These Pokémon Evil Teams Make No Sense

Published 2024-03-19
There are plenty of areas in the Pokémon world that can make you hurt yourself in confusion if you think about it too hard, but the so-called Evil Teams would definitely fall into that category! Not every villainous organization NEEDS a specialty, but when they clearly lay out their goals and desires and then proceed to act in ways counter to those objectives it leaves you scratching your head, wondering how YOU'RE not in charge if the Team is that disjointed...

All Comments (21)
  • @Okamikurainya
    I believe Team Flare used ugly Pokémon to ensure that the trainer's beauty shines all the more. The Pokémon are but tools to them, as with all evil teams.
  • @domidoodleYT
    I always thought it was weird that Team Flare didn’t use more fire types for being SO fire themed
  • @hoangnampham4928
    The whole team magma and aqua failing to get their land or ocean type is like making them inferior to the “third team”
  • @k2basior
    The best idea around Team Plasma is giving 6 Sages Pokémon Team around the colors their names refer to.
  • @jamiek8123
    you know its interesting, team rocket uses a lot of poison types, while Giovanni uses a bunch of ground types with poison type in his Nidos, and what beats poison type? that's right ground, so it seems Giovanni did that be design to make sure his grunts stay in line, like his team is perfectly set up to beat up the grunts, seeing as his team is made up of ground, poison, and rock types, which beats up those Zubat, and other grunt mons with ease, his Nidos even have fighting coverage for those normal types, so his team is very much set up to keep the grunts in line as he can beat them with ease. so that's cool
  • @Frokken
    Team Skull were basically the rebels who went against the traditional beauty and ways of Alola. They didn't like how things were and didn't feel they belonged or felt they were wronged by society. That's how I always interpreted it. Most grunts and Plumeria uses Poison types. Guzma using Bug types to show off the "weakest" type and how scary it can be. I wouldn't look at a name like Team Skull and think Ghost types. I immediately think of edgy kids.
  • @rjd-kh8et
    Huntail and Gorebyss aren't used by any trainers in Gen 3, so it was a huge missed opportunity not making them the aces of Matt and Shelly respectively.
  • Given the direction they're going, it would be fun to see a plot where the "Evil Team" are actually the good guys. As in, not just misunderstood or misguided, but for once legitimately taking the correct course of action and your meddling actually did just make everything worse. In New Pokémon Snap, the ancient civilization used the power of a legendary and their 5 (6?) Totem/Noble Pokémon-like friends to stop a meteorite from destroying the region. If the "evil" team used a plot similar to that, then it would look like they were trying to capture a legendary Pokémon to power some sort of mysterious machine (basically like Galactic, Neo-Plasma, and Flare did), so they'd look like a box standard Evil Team. They'd try and stop you from meddling because, frankly, even if they were an Evil Team stopping them should not be the job of a random kid. But because the plot can't progress until you mess with them, you end up making everything worse, and the thing the "Evil" Team feared would happen begins to happen. ~~~ I don't know how an actual evil team would work anymore, as Neo-Team Plasma went about as far as I think the Pokémon Company is willing to go (frankly, bombing a city is actually a lot farther than I thought they were willing to go, but Ghetsis did it anyway), so any other Evil Team that's basically a terrorist group will always just seem like a step down. We've already done Gangs twice with Team Rocket and Team Skull, and doing it again would just be an unnecessary rehash. While conspiracy was more of Team Flare's thing, a bit more could be done with the concept. For example, actually showing that the Gym Leader's are members instead of merely implying it due to their inaction (not that Clemont willfully not checking on the Power Plant while trying to fix the power outage wasn't a really good bit of subtle detail). Maybe they could have the Gym Leaders actually be the admins. Particularly if the plans of the Evil Team is, like, cloning Pokémon to make them artificially stronger, so that it's a little bit unclear if the admins are actually the gym leaders themselves (and maybe some of them just aren't). That actually could be fun.
  • @cofagrigusfan24
    I feel like that the Aether Foundation should have been more clear in that their Ultra Wormhole research is more of a side project, formed from Lusamine's lost husband, that went out of hand while the caring for wild Pokémon is their main objective
  • we have not had the traditional evil team since Gen 6 and if you played those games, it is very easy to see why. Team Flare might just be the most derivative evil team to ever exist. It is just another evil team that wants to destroy the world only to remake it in their image like Team Aqua, Magma, and Galactic. However, those teams had games that fleshed them out plus being a novel approach in Magma's and Aqua's case. Team Flare just feels like it is going through the motions; having absolutely no qualities that make them stand out from the other evil teams before or after them. It is for this reason why I think it was best for Gamefreak to play around with the evil team formula ever since even if the teams are not as iconic. Because say what you will about recent "evil" teams, they are, at the very least, unique.
  • @birdofclay9581
    To me "Team Skull" doesn´t really imply a theme. It seems more likely that they chose the name to sound edgy.
  • @genkaiba15
    Also, for Galactic, Magnezone is a UFO. So...that's a thing they didn't do.
  • 9:02-9:08 Objection! I think it could have been amazing if Cassiopeia's Team is made of Eeveelutions of each Team Star Boss to represent it as a whole: Umbreon for Giacomo Flareon for Mela A new Poison Eeveelution for Sylveon for Ortega A new Fighting Eeveelution for Eri AND Another new Eeveelution to represent Cassiopeia herself (like with Dragon type) or a strong classic like Espeon.
  • @Articfoxgamez
    Penny easily could of used all the Eeveelutions if she had version exclusive teams. Umbreon and Leafeon in Scarlet and then Espeon and Glaceon in Violet.
  • @SilverSonic72
    I think it'd be kinda cool if there was an evil team that had the goal of raising the dead. Sympathetic villain as the boss, only doing all this out of the loneliness and heart-ache of losing their best friend. So they'd mostly use ghost-types. That might sound kinda morbid for a kids' game, but you've seen some of the pokedex entries. This wouldn't be the first time. There'd definitely be some way to make it work.
  • @MrSupersmash93
    You could argue that Team Flare are written as hypocrites which would explain they expose beauty yet their goals are ugly and evil.
  • @lee210294
    Unrelated, but i love watching your videos first thing in the morning after i wake up 😂❤ they cheer me up :D Thanks for another great video!
  • @TheSharkKing45
    In regards to the evil teams... I easily could see Skull, Star , Aqua, Magma, Macro Cosmos and Aether all having a great disgust towards the motives of Rocket/Neo Rocket/Rainbow Rocket , Plasma/Neo Plasma, Flare and Galactic.
  • In the anime, Team Aqua had many Crawdaunt though it did make me complain that the anime Team Magma didn't use any Fire or Ground Types such as Torkoal or Claydol.