All Korsica cutscenes | Hi-Fi RUSH

Published 2023-02-16

All Comments (21)
  • @dillzilla4454
    Korsica is the only normal one in this series and i love it. from the deal with the coffee machine to her being the only character without cybernetics
  • @tenjenk
    the facial expressions and body language in the game is just done so well
  • @ead5070
    "Oy! OY!" "Did you fall asleep again?!" This implies that chai woke up for the smack in the head and fell asleep out of boredome "Am i in oath?"
  • @Jericoshost
    "Firmware update? Why does the coffee machine need a firmware update?" Because we live in a consumerist distopia trying to become a regular one Korsica
  • @Thagyr
    Her design is kinda brilliant. She never changed clothes switching sides rather her clothes were just torn up into her new look, and coupled with her new arms it changes her feel to match that of her new compatriots.
  • @AstroTime0713
    The only reason Korsica switched sides was because she got hit in the head so many times
  • @MasterYoshi473
    The password joke is so underrated. The fact it's established that, as the head of Security, Korsica memorized her password to avoid any security leaks and even sprawled around her level are messages on the sides of the walls saying "Reminder to change your login password every 48 minutes to avoid security leaks" just to be revealed at the end of the game, when Peppermint inputs all of the boss passwords, that her password was just "PASSWORD" sends me into fucking hysterics.
  • @Z.O.M.G
    I love how Korsica and Chai are the same height in the final cutscene, but she is like 2-3 inches taller in game. Tall Korsica is my headcannon
  • The joke of Korsica complaining about the coffee is one of my favorites, because it pulls double duty. It's funny in its own right, as a jab at modern "smart" tech, but it's also a brick joke set up like an hour in advance, because you can find that a robot in R&D intentionally pushed a firmware update to cause the coffee machines to put out decaf.
  • Finishing the game I realized why Korsica's bossfight is all confined to parrying her attacks. It would break continuity a bit too much if I summoned Korsica to stall Korsica.
  • @Asriel_Cypher
    It throws me off how she's both cute and cool at the same time... Like... Badass and at times really adorable. With her banter, her jokes and if you noticed, she was pulled really easily along with Chai. Like high-fiving and everything.
  • Are we actually giving them a moment, sir? This line most reasonable
  • @thetuerk
    17:10 that mail-list joke was magnificent, i wanna play this game SO BAD
  • @Kpsla
    While she's working for Vanderlay her portrait faces left, away from the rest of the shot. After she's laid off, her portrait faces right, towards the shot. There's a concept in cinematography that a subject facing the rest of the image has direction, we can see where the subject is going, and directs the focus to that spot, while facing off camera does the opposite respectively. Knowing this, we can interpret her portrait switching sides as her finding focus and direction, but it can also be a pun on "switching to the right side."
  • This game is incredible! The end didnt even comment on the "5 ways to make your boss like you tab" also the other performers listed on the poster are perfect, include a "guy who plays bongos"
  • @madeinkz7059
    I think the fanbase of this game is very... talented... in drawing.