I leveled Furina for maximum moist (Genshin Impact)

Published 2023-11-24

All Comments (21)
  • @billcosbee2057
    Furina is worth it. French Archon actually powercrept Xinqiu by having better legs.
  • @dagon7259
    As a non genshin player, i absolutely fell in love with furina's design. She just looks incredibly gorgeous and adorable at the same time. Her aesthetic is just perfect
  • @sennko7898
    Kage's worst enemy: reading Furina's C6
  • Damn. Furina Ascension Voicelines is so Adorable. The most Adorable thing in the game.
  • @ars-br1ms
    17:08 no, if you didn't unlock inazuma you'll be constantly getting hit by lightnings, and even if you manage to avoid them you'll get a fog flag like on tsurumi island and teleport back, it's possible to clear this flag with the trial domains but furina doesn't help with it at all, your skill will reset and you'll probably be teleported back again
  • @OverlordGab
    If you like Furina now, you'll absolutely love her once you play her quest 😏
  • @fradiavalo666
    I dunno why but Kage being amused by his running from China to Japan cracked me up🤣🤣
  • @ArchonKujo
    As a Charlie enjoyer, I do say that Furina is the most moist character we've gotten so far.
  • @kojiarts1732
    The glow on her hand is from Haran passive, it means it's maxed stacks! Furinas sig will glow with light or dark energy depending on her form
  • @katcrow
    Cant wait to hear you post archon quest my dude - it wrecked me lmao and I will go to war if anyone so much as hurts Furinas feelings ever again
  • the little blue lines that show up around her wrist sometimes is actually a haran thing rather than a furina thing, that means the sword has its full stacks
  • @Circl3s
    Imagine fighting the Narwhal without the banging OST. 💀
  • @ChurchoftheVindi
    Furina is not only best Archon but best Dehya buff! On my quest to c6 best girl (I have been saving since Dehya banner, and I didnt skip Dehya) I lost to Dehya twice. It was the best loss I could have gotten.
  • @hyungseek
    I just still can't accept that 0:20 's purple EXP marterial was just an paper, not an book. Just like The Berenstein Bears.. Makes me feeling really weired.
  • Furina best gurl indeed, she powercrept everything, even the freakin' Archon Quest......
  • Kage: I did not give you permission to give birth. That wasn't part of the Instruction manual. 😂😂
  • @vinny8589
    Jeikage tips on how to run Furina and team members that benefit her, 1. Hp at 40k min, it makes it easier to trigger the stacks for her burst dmg. 2. Having a 2nd healer rapidly adds stacks, Jean being the most dominant one thus far. 3. Summon her skill than burst, the reason is the skill's summoning delay animation. 4. Revives give you full stacks of Fanfare in Overworld. 5. I recommend giving her Festering Desire, the Fishing Pipe, Or an Hp% Sword Furina's entire kit scales on HP like Zhong-li, as that helps generate stacks. You want Crit rate more over dmg with Furina it effects her attack summons better. HP goblet is normally what I'd suggest but after seeing 23% on yours, I think your good there. So maybe ER? 6. Fanfare the amount of "Viewers/Audience" that appears within the screen indicates how close you are to full Fanfare or Max dmg with her burst. Bare in mind that your summons will Drain Party HP up to 50% than stop. While they do this, they'll convert said HP into bonus dmg, once it's all gone they do normal dmg no bonus until your party heals again. Thus WHY you want a healer like Jean. 7. Best Healing Units for Furina in order of use are Jean, Noelle, Baihju, Kokomi, Bennet, Yaoyao, & Barbara, I think Qiqi can work but I haven't tried. Noelle gets a significant buff to almost comical levels if you equip the new fontaine set that boosts Normal and skill dmg with DEF & ER stats. Her healing and dmg output skyrockets to Celestia. 8. bare in mind it is quite difficult to reach Max Fanfare stacks so don't be discouraged if your having an issue. Remember to have fun.
  • 4:17 "Tulpa is a concept originally from Tibetan Buddhism and found in later traditions of mysticism and the paranormal of a materialized being or thought-form, typically in human form that is created through spiritual practice and intense concentration." At least that what wikipedia has to say.