NEW Imaginarium Theater Full Run Hard Mode | Genshin Impact 4.7

Published 2024-07-01

All Comments (16)
  • @theianeia
    This mode is too easy for any endgame players that even remotely cares about building their characters, while new players just won't have enough characters to even play it. It's just enough for both type of players to not enjoy it, truly peak game design.
  • I hope they keep going with this. Next dead patch will be 5.3 and I pray they have a new game mode planned for that ❤
  • New / Casual players with all not fully-built chars and less experienced in combat : find this hard and restrictive Causals / more hardcore players with around 3 fully built chars: can cheese this easily Dolphins / Whales: extremely easy as always + majority of players seem to not like the rng system and being forced to use different chars in some weird team comps. Although personally I am fine with it and it makes me discover some cool rotations Conclusion: hard time finding balance between new / super causal players and more hardcore players. Feel like they tried balancing but still failed. Hoping they will release another endgame during v5. Imo, I feel like it will be interesting to add an extremely hard gamemode - but comes with the option to co-op, so new / causals can seek help from it while more hardcore players can challenge it solo
  • @rupert1155
    People be like "Be creative!". Ugh, what's so creative about having to be forced to play 4 characters with multiple on-field DPS at the same time?
  • @kafkawanter.
    So now i have to build all characters? I dont even finished building eula alhaitham etcc
  • @NATALiSA155
    Honestly this is even easier than spiral abyss, but the gap is in this event u may have more builded character
  • @gigivale5530
    I want to do hard mode, but it says I need 18 characters to do so. I’m not sure how to add more characters or what I’m doing wrong. Pls help!!!
  • I couldnt get into act 4, they just say I completed act 3 and kick me out
  • @archzillla
    I still don't get who this mode is supposed to appeal to. New players won't have enough char to do it, and old players will faceroll it with 1-2 well built char per team and a couple throwaway char from the RNG. In exchange we lost a real abyss reset, great. Oh and the buffs are global for some reason making regular abyss even easier for some characters, and when they inevitably ramp up abyss difficulty to compensate it'll make other teams struggle. Even greater.
  • @wamhu
    this mode too rough for content creators until they make it harder lol
  • @FebreGundam
    This is probably the worst endgame content they could've added, so congrats to them, I guess
  • @Eyeyorot
    This is one of the worst end game genshin could introduce. It is boring and not flexible by too restricted. Bro I'm not borrowing anyone characters to play a content. Can't believe people on reddit was hyping up this
  • @sadmoob3975
    It took years to get new endgame content and this is what they came up with? Yikes...
  • it’s just dumb and disappointing, imagine rerolling for gruper in monolith defence, it’s not even hard it’s annoying, the teams you end up with are not even real teams and yes if you don’t have enought characters your cooked ( wtf is up with must have all 4 characters) imagine if hydro was there there is like only 3 4 stars characters in that element Barbara xingqiu Candice , and most people have only xingqiu build and rest are 5 stars you not ony need decent build characters but a lot of build characters and even if I don’t have problem with that people who are not playing since beginning are cooked again , and any f2p with not so much 5 stars. In my opinion this can’t be called endgame, even abyss is less luck and more skill dependent, and that is saying something. Plus what the fu*k is with elemental rasizm like this game is about reactions what’s the point of excluding half the reactions every month. Plus the audience of this bs of a endgame content just got halfed from people who can even 36 star abyss. Some people enjoy minmaxing that’s their main way of enjoying the game it was enought so far but now if they want to clear all endgame they can’t anymore and that’s why it sucks. Plus players build mostly for meta or characters they like and for this sh*t you need to pull even more and for characters you might not even like or that are not even that good like tf is that , that’s not even endgame that’s just a greasy greedy money grab with lowering abyss reset.