Aang X Katara: Avatar's Biggest Mistake?

Published 2024-02-23

All Comments (21)
  • @Jonathan_Collins
    Proof that ATLA is 100% a cartoon. If it was an anime, Aang and Katara would've needed at least 10 seasons and a spin-off just to work up the courage to hold hands.
  • @jknetwork6211
    So we not gonna talk about Sokka’s game? Suki, Ty Lee, Yue and even Toph!? Aang was the avatar but Sokka was the rizz master
  • @sayo5885
    ''Young love is awkward, but you can do without making me long for death.'' lmao bro that burn was insane
  • @Casin
    Aang having a one-sided crush on her made sense when they didn't know each other very well yet. But she always seemed to treat him like a little brother. They could've let his crush die out as they became more of a family, and then not have either of them end up with anyone. There really didn't need to be end-game romance in a story about a 12-year old.
  • "I don't ship Kataang, but I don't ship Zutara either." You had my interest, but now you have my undivided attention.
  • @soundrogue4472
    The scene where he kisses her and she is saying, "I just said I was confused" a useful teaching scene, Aang wasn't rewarded but pushed away because of it.
  • @madmaster0015
    I thought the biggest mistake was having the conclusion to Zuko's mom subplot tied to a book and not in the actual show.
  • @mp.6058
    I just feel like Aang letting go of Katara during the ghuru Pathik arc would've been such a nice closure to Aang's crush arc. We spend the entire show watching Aang be obsessed with her, with no feelings on Katara's side whatsoever, on the other hand we're watching these characters grow and mature. Having Aang let go of her would've been such a nice conclusion to their relationship, and him realizing that it's just a childlike crush and their friend/familial love is more important (especially since she doesn't feel the same way) and him also becoming a fully-realized avatar.
  • @Jonathan_Collins
    If Katara would've healed Zuko's scar and Zuko would've joined the group earlier, he would've never said, "Hello, Zuko here."
  • @deva_69
    the only winning ship here is Sokka X Cactus Juice
  • @lasercraft32
    Katara and Aang's relationship feels like one of those awkward age-gap crushes... Not because there is an age-gap (they're only 2 years apart, which is basically nothing), but rather because there's a huge gap in maturity. Aang acts like the 12 year-old he is, but Katara acts a lot more grown-up (in large part because of the trauma of losing her mother). There's also the fact that they're minors, making their romance very awkward lol.
  • @katrrene
    "you're my forever girl" will haunt my dreams for the rest of my life
  • @pitpat6319
    Only SokkaxSuki vibed well for me. The diamond in the rough. Edited lol
  • @samkpam
    ironically sokka and suki were probably the best ship in the series and it partially had to do with how little screen time they had together but also how all their moments were obviously romantic and there was little to no will they wont they about it. Boiling Rock being probably their best moments and one of my favorite epsidoes of the series.
  • “I dont ship Kataang, but I dont shipr Zutara either. We are not the same.” As a casual Zutara shipper, I can respect that, sir 😂😂😂
  • @heiress.
    “Doesn’t play favorites, unless you’re his kids.” Damnnnn 💀💀
  • @pedanticat9479
    Katara x Aang is textbook definition of main boy x main girl must become a couple. I adore both characters and their friendship, but the romance is super bland with it feeling incredibly one-sided.
  • @vicefandonna1575
    Most of the Kataang problems would have been solved if there were a few moments where Katara just appreciates Aang. Like after Aang does something badass, or they're having an awesome fun time together, or of Aang went above and beyond to support/empower Katara, if Katara internally went Aang, huh *blush*, and then give Aang a second look (bonus points if Aang's oblivious), just more moments where its clear that the things she wants in a guy/relationship is something that Aang and their dynamic already checks boxes for... Honestly would've elevated the ship. Edit: My comment has raised quite some discussion, so I decided why not another take? I feel that if the writers had decided at the start of S3, that this was the season that Katara was going to fall in love with Aang then we probably would have gotten one of the best (strangers to) friends to lovers slowburns ever written. Furthermore I suggest it wouldn't even take all that much and require almost no changes. All that would be needed would be at least one scene that was focused on Katara as she argues to herself (or maybe to someone else) after the Fire Dance about whether what she feels for Aang is just as a friend or something more and then arguing to herself that the middle of the war and with Eclispse/Sozins's Comet coming up is really not the time to be thinking about this. It would even make Aang's kiss to Katara (you know that one) feel far less egregious and out of nowhere. It also would make the ship feel less like its Hero Saves The Day and Gets The Girl and more like these two who have been mutually supporting and uplifting each other in difficult times have built up a relationship that organically blossomed into a romantic one even if the romantic nature of their relationship developed individually at different speeds. Thoughts?