegetarian diets including total vegetarian or vegan diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide benefits in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases...” -The American dietary association Thanks for spreading scientific truth! There are so many voices saying what they want about diet, I’m always inspired by and thankful for advice backed by evidence.
  • @healthyeats3181
    Love the honesty and wisdom of this presenter! So well done and so much truth to all the information presented! Amazing job Dr. Yami!
  • @ItWillRainXO
    There’s definitely research to support that a whole food plant based diet is healthy and can prevent and reverse chronic illness!! It has been miraculous in helping me with my illness and I didn’t have to treat it with medications because my symptoms were alleviated. Incredible talk and inspiration!!!
  • @missbobbysue
    Dr. Yami's enthusiasm for a healthier planet is contagious! I love that she's simply encouraging us to incorporate more plants into the human diet. It just makes sense and it's better for everyone on so many levels. Thank you for sharing your story and wisdom!
  • Most compelling communication skills backed with data, personal lessons, conviction. Thank you