A Deal With The Devil

Published 2023-08-24

All Comments (20)
  • @user-pk1ql4mp5b
    Some day I might share my testimony. I was a practicing pagan for twenty years and God saved me from that and multiple suicide attempts and here I am alive and working for the true King of Kings Jesus Christ
  • @stevelang26
    Jesus is the only way to God. Love Jesus Christ with all your heart and soul
  • @Calle_family
    There was a time in my late 20s i was far away from God. I had a nightmare one night where the Enemy came to me disguised as my father. At the time my father was alive. In the dream he offered me a bottle of water. I accepted it and he said with that bottle i actually sold myself to the devil. Before i woke up he said Satan comes in many forms. I woke up startled upset i had accepted that bottle of water. I was truly convinced i was doomed and how could I have been so weak. I started praying night and day asking God to forgive me. During a period of a few months I experienced sleep paralysis and like something was pushing down on my chest. Well at that point i was determined to get rid of this evil that had entered my life through a nightmare. One night before going to bed i was sitting in front of my Sacred Heart of Jesus statue praying and crying to Jesus to protect me and forgive me and to rid me of the attacks. I remember crying and praying from the depth of my heart. Well i went to bed and had a dream. I dreamed i was in my room and i turned to look at the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue it was enormous it almosr touched my ceiling. As I was looking at the statue i thought wow i don't remember it being this big. As I was staring at the statue and had this thought i started to feel large waves of love, peace, ecstasy. The love that came from that statue was all consuuming, all encompassing love. It was a love I've never ever experienced on Earth. I heard His voice it was Jesus he said I am the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the Father except through me. After this my dream with Jesus continued in my garage. He appeared to me in my dream in the garage. He told me to surrender to Him and to let him take the wheels of my life and let him drive. After that dream i was truly set free. No more attacks just peaceful rest. Forrwsrd to today 50 year old now and growing closer day by day to God and trying to always give him control. That is a daily task that i continue to practice.
  • @lovejoy1738
    Wow dave!!!! I was living in Mission Viejo too and traveling to Hollywood.... I also refused the deal. I had zero interest in being one of their slaves!!! I would rather walk in the desert with Jesus and inherit the kingdom than the red carpet with Satan.... Thank You Jesus!!!
  • I had an audible voice come to me in Minneapolis Minnesota when I was in a band that said “I will give you whatever you want, sex drugs and rock n roll”. The voice was so loud and clear that I told my friend who was sitting near me exactly what I heard. My friend replied “you know you want it”. It was not long after that Jesus came to me two times in a very powerful way.
  • @Hispandinavian
    When I was 14 I wondered if I could sell my soul to become a rock star. 2 weeks later I got saved.
  • @Light2cyberworld
    I hate that devil. To the core of my soul the lying thief. The devil is a liar, hater, evil. Thank Yeshua protected you.
  • One thing I know about brother Dave is that he tells the truth. ALWAYS. He is a true brother in the body of Jesus Christ. A true child of God. 🙂🙏♥️👍
  • @Oldsoulmelvin
    I’m new to this channel and I wanted to be a famous actor . This is how I thought I would receive love from others . I don’t know how but today I got a vision formed in a question from my higher power asking me “do you think the love of the world is more important than the way I love you? “ this shook me to the core that this showed up for him to confirm and I choose him over and over again. TY for this video , the prayer , this truly was confirmation.
  • @kirkboswell2575
    When I was in college, I was in the habit of going to a campus building owned by the Catholic church (advertised as interdenominational). I was able to study and get some quiet time there. One day, after a short hiatus (college life gets busy), I walked through the entrance doors and as soon as my foot touched the floor I felt a solid wave of evil hit me. Don't know how to describe it any better than that. As I backed out I remembered the verse that said "wipe the dust from your feet, and leave". I did exactly that. Don't know what happened after that because I never went back, but it was such a sudden change of atmosphere that I always thought they got a new building administrator or a new priest. The point of me telling this story is that we CAN INDEED feel evil if we are Christians.
  • @Notacessasionist
    A lyric from the song Highway to Hell is. Im going down, party time, my friends are going to be there too! Such deception!
  • Mark 8:36 NKJV 🔴 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?
  • @rockinmama007
    Jesus saved me so much I can’t deny his love anymore
  • I am Redeemed, praise God, after several decades of rebellion. God called me back. Jesus left the 99 to rescue me from my flesh. I am so thankful. Being a Christian doesn't mean being perfect. We still live in this fallen world, and I still have a sin nature I was born with, but I am no longer a slave to sin. I wasn't really sure how to be a Christian at first, but Christ has sent His Holy Spirit to change our sinful habits. He leads the way. Seek HIM aHE will respond.
  • @lauren.b92
    That prayer was amazing. I definitely needed it. I'm in tears. ❤
  • @QueenSchatz
    I wish I was brave enough to share my testimony involving Hollywood. But everyone please believe the people exposing the evils of Hollywood! They are telling the truth. If there's anyone else who's had a similar experience, I'd LOVE to connect!
  • Wow, Dave.. great testimony. I've accepted God since around age of 3, and was baptized at 10. But for anyone who thinks that's all their is to it, is badly mistaken. I was traumatized my whole life, first in my health, but by family and schoolmates and staff too. I was never shown at that young age, that we must study to find out what God's will is, learn it, so we know how to stay in His protection. Had I known that, my life may have been a bit more bearable.
  • @GTX1123
    I believe we're going to hear more and more testimonies like Dave's in the coming months / yrs. This type of demonic enticement goes on with those trying to break into stardom and fame far more often than we realize. But God has His trophies of grace, snatched out of the devil's grasp...
  • @fasthackm
    I'm 52 Dave ! After I was discharged from the USAF, I WENT BACK TO NEW MEXICO ! I knew my Lord Jesus, but chose to backslide. I became mentally/physically ill, almost died in 2019, right now I'm listening to you. I'm BLOWN A W A Y 🤣