LEG Training for Mass - Killer Workout for Quads & Hams

Published 2017-11-26
Killer Leg Workout - The 4 Best Muscle Building Exercises That You Can Do To Build Mass In The Quadriceps and Hamstrings.

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Leg Day is probably the most dreaded bodybuilding workout that you can do. But it's also one of the most productive training days for developing a lean muscular physique.

In this leg workout we're going to get back to the basics with 4 killer exercises that will stimulate muscle growth in the quads, hams, and glutes.

The first exercise is Barbell Squats...

Start off light and do as many progressively heavier warm up sets as you feel you need to work up to your top heavy working weight.

Once you're at your top working weight, do 2-3 heavy sets, training hard, but still lifting within your means. I recommend that you stop your sets at least 1 rep shy of failure. By doing this you'll stimulate muscle growth while minimizing your risk of getting injured.

The second exercise is Leg Extensions...

This is a good isolation movement for the quadriceps. You can safely push yourself to failure and beyond with machine exercises like this. Make sure to use good form and try to avoid swinging and using momentum to get the weight up. Once you hit momentary muscular failure you can continue on with partial reps and/or rest pause reps if you like to stimulate maximum muscle growth in the quads.

The third exercise is Leg Curls...

This is a good isolation movement for the hamstrings. Again, you can safely push yourself to failure and beyond with this exercise. Keep the weight under control at all times and really focus on feeling the hamstrings squeeze and contract with each rep. Once you hit failure you can extend the set with partial reps and/or rest pause reps to ensure maximum muscle stimulation in the hams.

The forth exercise is Leg Press...

This is a big compound exercise that will work the entire lower body. When you save leg presses for the end of your leg workout you can get a lot more muscle activation without having to lift excessively heavy weight and risking injury. Keep the weight under control at all times and you can extend the set with partial reps and/or rest pause reps to really pump up your legs.

Full Leg Training Workout:
Squats - 3 sets of 5-10 reps

Leg Extensions - 1-2 sets of 15+ reps (PLUS partials and rest pause reps)

Leg Curls - 1-2 sets of 15+ reps (PLUS partials and rest pause reps)

Leg Press - 1-2 sets of 15+ reps (PLUS partials and rest pause reps)

All Comments (21)
  • @bentmercer
    this guy is pure old school basic bodybuilding, great channel
    "Lift for how your feel that day" "don't rep out to failure...risk to reward" Great advice especially for us intermediates. Thank you again and thank you for emphasizing the safety of lifiting.
  • Hi Lee, really good to see the rest-and-go-again intensity technique talked about (or whatever it's called!), I sometimes do that myself and you're right it's interesting how quickly the muscles recover to be able to push out another few reps and get that burn. Also good to hear injury prevention talked about. As for my own leg training, I've moved away from really intense 'leg days' and prefer to mix legs in on my push/pull split and train legs at least twice a week. I find the higher frequency and slightly less intense better for various reasons, and also don't have a day or two where day to day life is hindered by sore legs. Also I think doing some unilateral work is very important, especially for anyone doing sports such as running. Lastly do you train calves on a separate day, or perhaps not at all since you have monster calves anyway?!
  • @aideningram4077
    Cheers Lee just completed this leg workout. My legs feel like jelly. Especially after the 10min of steps.
  • @Kevin.Andrews
    Great video. Very helpful. How many sets for each exercise would you do? Also, would it be acceptable to do calves on leg day too?
  • Hey Lee. How goes? It's been about two two years since I last did your bulking program. So I'm going to give it another go starting today. Ironically enough, I use it for weight loss and it works great. Of all the 12 week programs I've tried, that one is still my favorite.
  • @mcgaggero
    Always very good, Lee! I like to crank the leg extensions before the squats (or the press) like a pre-exhaustion, the one that Mike Mentzer liked. What do you think of it? Thanks!
  • @tmoneyirl
    Good video! Gonna try this workout tomorrow morning and see how it goes, what time do you train at? Nice empty gym haha
  • @iamcanadian4584
    Good video lee. Stuck at 500lb squat and 27" quads. Hows a guy to increase quad/thigh size by another inch or two and not getting fatter on legs.
  • @TheFineolase
    Would hex bar deadlifts be a good substitute for leg press ? Should I use the high handles?
  • Hey Lee hayward i am a big fan and i really like you answar my questions. My question is that when i Do cables on chest i have never done it Maybe Once Or twice. But when i Do it i Can feel it more on my biceps Why?